I am looking for a Java regex way of replacing multiple spaces with non-breaking spaces. Two or more whitespaces should be replaced with the same number of non-breaking spaces, but single whitespaces should NOT be replaced. This needs to work for any number of whitespaces. And the first characters could be 1 or more whitespaces.
So i...
I'm trying to write a Perl script that will parse the output of the stcmd.exe (the StarTeam command line client) hist command. I'm getting the history for every file in a view and the output looks something like this:
Folder: The View Name (working dir: C:\Projects\dir)
History for: main.h
Description: Some files
Locked by:
Status: Cur...
I am looking to replace \n with \\n but so far my regex attempts are not working (Really it is any \ by itself, \n just happens to be the use case I have in the data).
What I need is something along the lines of:
any-non-\ followed by \ followed by any-non-\
Ultimately I'll be passing the regex to java.lang.String.replaceAll so a reg...
I'm trying to get regexp to match some nested tags. (Yes I know I should use a parser, but my input will be correct).
More text.
First quote
Nested second quote.
Let's say I want the regexp to simply change the tags to <blockquote>:
More text.
First quote
I am trying to extract a US address from a text.
So if I have the following variations of text then I'd like to extract the address portion
Today is a good day to meet up at a
bar. the address is 123 fake street,
NY, 23423-3423
just came from 423 Elm Street, kk, 34223 ...had awesome time
blah blah bleh blah 23414 Fake Te...
First, a little background. I have strings that resemble the following:
((Foo.Bar.StartsWith("A")) &&
And I'm trying to reformat these to look like this:
((Foo.Any(Bar.StartsWith("A"))) &&
Side Note: The parts following the .Bar may sometimes not include (), like .Bar...
string = 'Hello _1234_ world _4567_';
If I change regext to have \d+ then I get proper values: 1234 and 4567. Why in the first case I am getting all those empty matches.
string = 'Hello 1234_ world 4567_ trap 456';
I need to capture all digits followed by underscore. Following code will do.
However I tested following code and it worked except that underscore was also being captured.
So I decided to give underscore its own capture group like this
But ...
Who can help me with regular expression , to remove some string with jquery, don't have much experience in regex
<div class="test" >
> > Test Text
I want to remove " > > " and to leave just the text
I need to create a regex parser for a project and I am using ANTLR v3 to do this. I am trying to find an up-to-date, Perl6-like regex grammar. Does anyone have a source? Googling for this has been difficult for some reason.
This might be a hard one (if not impossible), but can anyone think of a regular expression that will find a person's name, in say, a resume? I know this won't be 100% accurate, but I can't come up with something.
Let's assume the name only shows up once in the document.
I'm using the ASP Validation control a wanted to test that multiline textbox content was between 2 and 40 characters. Any character can be provided, including the new line character. What would be the expression? What I have below fails.
<asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="RegularExpressionValidator"
I am using python, and run into some redefinition error, I know they are redefinition but logically its not possible to reach that since its an or. Is there a way to get around this? I appreciate for any help in advance
/python-2.5/lib/python2.5/re.py", line 233, in _compile
raise error, v # invalid expression
sre_constants.error: r...
hi all,
i'm trying to create a regex pattern out of a variable like:
var tag = "style";
var pattern = "/<"+tag+"[^>]*>((\\n|.)*)<\\/"+tag+">/gi";
but it won't work - anyone can tell me what's wrong?
Hey guys, I am trying to use Java's useDelimiter method on it's Scanner class to do some simple parsing. Basically each line is a record delimited by " | ", so for example:
2 | John Doe
3 | Jane Doe
4 | Jackie Chan
The method takes as a parameter a regular expression for which to match for. Can someone please provide me with the regul...
I want to continue one task because my head has some problem with a regular expression. How can it be done with a regular expression and jQuery?
I have this HTML:
<div class="test"> > > Presentation Text </div>
And I want to get just this text from all this string, every time at the beginning I have
" &...
I need help with a regex matching a number. I need up to 3 digits after the dot (.):
12345 ok
12 ok
12.1 ok
12.12 ok
12.123 ok
12.1234 Error
1.123456 Error
how to do it? Thanks in advance.
Hi guys:
Could you expand on why the output of Console.WriteLine(m.Groups[1]); would be "Contoso, Inc"?
And could you also elaborate on the matching steps of this example? Thanks.
PS: I'm not familar with the concept of groups
string input = "Company Name: Contoso, Inc.";
Match m = Regex.Match(input, @"Company Name: (.*$)");
[quote=Username here]quoted text here[/quote]
Reply text here
I need a regular expression that stores the "Username here", "quoted text here" and "Reply text here" in a Array.
This expression needs to support nesting aswell. Eks:
[quote=Username2 here][quote=Username here]quoted text here[/quote]
Reply text here[/quote]
Reply text...
I have a string that is similar to a path, but I have tried some regex patterns that are supposed to parse paths and they don't quite work.
Here's the string
I need the "name parts" between the slashes.
I tried (\w+) but the array came back [0] = "f" and [1] = "f".
I tested the pattern on http://w...