
can we check multiple patterns using regex in java?

i want to check 2 patterns using regex. can i check those both patterns in the same time (like if(condition1 | condition2) condition). any idea? ...

How can I fix this regex to allow a specific string?

This regex comes from Atwood and is used to filter out anchor tags with anything other than the href and a title: <a\shref="(\#\d+|(https?|ftp)://[-A-Za-z0-9+&@#/%?=~_|!:,.;]+)"(\stitle="[^"]+")?\s?> I need to allow am additional attribute that specifically matches: target="_blank". So the following url should be allowed: <a href=...

Django Admin validation

Hi, I'd like to validate user input with regular expression in Django Admin CharField... How is it possible? Thanks in advance, Etam. ...

Why does my Perl regex complain about "Unmatched ) in regex"?

if($title =~ s/(\s|^|,|\/|;|\|)$replace(\s|$|,|\/|;|\|)//ig) $title can be a set of titles ranging from President, MD, COO, CEO,... $replace can be (shareholder), (Owner) or the like. I keep getting this error. I have checked for improperly balanced '(', ')', no dice :( Unmatched ) in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/(\s|^|,|/|;|\|)Ow...

Regex to remove multi line comments

I am trying to use this regex (JS): /\/\*(.*)\*\//g To replace /* sdandsads */ with nothing. But it is not working! Why? o_O ...

NSPredicate and Regex

Can someone please help me with using Regex with NSPredicate? NSString *regex = @"(?:[A-Za-z0-9])"; NSPredicate *pred = [NSPRedicate predicateWithFormat:@"SELF MATCHES %@", regex]; if ([pred evaluateWithObject:mystring]) { //do something } testing the above wth mystring - qstring123 doesn't seem to work. I am expecting it to enter ...

best way to parse plain text file with a nested information structure

The text file has hundreds of these entries (format is MT940 bank statement) {1:F01AHHBCH110XXX0000000000}{2:I940X N2}{3:{108:XBS/091502}}{4: :20:XBS/091202/0001 :25:5887/507004-50 :28C:140/1 :60F:C0914CHF7789, :61:0912021202D36,80NTRFNONREF//0887-1202-29-941 04392579-0 LUTHY + xxx, ZUR :86:6034?60LUTHY + xxxx, ZUR vom 01.12.0...

How can I split a string by whitespace unless inside of a single quoted string?

I'm seeking a solution to splitting a string which contains text in the following format: "abcd efgh 'ijklm no pqrs' tuv" which will produce the following results: ['abcd', 'efgh', 'ijklm no pqrs', 'tuv'] In other words, it splits by whitespace unless inside of a single quoted string. I think it could be done with .NET regexps usi...

Regex to replace domain within links that are not images

Need to replace a domain name on all the links on the page that are not images or pdf files. This would be a full html page received through a proxy service. Example: <a href=""&gt;test&lt;/a&gt;&lt;a href="/bla/bla"><img src="" /><a href=""&gt;pdf&lt;/a&gt; <a hr...

regular expression match does not work

I have a string ABCD:10,20,,40;1/1;1/2,1/3,1/4 I want to split the string into the following parts: ABCD -- splited by : 10,20,,40 -- splited by ; 1/1 -- splited by ; 1/2,1/3,1/4 -- splited by ; Why the following regular expression does not work for me ? string txt = @"ABCD:10,20,,40;1/1...

RegEx, matching if not containing...

I've been trying to figure out how to write this regular expression. It is to be used for ISAPI_Rewrite, a module for IIS 6, for doing URL rewriting. I want the url /hg/<parameter> to be mathed, so it can be rewrited to /hg/hgwebdir.cgi/<parameter>. I've matched it using ^/hg/(.*). My problem is, if the URL /hg/hgwebdir.cgi/<parameter...

How to count html tags and contents

Hi! I have a problem with regular expressions! How can i count html tags with regex? ...

What's wrong with my regex

Yes I know its usually a bad idea to parse HTML using RegEx, but that aside can someone explain the fault here: string outputString = Regex.Replace(inputString, @"<?(?i:script|embed|object|frameset|frame|iframe|metalink|style|html|img|layer|ilayer|meta|applet)(.|\n)*?>", ""); if (outputString != inputString) { Console.WriteLine("unw...

how to remove the \n, \t and spaces between the strings in java?

how to remove the \n, \t and spaces between the strings in java? ...

Filter list of phone numbers using php

I have a list of phone numbers that start with the below numbers and in different formats...i need to grab the numbers that start only with the below numbers/format using php...... 020 8 07974 +44 (0) 20 +44 0 440203 any help will be appreciated.. ...

Scala: Matching optional Regular Expression groups

I'm trying to match on an option group in Scala 2.8 (beta 1) with the following code: import scala.xml._ val StatementPattern = """([\w\.]+)\s*:\s*([+-])?(\d+)""".r def buildProperty(input: String): Node = input match { case StatementPattern(name, value) => <propertyWithoutSign /> case StatementPattern(name, sign, value) => <p...

LookAhead Regex in .Net - unexpected result

Hello, I am a bit puzzled with my Regex results (and still trying to get my head around the syntax). I have been using to test out my expression, and its works as intended there, however in C# its not as expected. Here is a test - an expression of the following: (?=<open>).*?(?=</open>) on an input string of: <op...

Python: using a regular expression to match one line of HTML

This simple Python method I put together just checks to see if Tomcat is running on one of our servers. import urllib2 import re import sys def tomcat_check(): tomcat_status = urllib2.urlopen('') results = pattern = re.compile('<body>Tomcat is running...</body>',re.M|re.DOTALL) ...

Regex to match last space character

Hi there, I need some help. I am looking for a regex that would match the last space character in a string. I am using JavaScript and classic ASP. I have a long string of text which I trim to 100 characters. I would like to remove the last character to avoid a spelling mistake if the trim cuts a word due to the 100 characters limit. re...

Using Regular Expressions to parse functions from a string in PHP

Is there a logical way to strip out function names and their arguments using Regular Expressions in PHP? Currently I have it splitting line by line so that I am able to have each function on each line for easier markup. So: doSomeFunction(arg, moreargs, stuff); breakSomething(); ini_set(include_path, /home/htdocs/); becomes array([0...