
Regular expression to match A, AB, ABC, but not AC. ("starts with")

I'm banging my head against a wall. I want a regex that matches: empty string, A, AB, and ABC, but not AC. I have this, which works: /^(A|AB|ABC)?$/ But this is a simplification; in my app A, B, and C are actually long character classes, so I don't want to repeat them over and over. Maybe I'm just not looking at it the right way. I tr...

Regular Expression to find string in Expect buffer

I'm trying to find a regex that works to match a string of escape characters (an Expect response, see this question) and a six digit number (with alpha-numeric first character). Here's the whole string I need to identify: \r\n\u001b[1;14HX76196 Ultimately I need to extract the string: X76196 Here's what I have already: interact...

selenium: Is it possible to use the regexp in selenium locators

I want to get the xpath count of all the divs/links/.. that have text matching some regular expression. For example: <span> day 2 night </span> <span> day 4 night </span> <span> day 17 night</span> I would like to be able to call: sel.get_xpath_count('regexp:day \d night') and have it return 2. (This is a simple example of course, ...

Regex battle between maximum and minimum munge

Greetings, I have file with the following strings: string.Format("{0},{1}", "Having \"Two\" On The Same Line".Localize(), "Is Tricky For regex".Localize()); my goal is to get a match set with the two strings: Having \"Two\" On The Same Line Is Tricky For regex My current regex looks like this: private Regex CSharpShortRegex = new...

.NET RegEx: Replace unsanitary characters.

Let's say I have a string that can contain any UTF-16 characters, but I want to replace all characters not in a whitelist with an underscore. Let's say the whitelist is [A-Za-z], [0-9], and [-:.]. How would I use the Regex class to replace all characters not in the whitelist? ...

Regex to parse out title of a post

I'm using cURL to grab a page and I want to parse out the title of the post (the actual text shown on the link, not the title attribute of the <a>). The HTML is like this: <li class="topic"> <a title="Permanent Link to Blog Post" rel="bookmark" href=""&gt;Title of blog post</a> </li> I tried using...

How to insert <br /> tags into a java String

I am trying to insert line break tags into some text and displaying it on a web page. The < and > signs are being translated into &lt; and &gt; and the tags are showing up as text on the web page. The text looks like this when I select it from the database (I've output it to SYSOUT): version 12.4 service timestamps debug datetime ser...

Validate a JavaScript function name

What would be a regular expression which I can use to match a valid JavaScript function name... E.g. myfunction would be valid but my<\fun\>ction would be invalid. [a-zA-Z0-9_])? ...

Regex for search queries.

Hi, I have page designed in Django that has its own search engine. What I need help with is construction of regex that will filter only valid queries, which are consisting only of polish alphabet letters(both upper- and lowercase) and symbols * and ? , can anyone be of assistance? EDIT: I tried something like that: query_re = re.compil...

Remove something in a match

I have this regex. My problem is the two second lines of the code: <% content = ""+Request.Form("completehtml")+""; contentmatch = content; contentmatch = content.match(/<div class="content">[\s\S]+?#-#/ig); htstring1 = contentmatch; htstring2 = htstring1.replace(/#-#/ig, ''); %> I want to match something and then after everything ...

Use Match and then Replace in JavaScript Regex

Consider: <% content = ""+Request.Form("completehtml")+""; contentmatch = content; contentmatch = contentmatch.match(/(<div class="content">[\s\S]+?)(?=[##])/ig); %> If I get the above match and it gives me some HTML: is it possible to find text in the match and to replace it again? contentmatch ...

Regular expressions: Finding BB code in a piece of text

I'm trying to match on "url" BB code tag in a random piece of text. Example text: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. [url][/url] Donec purus nunc, rhoncus vitae tempus vitae, []facebook[/url] elementum sit amet justo. I want to find both "url" tags from this text: [u...

Make one gsub call instead of five.

How can I replace this: lyrics = lyrics.gsub(/\n/,'').gsub(/^\{\"similar\": \[/, '').gsub(/\]\}$/, '').gsub(/^\{/, '').gsub(/\}$/, '') to something shorter and one gsub call? ...

Matching nesting tags

Pre-scriptum: I'm purely curious, and am aware of other perfectly suitable solutions to this, that lie outside the domain of regular expressions. How do I match from a beginning tag, and until a closing tag with possible nested, and perhaps identical tags. So say I have given in an HTML file: <div class="nice"> <a href="http://www....

Match every Quoted String that DOES NOT contain a substring

Multiline Test string: dkdkdkdk dkdkdkdk dkdkdkd dkdkdkd "hello" dkdkdkdkdk dkdkdk "goodbye.hello" dkdkdkd kdkdkd kdkdkdk "hello.goodbye.hello" dddd "test" ssss "http:x-y.f/z/z" "" "." "http:/dkdkd/dkdkdk/dkdkdkdkdkdk.g" I want to match every quoted string that contains "hello" This matches every quoted string \"(.+?)\" This matc...

Java regex pattern to match word or phrase

I have the following regular expression, that I am compiling with Pattern class. \bIntegrated\s+Health\s+System\s+\(IHS\)\b Why is this not matching this string? "test pattern case Integrated Health System (IHS)." If I try \bpattern\b, it seems to work, but for the above phrase it does not. I have the parenthesis in the pattern esc...

Matching Rapidshare links with regex

I want to match a sequence of Rapidshare links on a webpage. The links look like: I wrote this code: if(preg_match_all('/http:\/\/\rapidshare\.com\/files\/.*?\/.*?/', $links[1], $links)) { echo 'Found links.'; } else { die('Cannot find links :('); } And it retuns Cannot fi...

Java regex library with recursion support

Hi, I am looking for a Java regexp lib with support for recursion, like: "<a+(?0)>" JDK does not support it, ORO does neither. Anyone knows about such? Thanks, Ondra Edit: See And I need it for this expression: (?:mUi)^/--++ *+(.*)(?: *(?<= |^)\\.((?:\\([^)\\n]+\\)|\\[[...

new to java regex, how to grab this part of the string

I have a string that looks like: I need to grab the value 44 from the above, ofcourse '44' could be any number. The number '44' always is prefixed with a _, and after it could be another _ or /. I have no idea of the...

Java regex logical OR

I am trying to match any or all from a set of phrases in a given string. Here is my regex: (^|\\W)(" + phrase1 + "|" + phrase2 + "|" + phrase3 + ... ")(\\W|$) I need to be able to match any number of the phrases I am ORing. It seems to work okay except when two phrases occur immediately next to each other. So "phrase1 lorem ipsum phra...