
Should a referencing column be restricted to a single table?

I'm working on a project, and we've been creating tables that store references as a combination of two columns. An example: we have an 'alerts' table, that is used to deliver information to the user. An alert can refer to a number of different things, you can be alerted about a new message, or if another user has mentioned you. Thes...

Node Reference to Table in Drupal

I have Drupal with CCK, I have a content type named Article. This Article has 5 Node references. I'm using the table field in CCK and I'm trying to connect it to the references, so each article [that holds a table field] would have a table with 5 columns, one for each product and content that can change according to what the user w...

Is it wrong to dereference a pointer to get a reference?

I'd much prefer to use references everywhere but the moment you use an STL container you have to use pointers unless you really want to pass complex types by value. And I feel dirty converting back to a reference, it just seems wrong. Is it? To clarify... MyType *pObj = ... MyType &obj = *pObj; Isn't this 'dirty', since you can (eve...

What's inside a reference varible in Java?

We know that the object reference variable holds bits that represent a way to access an object. It doesn't hold the object itself, but it holds something like a pointer or an address. I was going through the Head-First Java (2nd edition) book and in the book it is written that "In Java we don't really know what is inside a refere...

A reference to the dll could not be added

When i add a .dll file as a reference in C# application it shows an error : A reference to the "....dll" could not be added.Please make sure that the file is accessible and that it is a valid assembly or COM component. ILDissassembler says there is no valid CLR header so I try to register it using regsvr32 and that gives me another erro...

In Ruby, can I make a reference to an array offset?

In Ruby, can I do something C-like, like this (with my made-up operator '&'): a = [1,2,3,4] and b = &a[2], b => [3,4], and if I set b[0] = 99, a => [1,2,-9,4]? If the elements of an array are integers, does Ruby necessary store them consecutively in a contiguous part of memory? I'm guessing "no", that only addresses are stored, intege...

Project reference path in source control?

Hi all, during development of our application we use a branching structure and while we are developing another team is using earlier builds of our software to create content with it. To facilitate easy swapping between builds and teams I was hoping to use empty Hintpaths in the content projects' csproj files so that they can use our GA...

Copying of depended-upon dlls in Visual Studio

In my solution, I have a Windows Service called MuskOx. MuskOx has a project reference to a class library called MuskOx.Errands. MuskOx.Errands has project references to class libraries called Kctc.BusinessLayer and Kctc.NHiberate. When I build MuskOx, its output folder gets Kctc.BusinessLayer.dll but not Kctc.NHibernate.dll. This is...

Service References vs Assemblies References, using WCF Services

I have a WCF Service (with servicecontracts, datacontracts, etc) , like this: [ServiceContract(Namespace = "")] public interface IService { [OperationContract] CompositeType GetData(); } [DataContract(Namespace = "")] public class Comp...

how to change the location that the references dlls are copied to?

i am using some libraries and i added a reference to that library dll and i set the "Copy Local" to true. but i want to change the location of the dll to be a subfolder in the exe folder and not with the exe. how is this possible? thanks Update: i used the following Post-build event [as Jon Skeet recommended] move /y $(TargetDir)\Syst...

Can't use silverlight namespace

Whenever I try to reference the following namespace in my XAML, the code compiles and the project starts, but the InitializeComponent method throws an error. Here's the XAML reference: xmlns:ei="" and here's the use of ExtendedVisualStateManager <ei:ExtendedVisualStateManager/...

How to get versions of project references?

I am using C# and I wish to get the versions of some of the dll's that are in the references of my projects. I know that I can get it simply by assuming that the file is in the current folder, however, this may not always be the case. Is there a more robust way of doing this? ...

Returning pointers or references from functions C++

When you want to return an instance from a method, do you create the object and send a pointer back, or a reference back? Whats the correct method and the method signature for this? ...

Java: Change object reference on the heap?

Wondering if there is a way to change the object on the heap that other objects are referencing. What I am specifically trying to do is manage my transient configuration. What I am doing is loading "bound" configuration from JAXB or JPA. I have a manager which maintains some threads to check if those config stores change. If they do,...

Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Error

I'm referencing the following dll in a VB6 dll I'm creating: Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 Library After making the VB6 dll, it works fine, but on other people's computers, the following error pops up: Run-time error '429' ActiveX component can't create object I'm pretty sure this is related to the Microsoft ActiveX Data Objec...

Why Can't AppleScript make firstValue of hash into type reference in this test code?

I am confused by AppleScript references... I almost never develop in AppleScript, and am having a very difficult time finding good documentation on how AppleScript handles references. The following code fails because AppleScript Can’t make firstValue of hash into type reference.: on run foo() end run on foo() set the hash to {f...

Adding reference to external .dll on Linux.

Hello, I'm building an F# application with Mono on a Linux box but need to reference a DLL from the F# Power Pack. How can I do this? ...

What to pass to this function?

Hi! :) I have the following problem: //A.h class A { //... // this is the important part, i have to call this in the proper way // in A::SetNewValue(), but i don't know how to do that protected: void SetValue(const int* i); //... public: // ?? void SetNewValue(const int* p); } the cpp: //A.cpp //?? A::SetNe...

VS project fails to compile: Property not a member of a referenced DLL

When I try to compile my VB.NET web project, I get an error that reads: [PropertyName] is not a member of '[Namespace.Class]' The class referenced is part of a dll that the project references. The property definitely exists in the referenced class, and its access modifier is Public. What's more, if I update the reference, or just rem...

Boost Phoenix: Binding to reference members of structures?

I would like to use Boost Phoenix to generate a lambda function for use in a std::find_if operation on a structure that contains reference-type members. A contrived example is as follows: struct MyStruct { MyStruct() : x(0) {} int& x; }; std::vector<MyStruct> AllStructs; // Search the array for an element for which x == 5...