
PHP refresh

Hi, I want to detect whether the browser is refreshed or not using PHP, and if the browser is refreshed, what particular PHP code should execute. Please help me. Any code snippet is very helpful. Thanks in advance, regards Naveen ...

How to dynamically refresh a .NET databound repeater control

I have a .NET repeater control that is data-bound to a List. As part of the Repeater's ItemCollection, I have a "Remove Button" that effectively removes this current List element. This works, in code-behind I can successfully remove an item from the datasource of the Repeater. My problem is this : when I reset the updated datasource ...

Winforms DataGridView Refresh Problem

Hi Guys, I have two Datagridviews in a tab and the datasource of the second grid is based on the row selection in first grid. The problem is I cannot get the grid to refresh after some values have been inserted or updated in the prior tabs. It works fine if I click on the row but it is not working if I select the row programmatically (i...

How do I prevent a swf from refreshing when an iframe is resized?

I am resizing an iframe, and when I do that in Firefox, the content gets refreshed. I have a swf that extends, and in Firefox when the iframe extends to accommodate the swf, the swf appears in its normal position. In IE this doesn't happen. Anyone know how to prevent the refresh from happening in Firefox? Thanks Edit: Ok I think...

Stopping refresh when flash has focus

How do I stop a browser refresh from happening when a flash object has focus inside a pop up window? Yes, I abhor pop up windows too. Yet we have a flash questionnaire that is being wrecked from users who use refresh. I also already have js in place that effectively blocks refresh, UNTIL the flash gets focus and the user presses refre...

How is "Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page? " generated in browsers?

I have a page where I open a "modal window". It is really just a DIV, with an IFRAME inside, where I load another page. When I want to refresh the page, the browser pops up a window saying "Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page? Reloading this page will cause the modal window to disappear. Press OK to continue, or Cancel ...

Refresh Jtable

I have a JTable created from Vector. How can the JTable be refreshed to display new data that is added to the Vector? ...

Updating a databound ComboBox

I am having virtually the same problem as this: However, I am trying to change the displayed strings; not add, remove, or sort. I have tried the BindingList solution provided in the referenced question, but it has not helped. I can see the combobox's Dat...

auto-refreshing div with jquery

When trying to use the code presented here link text I ran into some problems, which was suggested to open up a new question for this problem. Im an using that code here link text trying to create a backchannel for a meeting (it uses the twitter search api to display data, so try please try it with some hashkey to get data in). The probl...

JQuery Modal Boxes and Iframe

I've been using Simple Modal and i feel it doesn't live up to what i need at the moment. Is there a Modal Box that supports loading external files and allows those external files to close the modal box and redirect the parent page to some url. An example of what i want to do. You have a list of users, you could click "Add user" and a M...

ComboBox Refresh After Adding Data From ChildForm

I can't seem to get my ComboBox to refresh after i add new data to the Access Database. Here's the Code i use to add the new data: private void btnAddUser_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AccountForm actFrm = new AccountForm(); if (actFrm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { try { ...

Meta-refresh doesn't work?

I have a page using something along the lines of <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=" /> but for certain users on a certain workstation this doesn't work. The is in IE. Is there something wrong with cookies or a setting somewhere which would cause this to fail? I never heard of such a thing. ...

avoiding page refresh when rewriting html with outerHTML

I have to read, change and rewrite an HTML OBJECT tag using node.outerHTML. on IE7. There is a brief refresh of the screen when I do that. I guess that the browser repaints the screen when I write the HTML. The actual OBJECT tag data is the same as before with only one parameter (wmode) that has changed. Size of the object and other pa...

Refresh the page after a postback action in

I have command button added in my grids. After performing an action using that button, we refresh the grid to reflect the new data. (basically this action duplicates the grid row). Now when user refresh the page using "F5", an alert message is displayed (to resend the information to server) if we select "retry", the action is re...

How do I reload a page without a POSTDATA warning in Javascript?

I want to reload a page using: window.location.reload(true); But I receive the POSTDATA warning because the refresh function want to resend previous POST form data. How can I refresh my page without this warning? UPDATED: I have no control of the project! I can't workaround the POST itself! ...

Suspend Redraw of Windows Form

I have a windows form. It contains several datagridviews on it. At some point, the user can press a button which updates the datagridviews. When they do, they can usually sit and watch the datagridview redraw itself, one row at a time. I'd like for the control to not paint until its "done", that is, I'd like a way to tell the control...

How to automatically refresh a web-page using ASP.NET?

hello there, I have an application that would 'simulate' real-time video. I did that acquiring multiple picture from an mysql database. The problem is how would it be displayed on the web-page.? I refresh the page 1 second per picture, the result is the pictures are choppy and flickery. Response.AppendHeader("Refresh", "...

Is it possible to 'refresh' WPF data bindings

I've got a xaml TabControl and on one page, there are 3 RadioButtons each bound to a different property on the selected value of an adjacent ListView. After switching between selected items in the ListView, my radio buttons seem to forget they're bound and don't refresh. So watching it in the debugger, when I switch to a new selected it...

jQuery Popup Menu On Page Refresh

I have developed a PopupMenu using a jQuery plugin. When the HTML button is clicked the PopupMenu should appear. Is it possible to do this instead when the page refreshes? How would I do this in jQuery? $(document).ready(function() { $('area').bind("click",function(e){ //popupcode }); }); ...

ASP.NET 3.5.1 GridView in Update Panel requerying on row select?

Hi all, I have a GridView that is bound to an ObjectDataSource, and I am handling the full row select using the standard solution provdided all over of putting this line in the OnRowDataBound(): e.Row.Attributes["onclick"] = this.Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(this, "Select$" + e.Row.RowIndex); All of this is working swi...