I am getting the compile time error.
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
class gfile
public static void main(String args[]) {
// create a Pattern
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("<div class="dinner">(.*?)</div>");//some prob with this line
// create a Matcher and use the Matcher.group() method...
text = "I fixed bug #1234 and #7895 "
regex = /#(\d*)/
m = regex.match(text)
puts m.inspect #<MatchData "#1234" "1234">
In the above case why I am not seeing 7895? What's the correct solution?
Ok I give up and would really appreciate it if you guys could cast their eye over this for me? I'll try not to ramble.
Goal is to have a 'rendered-view' showing 'rendered' HTML (clickable links) and 'source-view' showing the actual HTML of whatever is in the rendered view. When a link is clicked it is made not a link any more and simply...
I like to know what's the difference between the above two codes. I get different outputs. Can anybody elaborate on this?
I'm working with an inherited code base which contains thousands of lines of commented out code. I know the previous coder meant to save all his hard work for posterity rather than simply deleting it but: I will never read it and it just gets in the way. One problem example is that when I perform text searches for certain code segments I...
Does there exist a free Windows software program that will help you generate regular expressions using a wizard?
I'm not exactly sure what I am looking for but I am not looking for a regexp evaluator. What I need is a calculator/wizard to help me learn how reg expressions work, while not knowing all the syntax details (until i have the ...
I have coded a Javascript bbcode similar to the one I'm using to write this message. It also incorporates a live preview box like the one I see below. The only problem I'm facing at the moment is that some nested bbcode is not parsing.
For example:
Is not parsing correctly.
This is my Javascript c...
I am currently rewriting a URL, however my RegEx expression is catching a directory I want to be ignored.
The rewrite rule is
...Which catches everything that matches. However, I would like to exclude a directory, People_Search, so for instance...
...will forward, but
Regular expressions is just not my thing. :(
I have a string that may contain multiple sub strings such as:
[var1="111" var2="222" var3="222" var4="444"]
I basically need to replace each occurrence with the the results of a function that gets each variable.
$string = '[var1="111" var2="222" var3="333" var4="444"]';
$regex = 'var...
I am trying to rip some text out of a large number of html documents (numbers in the hundreds of thousands). The documents are really forms but they are prepared by a very large group of different organizations so there is significant variation in how they create the document. For example, the documents are divided into chapters. I mi...
a="aaaaaa password: GOD hello world password is G0D hello"
match = re.match("^(?:.*(?:password\sis\s|password:\s)([a-zA-Z]*)\s.*)*$",a)
print match.groups()
i want the output to be ('GOD','G0D') but all i get is ('G0D')
i am trying to solve this with Regex only. the amount of times "password" can appear in the text can vary.
help wou...
Hi Guys, I am a Javascript Junkie and wishing to test around some codes.
new RegExp("user=" + un + "[\"'\\s>]", "i")
what will this actually mean?
It was from a site, and it actually works!
I especially don't get the [\"'\\s>] part.
i'm trying to find a way to match this problem but i'm LOST
i want it to match a math equation that will accept string if:
"+-*/%" at anywhere in the string but not in the last character of the input string
it accepts float and integers
it doesn't accepts letters just numbers and signs
any help ?
Thanks in advance !!
Consider this regex: ^([0-9]+)(?: ([-\+/%\*]) ([0-9]+))+$
In english, it says "a number, followed by one or more of (an operation and another number)".
Matched against a subject like 5 + 4 that regex produces $1 = 5, $2 = +, and $3 = 4.
Matched against this subject: 5 + 4 * 3, I get $1 = 5, $2 = *, and $3 = 3.
In this latter ...
i have posted a previous question about Regular Expressions and this is another question it's not duplicate ... sorry for that
I really need some help in Regular Expressions, i'm working on a function like
var x = 0;
function doMath(myVar){
RE = //; // here is the problem
return fals...
What is the best way to achieve sscanf-like functionality in perl?
I am looking now looking at the sscanf module,
Which is better,
Option-1: Going sscanf way?
Option-2: Regex way? [I am a beginner when it comes to Regex]
How can I filter a string in c? I want to remove anything that isn't [a-z0-9_].
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
char* name = argv[1];
// remove anything that isn't [a-z0-9_]
printf("%s", name);
I need to get all instances of http://someurl/somefile.flv within a HTML file. Extension must not be case sensitive.
I currently use the following simple regular expression that I use in Javascript:
var rePattern = new RegExp(
It has it's flaws though, especially if there is a URL and somewhere...
Hi guys,
In JavaScript, can (?=regex) and (?!regex) be used in the middle of a regular expression? Or they must be used at the end of a regular expression? If they can be used in the middle, what's the meaning of it? Great thanks!
I have a string containing HTML and I need to replace some words to be links - I do this with the following code;
string lNewHTML = Regex.Replace(lOldHTML, "(\bword1\b|\bword2|word3\b)", "<a href=\"page.aspx#$1\">$1</a>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
The code works, but I need to include some exceptions to the replace - e.g. I will not r...