I need to take strings in the following format:
And convert them to this, using JavaScript:
I'm sure that someone more fluent in RegEx than I can give a terse solution.
Possible Duplicate:
Learning Regular Expressions
I have found lots of ways by googling. Now I am really confused what should I follow, Or which part of which way will be better to learn.
I think many of you have very good experiences and ideas about learning RegExp. Would you please share those experiences and/or ideas! that ...
I want to find out if my string contains a certain substring and return true if it does and false if it doesnt.
regex = /^[a-z0-9]*(TEST)+'[a-z0-9]*$/;
if(myString.contains(regex)) {
// do something
I need to count number of email addresses in a db that have 3 or less characters before the @ sign, for example [email protected].
The parsename function isn't present in Oracle and I'm not sure how to write a regexp for this. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
So far, I have some working code that goes into a list of servers and does some regex to grab data from a log file. What I want to do is to pring out a status of "NOTHING TO REPORT FOR THIS SERVER" if there is NO data to capture from the regex on a particular server.
Right now, it goes through each server and if data matches the regex,...
I have a very uniform set of data from Radius messages that I need to add into our log management solution. The product offers the ability to use a regex statement to pull out the various data in a few forms.
1) Individual regular expressions for each piece of data you wish to pull out
<data 1 = regex statement>
<data 2 = diff...
Hello SO:
I am a bit rusty at PHP, so bear with me. I am making a simple email form that validates a few key pieces of data. One of these fields is the submitter's zip code. To validate this, I figured a regex would be simple since I am pretty confident the validation can be done in one line. Behold:
I use EditPlus.
This tool has a nice search option where you can search either regular text or RegEx search.
I want to search for the next Uppercase alphabet preceeded by a lowercase alphabet. What do I put in the search box for this?
Hello All,
I'm having a real problem with this because I just can't get my head around regexes.
I'm using Cherokee Web Server and I'm trying to use a regex to perform a redirection.
I need to get the following url (for example)
to the controller like this
This is probably going to seem a little strange but we are using
<Files "*">
ForceType application/x-httpd-php
Which of course forces all files to give html/php headers.. The reason I am doing this way is because were using a bunch of extention'less php files. I know there is plenty more efficient ways of doing this but my b...
I have a Python script that we're using to parse CSV files with user-entered phone numbers in it - ergo, there are quite a few weird format/errors. We need to parse these numbers into their separate components, as well as fix some common entry errors.
Our phone numbers are for Sydney or Melbourne (Australia), or Auckland (New Zea...
I have a class that uses PHP's ereg() which is deprecated.
Looking on PHP.net I thought I could just get away and change to preg_match()
But I get errors with the regular expressions or they fail!!
Here are two examples:
function input_login() {
if (ereg("[^-_@\.A-Za-z0-9]", $input_value)) { // WORKS
// if (preg_match("[^-_@\....
<name> Test 11 Test 22 </name>
Replaced >
<name> aaaaaaaaa </name>
How can I determine the contents of a range in WinWord.
How can I make for C#
What's happening in this code snippet ?
RegexOptions options = RegexOptions.None;
Regex regex = new Regex(@"[ ]{2,}", options);
string outStr = regex.Replace(inStr, @" ");
What I am looking for is to replace any sequences of "white" spaces ( including TAB, CR, LF ) with a single space.
Could anybody provide me the regular expression for the following patterns?
My requirement is the digits before decimal should not exceed 6 and after the decimal point it should not exceed 2 digits. Please help me. Thanks in advance..
As a personal learning exercise, I wrote this regex to split a unary string into parts whose length is increasing powers of two (see also on ideone.com):
for (String s :
new String(new char[500])
) {
System.out.printf("%s ", s.length());
Hey all,
related question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/919056/python-case-insensitive-replace
What's the best way to do a case insensitive replace WITHOUT HURTING THE CACHE in the re module? I'm monitoring carefully the cache to make sure my favorite regexes stay there (speed, of course).
I just notice that my code:
I want to macth the following:
boolean b = "\u000D".matches("\\cM");
but the compiler give me:
unclosed string literal
illegal character: \92
illegal character: \92
unclosed string literal
not a statement
why? that literal is not a valid unicode Ctrl-m unicode code???
How to write a regular expression for something that does NOT start with a given word
Let's suppose I have the following list
I want a regular expression that returns all but June and July because they they start with Ju
I wrote something like this ^[^ju] but this return any starting with J or U
Possible Duplicate:
Learning Regular Expressions
How to start off?
Which software to use?