
Resque Scheduler on Heroku... Do it remotely ?

Hi! I'm adding Resque-Scheduler in my app on Heroku So... I need ONE alone and distinct worker acting as the scheduler and many doing the jobs. This is how I've done it : I've a distinct Heroku App which does nothing but has 1 resque-scheduler worker, running 24/7, adding Resque tasks to the Redis DB of the "distant" main App. (I do t...

Redis Swapping?

based on this screen shot: does redis need twice the memory I actually think it does? I believe it spawns another process to save to disk, does that mean it actually copies the memory and I should always assume if I have 16 gigs of ram 8 is the max for a single redis process? ...

Tornado Session in Redis

Hello, I am writing a lightweight Tornado based comet server. I would like to store the "self" object in redis to maintain the state.. Will this work? For a start, i cant even serialize self to be stored in Redis.. This is the error File "", line 27, in get this = cPickle.dumps(self,1) File "/home/test/lib/pyth...

what type of connect better use for redis ?

I want to use redis in my server application ( c module for nginx ) - ( check variable from redis for each request ). what should I use type of connection ( keep alive or separate connection for each request ( connect, do, close ) ) to redis ( I plan to use credis for connect to redis )? I use 2 servers. ...

JavaScript Design Patterns -- Dealing With Unwanted Asynchrony

I'm pretty new to event-based programming (using node.js). I believe that there's something I'm just not grokking about it, because there's a particular problem that I keep coming across again and again and again. In short, that problem is dealing with asynchronicity when it seems to be getting in your way. This most often manifests it...

redis for mvc, client options?

I am considering using redis for mvc application, there is no question about production viability of redis itself, i think it's battle tested. But there is no mention of it anywhere in .net world, only client i can find is from redis site is servicestackredis for c#. So question is have you used redis for .net application? Is s...

Document vs key-value databases?

Possible Duplicate: Difference between Document-based and Key/Value-based databases? What are the pros and cons of document (mongodb/couchdb) and key-value (riak/redis) databases? Aren't document databases more powerful than simple key-value databases? Why would I use for example riak over couchdb that seems more powerful? ...

Spring framework + NoSQL

Hey folks, It's already 18 hours that i'm playing with Spring framework. It's beautiful, really amazing. As far as i can see spring knows how to work rdbms databases . Can anyone tell me about experience of spring + NoSQL ( cassandra , couchdb\mongodb, redis or even HBase ) ? thanks ...

confused, is redis a in-memory only store that also rights to disk for backup/restore?

confused, is redis a in-memory only store that also rights to disk for backup/restore? if so, how long does a 16GB db take to write and read back to memory? ...

Redis and PHP (Rediska) intersect on set

Hey guys, I'm trying to do some tricks with a graph (node/edges) dataset. In this case a set of data where person x follows person y (direct relation). I want to load this data (from a mysql table) into redis (have it running). I've chosen to use Rediska because I use PHP and it seems stable. Rediska has very limited documentation an...

Connector between node.js and Scala (Java)

What is the best way of integrating node.js with Scala (Java)? The simplest way I see so far is using Redis PubSub as a mediator, with node.js server handling HTTP requests and publishing messages to the request channel (via redis-node-client), and Scala actors (e.g. Akka Redis PubSub integration) subscribed the request channel and publi...

Redis Track Hits

Hi, I have a simple daily hit counter on my site that I want to use Redis as the datastore for. Simply because redis has an expire, I dont have to set up a cron to clear the data down. Plus I want to try it out. I store daily hits on a URL basis. How can I store the daily hits for a url then have them expire at the end of the day. ...

PHP: redis, predis vs. MySQL

I've been looking at Redis. It looks very interesting. But from a practical perspective, in what cases would it be better to use Redis over MySQL? ...

Large numbers of TIME_WAIT socket connections running Redis

We're using Redis for monitoring on a high traffic web application. The app is written in c and uses the credis client library. We're seeing enormous numbers of TIME_WAIT connections left over from our communications with Redis: $ netstat -a | grep 6379 | grep TIME_WAIT | wc -l 15865 Any idea what's going on here? " rh = credis_...

How to atomically delete keys matching a pattern with Redis

A basic question. Maybe I'm just doing this wrong. In my Redis DB I have a number of "prefix:" hashes. Sometimes I want to purge them all atomically. How to do this without using some distributed locking mechanism? ...

What is best practice for list and set handling in Redis?

Hi, We are using Redis as a caching server, and often have to deal with caching list. When we cache simple objects we do a GET and Redis will return null if the object doesn't exist and we'll know that the object isn't cached and have to be loaded from database. But how do we best handle the same for lists - an empty list can be a vali...