
What is the purpose of colons within Redis keys.

Hey, I'm learning how to use Redis for a project of mine. One thing I haven't got my head around is what exactly the colons are used for in the names of keys. I have seen names of key such as these: users:bob color:blue item:bag Does the colon separate keys into categories and make finding the keys faster? If so can you use multiple...

Why is Objective-C converting JSON values to a hash of ASCII character codes?

We are building an iPhone chat application. When sending from the browser to the iPhone a JSON chat message: {"content":"Hi"} The iPhone receives: {"content":{"0":72,"1":105,"length":2}} But, we intend for it to receive the same exact message. To reproduce this issue, first install node.js & redis. Then: Get the code: ...

Embeddable open-source key-value storage with liberal license

Is there any open-source document-oriented key-value map/reduce storage that: is easily embeddable (Yes, it is possible to embed, let's say CouchDB, but it might be a pain to take the whole erlang machine onboard and I just don't feel good about it bounded on some port when my app is running) does not keep the whole map in RAM (Hello, ...

is there any php redis client support persistent connection?

As the title, I'm looking for a php Redis client that support persistent connection, because my web application receives a lot of requests(each request, it'll put an item in to Redis queue) and I want to avoid create new connection every request. ...

How to shard existing key-value storage?

Hello, Let's suppose that we have 3Gb key-value storage on server A. I'm starting to feel that we need another server (server B). So, I have to separate server A data over shards (server A, server B), but... All keys on server A currently represented as is (for example, comment_ids:user_id:10). Question #1: What is the best practice to...

Having trouble setting up Redis for ruby.

I am trying to play with redis on my Ubuntu machine and my little script doesn't work. I have installed redis gem and tried this little script (I know its pretty small) require 'redis' redis = I get this error : ./redis.rb:4: uninitialized constant Redis (NameError) from redis.rb:2:in `require' from redis.rb:2 when I com...

Can redis fully replace mysql?

Simple question, could I conceivably use redis instead of mysql for all sorts of web applications: social networks, geo-location services etc? ...

Real world examples of NOSQL DBs (redis, mongodb, couchdb)

If You would be Facebook, what nosql db would you use and to do what? I mean the real use cases where a NOSQL makes really an advantage ...

RuntimeError: -ERR Unknown Command running redis gem on Ruby

The environment: Ubuntu 9.10 (run within VirtualBox) Ruby v1.8.7 Redis gem v2.0.6 On irb, when I try to initialize Redis I get a RuntimeError. Here's a snippet: irb(main):001:0> require 'rubygems' => true irb(main):002:0> require 'redis' WARNING: using the built-in Timeout class which is known to have issues when used for openi...

Redis: weird protocol/network errors

I'm running Redis and connecting from Ruby using ezmobius's Redis gem[1]. Periodically (about once a day) I get a series of exceptions in my Rails app caused by Redis returning strange results. They are often triggered by an exception such at this: Redis::ProtocolError: Protocol error, got '3' as initial reply byte ...

Which database for chat logging?

I'm implementing a chat system. What kind of database I should use for logging chat messages? I need to do some queries to it. For example "give me all the links from user x between these dates" I've heard some good things about MongoDB for this kind of stuff. How about other NoSQL solutions? Redis? Cassandra? How about old SQL solut...

Redis Database Dumps in a Web Interface?

Is there a utility out there that prettyfies entire redis databases? I'd like to see everything in there in a formatted view. I can write my own, I just didn't want to reinvent the wheel. ...

Is key-value store database a good option for full-text search storage?

Hi all, Would it be a good option to use key-value store database like cassandra and riak for storing your texts, which will be used for full-text search? If it is not recommendable, what are the reason for not going this path? Anybody has any experience on using key-value store for full-text search store? Thanks for sharing. ...

Would there be any benefit to using redis/nosql over postgres for my bug tracking application?

I'm making a site to document browser bugs where users can submit a bug and users can submit solutions/workarounds to these bugs. I'll have stuff like: screenshots of bugs browser rendering engines browsers tags for each bug bug categories ( css, html, js ) solutions per bug which include code snippets usual date/time, author, date mod...

Dumping all key/value pairs in a Redis db

I'm using an ORM called Ohm in Ruby that works on top of Redis and am curious to find out how the data is actually stored. I was wondering if there is way to list all the keys/values in a Redis db. Any lead will go a long way in helping me out (I'm basically stuck atm). Thanks in advance! Update: A note for others trying this out using...

How can I use redis with Django?

I've heard of redis-cache but how exactly does it work? Is it used as a layer between django and my rdbms, by caching the rdbms queries somehow? Or is it supposed to be used directly as the database? Which I doubt, since that github page doesn't cover any login details, no setup.. just tells you to set some config property. ...

Querying in redis

Recently I am learning redis and honestly very impressed and dying to use it. One of the things that keep bothering me is "how do I query redis". To be specific I am trying to resolve following Say I have a millions of hashes stored as below usage:1 = {created: 20100521, quantity:9, resource:1033, user:1842, ...} usage:2 = {created: 20...

VC++ CRT Redist problem

Hi, I've developed a 64 bit dll using C++ and Visual Studio 2008 and i'm trying to register it on a target machine using 'regsvr32.exe'. I've checked the manifest file and it clearly states what version of CRT is needed: <assemblyIdentity type='win32' name='Microsoft.VC90.CRT' version='9.0.21022.8' processorArchitecture='amd64' public...

how to reduce the waiting time for connection ?

simple script for connect server: #include "hiredis.h" int main(void) { int fd; unsigned int j; redisReply *reply; reply = redisConnect(&fd, "", 6379); if (reply != NULL) { printf("Connection error: %s", reply->reply); exit(1); } reply = redisCommand(fd,"PING"); printf("PONG: %s...

Suggestions for a database with good support for set operations

I'm looking for a database with good support for set operations (more specifically: unions). What I want is something that can store sets of short strings and calculate the union of such sets. For example, I want to add A, B, and C to a set, then D, and A to another and then get the cardinality of the union of those sets (4), but scale...