
Is it possible to make "password" validation without refreshing a window?

Hello again, I've made a simple web application where a lot of things is done without refreshing a window. Now I faced a problem which I haven't realized before. If I won't find a solution, I'll have to redesign the whole app which will take a lot of time and probably kill some coolness of using it. Ouch. Ok, back to the problem. To re...

How do I refresh the Screen before a method ends in droid?

If I change one imageview's source to another (and thus changing the image) but then have more changes occur within the method and such. How do I force it to refresh to show the changes before the method ends? (As waiting for the method to end to show the changed images is not good for my purposes at all) ...

Update WPF ListBoxItem without ListBox.Items.Refresh()?

I have a DataTemplate that I use to display details from a class in a ListBox. The DataTemplate has an EventTrigger attached to the (item) Loaded event that uses a DoubleAnimation to fade each item into view as they are added to the ObservableCollection that is bound to the ListBox. It also has a DataTrigger that uses a DoubleAnimation ...

"Redirect" page without refresh (Facebook photos style)

I am trying to implement content browsing like it is done on Facebook when user is browsing the photos. I guess everyone is familiar with that photo browsing where you can click "next" and "previous" and immediately get the next or previous photo (you can also navigate using arrow keys). When you click "next" for example you notice that...

firefox F5 does partial refresh.

I have a listbox and a html <map> element on my page. The list box has 50 state names of USA. and the <map> is a html <map> with 50 <area> elemnts over an image. I have a functionality on my page. When you select a state from list box, the appropriate <area> element is highlighted using some jquery and javascript. My problem is, when i ...