
Reading the list of References from All csproj project of solution sln (programmatically)

I have solution sln, that has many csproj projects. anyone know a way to programmatically read the list of References of all csproj projects in a VS2008 of sln file? ...

Attempting Catapult game, after new XNA download.The type or namespace name 'GestureType' could not be found

I just recently downloaded the new version of XNA, and trying to follow a tutorial (that I thought was updated with the new version) I am getting a few errors The type or namespace name 'GestureType' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) 'Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Touch.TouchPanel' does no...

References in function definitions and parameter definitions

Heya, so I understand how the following should be used: function test(&$obj) { {...} } But what does the following represent? function &test(&$obj) { {...} } Any help would be appreciated. ...

Can I test if another reference exists to an object in java?

Is it possible to test for the existence of other references to an object in java? Even if the operation is inefficient, I would like to assert while debugging that a given object will be garbage collected once a given reference falls out of scope. Is this possible? Thanks ...

Creating and displaying a form without a variable to reference it

private void btnMail_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { new formCustomerReportMailer().Show(); } Is it ill-advised to create a form without assigning it to variable? I don't plan to use it otherwise and it seems that forcefully calling the garbage collector to collect unused references doesn't seem to close the form. Any downside ...

What is difference between web.config assemblies element and project file Reference element

hi, I'm looking at an application, i notice that there are assemblies defined into two places. In web.config there is configuration/system.web/compilation/assemblies/add elements. In the project file there are references setup under the Project/ItemGroup/Reference elements. I was wondering, what is the difference between assemb...

about embedded document referencing many other documents

I have a following association Class Person include Mongoid::Document embeds_many :employments end Class Employment include Mongoid::Document references_many :centres end class Centre include Mongoid::Document referenced_in :employment end Now when I tried it gav...

Dll not copying to bin folder

I'm having an issue with Devart DLLs not getting copied to the bin folder of my web app. I have my web app project that references projectA. ProjectA references projectB. The Devart Dlls are used in projectB and are not being copied into the web app projects bin folder during a build. ProjectB also references EL Unity dlls and they are ...

What is the best approach to use 3rd party that uses another version of other 3rd party (log4net) already used in the system?

Currently we use log4net of version and we should start using some 3rd party components developed by other team. Mentioned component references log4net of version All binaries are deployed into one folder. I'm sure that we cannot rebuild our sources with version, because there are too many other dependencies ...

Why does packaging my Sharepoint 2010 project break my references?

Hello everyone, I'm having a very frustrating issue where my SP2010 project in VS2010 where everything seems to be perfectly normal when I build/rebuild the solution, but when I go to "Package" the SP2010 project, though it builds and deploys successfully, one of the dependent assemblies loses one of its references to a different projec...

in C++ how can I pass a static array to an object as a parameter, and modify the original array in there?

The array has to be on the stack, and I need to modify the elements. Here is what I have: Class Me { private: int *_array; void run(){ for (int i = 0 ; i < 10; ++i) { _array[i] += 100; } } public: Me(int array[]) { _array = array; } }; This is main: int array[10] = {0, 1...

Keep absolute reference even when inserting rows in Excel 2007

I have a spreadsheet where I want cell formula to always look at a specific cell, even if rows are inserted and the specific cell moves. Effectively, I always want to look at the 'top' cell of a table, even if new rows are inserted at the top of the table. eg. Cell A2 has the formula[=$E$2] Now I highlight row E and do Insert Row. The ...

Any tool that can change all the References in the Solution for us?

When we have a solution with more than one project and some of these projects are using references to the project in the same solution, for debugging purposes we change the reference to point to the Project , not to the DLL ... well we do it with hand! I was wondering if there is tool that does this for us automatically? so when I have a...

Which dll will aspx compiler use when a dll is referenced one but multiple versions exist in bin folder

I have an ASP.NET Web Application which has a reference to 'C:\references\Utils.Varia.dll'. There is another dll referenced which uses the signed version of this dll ('C:\references\Utils.Varia.Signed.dll'). Now in my aspx i have the following imports directive: <%@ Import Namespace="Utils.Varia" %> This page uses a string extension fr...

If I am not allowed to use the Singleton pattern, what are the options?

Possible Duplicate: What's Alternative to Singleton If I am not allowed to use the Singleton pattern because it is not good OOP, what are my options? I often have a lot of stuff that needs quick access. If I use a Singleton I am told it is not good OOP, and if I reference the stuff I get a lot of classes with to much reference...

when is the right time to use *, & or const in C++

hi i was studying pointers references and came across different ways to feed in parameters. Can someone explain what each one actually means? I think the first one is simple, its that x is a copy of the parameter fed in so another variable is created on the stack. as for the other im clueless. void doSomething1(int x){ //code } voi...

Adding References without Visual Studio

Hello...I am trying to learn log4Net, however, I do not have Visual Studio installed in my PC (due to lack of Administrative Privileges). And so, I am trying out my code by writing them in good old Notepad of Windows XP. In this, if I want to add a reference to log4net.dll, how do I do it? Sorry for being .NET naive. I am just learning!...

Why Visual Studio removes the drive letter from the AssemblyReference RelativePath when editing a project?

Hello, using visual studio we always load and build references to a unit (R:). The problem is that when someone edits any project properties the drive letter is removed from the assembly path and then the build machine can not build the application. The project file looks like this when created: <References> <AssemblyReference ...

Is it possible to add a reference in a C# project depending on the value of a conditional compilation symbol (preprocessor constant)?

Hello, I am developing a library which can be compiled for two different technologies. Basically, the users of the library should be able to compile the solution either for the Unity3D game engine or the NeoAxis game engine. The problem is: while the library is ready for the conditional compilation (#if UNITY using ... #endif, etc.), I c...

c++ references array

Hello, I wounder how i can make this code work? #include <iostream> using namespace std; void writeTable(int (&tab)[],int x){ for(int i=0;i<x;i++){ cout << "Enter value " << i+1 <<endl; cin >> tab[i] ; } } int main(void){ int howMany; cout << "How many elemets" << endl; cin >> howMany; int tab...