
redis timeout with predis

Hello, I'm using redis with php (predis at and am experiencing frequent timeout. The stack trace shows: [04-Apr-2010 03:39:50] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Predis_ClientException' with message 'Connection timed out' in redis.php:697 Stack trace: #0 redis.php(757): Predis_Connection->connect() #1 r...

Daily, Weekly and Monthly Page View Counter

I'm building a website with user generated content. On the home page I want to show a list of all created items, and I want to be able to sort them by a view counter. That's sound easy, but I want multiple counters. I want to know which was the most visited item in the last day, last week or last months or overall. My first Idea was to ...

What happens to a Redis data store if the data exceeds available ram?

What happens to a Redis data store if the data exceeds available ram? ...

Name my class: Pipelined cache? AntiSymetricPipelineCache?

Having trouble coming up with the right name for this class. Basically its a wrapper around a redis data store where writes are "fired off" asynchronously and performed on another thread (to keep the main processing behavior as fast as possible). There are only occasional Get operations and before we can run those we need to make sure th...

2 approaches for tracking online users with Redis. Which one is faster?

Recently I found an nice blog post presenting 2 approaches for tracking online users of a web site with the help of Redis. 1) Smart-keys and setting their expiration 2) Set-s and intersects

Is memcached a dinosaur in comparison to Redis?

Hi everyone, I have worked quite a bit with memcached the last weeks and just found out about Redis. When I read this part of their readme, I suddenly got a warm, cozy feeling in my stomach: Redis can be used as a memcached on steroids because is as fast as memcached but with a number of features more. Like memcached, Redis al...

Scalability design question - master/slave databases

Hi! I just finished a database layer based on redis that offers to select between multiple databases, but I have no experience by myself on what should be common sense to do. Reliability is my biggest focus. How is writes and reads commonly organised in applications where both a slave and a master database is available? How do the big...

Can i connect Redis directly in Javascript?

ditto, i take a tour of Node.js, another way? ...

what is REPL and how/when comes into play?

Reading a post about redis I saw this word: REPL. Can someone tell me what It is and how It comes into play during programming maybe adding some simple practical example or scenario? ...

How to know if key set to be expired or not in Redis?

Hello, As far as Redis do not allow to reSet expire date to key (because of nans with replication) I'd like to know is there any method to check if key set to be expired or not? Thank you ...

Resque Runtime Error at /workers: wrong number of arguments for 'exists' command

I'm having a runtime errror when i'm looking at the "workers" tab on resque-web (localhost). Everything else works. Edit: when this error occurs, i also have some (3 or 4) unknown workers 'not working'. I think they are responsible for the error but i don't understand how they got here. It only happens when i start the workers from God ...

Looking for: nosql (redis/mongodb) based event logging for Django

I'm looking for a flexible event logging platform to store both pre-defined (username, ip address) and non-pre-defined (can be generated as needed by any piece of code) events for Django. I'm currently doing some of this with log files, but it ends up requiring various analysis scripts and ends up in a DB anyway, so I'm considering throw...

Any non-rails ruby forum application out there?

I have a rather complete application based on sinatra. I feel in need for an easy to integrate forum module (code, extension, etc.). Running a parallel Rails application is not an option on my tiny VPS plan (I even use redis to keep a small footprint). A sinatra based forum would be great news. Thanks ...

relating data stored in NoSQL DB to data stored in SQL DB

Whats the best way to use a SQL DB along side a NoSQL DB? I want to keep my users and other data in postgres but have some data that would be better suited for a NoSQL DB like redis. I see a lot of talk about switching to NoSQL but little talk on integrating it with existing systems. I think it would be foolish to throw the baby ou...

MongoDB vs. Redis vs. Cassandra for a fast-write, temporary row storage solution

Hi there, I'm building a system that tracks and verifies ad impressions and clicks. This means that there are a lot of insert commands (about 90/second average, peaking at 250) and some read operations, but the focus is on performance and making it blazing-fast. The system is currently on MongoDB, but I've been introduced to Cassandra ...

Developing a high-performance, scalable Comet application

Well, the title says most of it. I'm looking to develop a chat application that will hopefully become something more, and currently I'm considering my options for what I should build it on top of. I've taken a look at Tornado with Redis as my primary option - Tornado, being a Comet server, is perfect for long polling to retrieve the mes...

Best Redis library for Java

The official Redis homepage lists JDBC-Redis and JRedis. What are the advantages / disadvantages of each ? Are there any other options ? ...

JRedisFuture stability

I'm using the synchronous implementation of JRedis, but I'm planning to switch to the asynchronous way to communicate with the redis server. But before that I would like to ask the community whether the JRedisFuture implementation of alphazero's jredis is stable enough for production use or not? Is there anybody out there who is using ...

redis: Handling failover?

Hi everybody, Redis really seems like a great product with the built in replication and the amazing speed. After testing it out, it feels definitely like the 2010 replacement of memcached. However, since when normally using memcached, a consistent hashing is being used to evenly spread out the data across the servers in a pool. If one ...

Blocking list operations in JRedis

Does JRedis support the blocking list operations (BRPOP and/or BLPOP) ? I have a simple producer / consumer setup using a Redis list as a queue, and I would like to avoid polling the queue... I'm using Redis 1.3.14 (a.k.a. 2.0.0 RC1) and I tried both jredis 1.0 RC1 and the latest from the git master branch. ...