
IIS URL Rewrite RegExp to not match a directory

Have a IIS7 URL rewrite rule which uses friendly url so for example regEx is ([A-Za-z]+)/([A-Za-z]+) gets rewritten to Now I need to change the RegEx so it excludes the Content folder and any subdirectory in this folder. Been trying a few examples with ...

how to remove a tag and its contents using regular expression?

Hi $str = 'some text <MY_TAG> tag <em>contents </em> </MY_TAG> more text '; My questions are: How to retrieve content tag <em>contents </em> which is between <MY_TAG> .. </MY_TAG>? And How to remove <MY_TAG> and its contents from $str? I am using PHP. Thank you. ...

Testing for numeric input with regular expression

I have the following regular expression: ^[-+]?[\d{0,3},?\d{3}]*\.?\d+$ I am trying to support numbers of the following formats: 1 -1 -1.00 100,000 I am not concerned about scientific notation but my users may or may not enter in commas. The problem I am having is that the expression is matching: 100, 100,00 How can I have t...

Replace <a> links to images with <img> tags

I'm looking for a way to find/replace links to images (within user-generated content) without touching links to non-images. For example, the following text: <a href=""&gt;Text&lt;/a&gt; <a href=""&gt;Text&lt;/a&gt; <a href="

preg_match two variables with metacharacters

I have two string variables which are both file paths. The code that worked used ereg which is deprecated, so I'm trying to rewrite it using preg_match: Old code that worked: $path1 = quotemeta($path); ereg("$path1(.*)$", $path2, $matches); Using preg_match which doesn't seem to work: $path1 = quotemeta($path); preg_match("/$path1(....

Javascript RegEx match problem

Hello, I have a sentence structure along the lines of [word1]{word2} is going to the [word3]{word4} I'm trying to use a javascript regex to match the words for replacement later. To do this, I'm working towards getting the following multi-dimensional array: [["word1", "word2"],["word3","word4"]] I'm currently using this regex for ...

Simple regex question to parse similar things in .NET?

Is there a way to gather all links that has a specific domain in a string where they only include ones that are either: href="" or >; So basically links either prefixed by href=" and ends with " or links that are surrounded by ><. I tried to use Regex ( "href=\"(...

.net Regular Expressions

Can someone explain this to me. I am pretty good with perl regular expressions but evidently I am at a loss on why this doesn't work. The code below stores "Person Test" in output variable. im output As String Dim userName As String = "Test, Person" Dim re As New Regex("(\w+),\s(\w+)", RegexOptions.Singleline) output = re.Replace(userN...

PHP Regex - Find url and text in html anchor tags

Hi there I was wondering whether someone know how to remove both the url and the link text from all anchor tags in a big paragraph of text. once remove if I could store them in an array for later use. Im sure this is possible but I really struggle with regex. Hopefully there is someone out there who has came across this before or who ...

.NET Regex query to find only ONE new line...

I have a huge string that looks like this: "Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text " Note that in between each text block is a new line. Also note that the very final text block has TWO new lines after it. So when I do a string[] strArray = Regex.Split(content, "\r\n"); This works well, since it looks for a...

Regex: Using lookahead assertion to check if character exist at most a certain number of times

How do I use lookahead assertion to determine if a certain character exist at most a certain number of times in a string. For example, let's say I want to check a string that has at least one character to make sure that it contains "@" at most 2 times. Thanks in advance. Using python if that matters. ...

How to capture any character using regular expressions

I want to capture text in an attribute within an XML tag. That is <tag1 name="tag^*&,+"> I want to capture the value within the name attribute (which in this case would be tag^*&,+). This regular expression name=\"([a-z0-9]+)\" will only return the value if the text in the attribute is alphanumeric. Is there any syntax that will...

regular expression help..

I have a file containing a list of file names: esocket.c esocket.h dockwin.cpp dockwin.h makefile getblob . etc... I am looking for a regular expression (preferably unix syntax) to do the following: get lines that have .c, cpp and .h files get lines that don't have a file extension. ...

regular expression for first and last name

Hello I am very naive with regular expressions and I wasn't really able to find what I need. For website validation purposes, I need first name and last name validation. For first name it should only contain letters and can be several words with space and no letters and as minimum 3 characters and at top 30 characters. Empty string sho...

how do I include a boolean AND within a regex?

Is there a way to get single regex to satisfy this condition?? I am looking for a "word" that has three letters from the set MBIPI, any order, but MUST contain an I. ie. re.match("[MBDPI]{3}", foo) and "I" in foo So this is the correct result (in python using the re module), but can I get this from a single regex? >>> for foo in (...

Trim string using reqex match

I have to use a crippled tool which doesn't provide any way to trim leading an trailing spaces from a string. It does have .NET style regex, but only Match is implemented, not replace. So, I came up (surprisingly by myself) with this regex that seems to work.. but I don't completely understand why it works :-) $trimmed = regex/[^ ].*[^ ...

php Regex remove text from rel attribute within links

Hi, is there a really easy way to grab the text of a rel attribute i.e <a href='#' rel='i want this text here'></a>. I have tried this morning with regex but am having no luck. ...

MSBuild 4.0 Regex parsing

I have heard that MSBuild 4.0 has increased Regex parsing support. However, I am unable to find any detailed documentation/links/material on this. Can anyone give a brief description of the new features and/or possibly give pointers to more material? Thanks in advance. ...

ANTLR or Regex?

I'm writing a CMS in ASP.NET/C#, and I need to process things like that, every page request: <html> <head> <title>[Title]</title> </head> <body> <form action="[Action]" method="get"> [TextBox Name="Email", Background=Red] [Button Type="Submit"] </form> </body> </html> and replace the [...] of course. My qu...

Regular expression for words between 3 and 16 chars in PHP

Hi, I'm completely new to regular expressions, and I need to filter all the words of at least 3 characters (and a maximum size of 16) out of a text. (so I can enter those data into a MySQL database) Currently, everything works, except for the regular expression: /^.{3,16}$/ (I constructed this from a tutorial found using Google ;-) ...