
How can I change a Windows user's regional settings/date format?

I use a VB6/COM+ application which outputs date/time values based on the short date settings in the Control Panel, Regional Settings, for the user that runs it. The program that then parses that output has a configurable setting for the date format it expects, and presents in the UI. e.g. If the regional setting for the user is set to ...

C#: Regasm generating registry entries for every class in my COM DLL?

Hey everyone, I'm writing a class-library (IE BHO) in C# and currently wrangling with the large volume of what I think is junk output coming from REGASM's generated registry keys. The short version is this: I only want to expose a handful of classes (currently: ONE class) to IE (and the rest of COM). Only one class has the ClassInterf...

Wix: How can I set the property after CustomAction? Do I need CustomAction??

Hi, I want to install a plugin with the Wix Setup. On the computer, there could be installed more versions of the application, so the user has to decide, which version should be used. The applications are written in the registry in this way: HKLM\Software\Company\Application\Version .... That meas that the key HKLM\Software\Company\Ap...

How to map HKEY_USERS subkeys and Windows usernames?

I thought the key names immediately below HKEY_USERS were supposed to be the usernames of whoever logged in at this machine at some time. But in my machine what appears is: S-1-5-18 S-1-5-19 S-1-5-20 S-1-5-21-NNNNNNNNN-NNNNNNNNN-NNNNNNNNNN-NNNNN S-1-5-21-NNNNNNNNN-NNNNNNNNN-NNNNNNNNNN-NNNNN_Classes I'd like to be able to determine whi...

Install Shield 2009 Premier : Don't want to put the entry to control panel

My installation would 1. copy some files 2. some registry entries that require admin privilege e.g. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\MyRegistry What I want: 1. No entry to the control panel and yes i don't need an uninstallation. Question may arise, why I don't do it manually? Only for the admin privileged registry entr...

Help writing a Unicode Reg_binary value to the registry

Hi, I need to update the registry, specifically the Outlook 2003 Master category list to the following key. "Software\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Outlook\Categories" It is stored as a Reg_binary value and it involves Unicode conversion. I was able to read it successfully but I am unsure how I can write it back. The code I used to read it is ...

In VBA, cannot use Access.Application object

This does NOT work: Sub X() Dim A As Access.Application Set A = CreateObject("Access.Application") 'Do Stuff End Sub However, this DOES work: Sub X() Dim A As Object Set A = CreateObject("Access.Application") 'Do Stuff End Sub I know they do virtually the same thing, but can anyone tell me how to make an acc...

Put Some Folder as PATH in Windows CE

Hello, Someone can help me!, how to put some folder as PATH in the Windows CE, more specifically an HPC 2000(Jornada 720), put in the PATH like in Windows XP or 2000 or Vista, that you only run like javac or ruby in the cmd and the program runs. Remember that if it have to use the Registry Editor i have one installed. Thanks! ...

SHGetFolderPath() for a specific user.

I'm looking for a good way to get the local application data folder for a specific user -- without having to enter the login details for that user. SHGetFolderPath() can accept an access token for whatever user I want to get the local appdata folder for, but to get an access token, you have to provide the user's password. Also, accordin...

Reading and writing a key in/from the registry

Here's the problem. I'm getting the following string as parameter to my function: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MyProgram\SomeKey where SomeKey is a REG_DWORD and has a value. I need to read and write to that key (SomeKey) but all the registry functions that I know take HKEY_CURRENT_USER separately from the rest of the key (\Soft...

C# Setting combobox text when form loads

When my program loads I read a value from the registry and set a read only combo box to that value however when loaded the combobox shows the item before it in the collection. I'm using the code below to set the text. RegistryKey OurKey = Registry.CurrentUser; OurKey = OurKey.OpenSubKey("Software\\test",true); type = OurKey.GetValue("Ty...

How to open a WOW64 registry key from a 64-bit .NET application

My .NET application (any-CPU) needs to read a registry value created by a 32-bit program. On 64-bit Windows this goes under the Wow6432Node key in the registry. I have read that you shouldn't hard-code to the Wow6432Node, so what's the right way to access it with .NET? ...

restore registry from file

I am trying to migrate microsoft office settings from one system to other system by backing up office registry and restoring it on the destination machine using Python.I am able to do the saving part,but on trying to restore the existing settings in destination machine to overwrite existing office settings,i am getting an error. This is ...

How to change filetype association in the registry?

Hi there, first time posting in StackOverflow. :D I need my software to add a couple of things in the registry. My program will use Process.Start(@"blblabla.smc"); to launch a file, but the problem is that most likely the user will not have a program set as default application for the particular file extension. How can I add fi...

How do I programatically check if Visio is installed, and where?

I am building a C# application that exports a CSV file to be used with the Visio org chart wizard. How can I check that an installation of Visio exists, and what path? The most obvious method is checking if C:\Program Files\Office12\ORGWIZ.EXE exists, but that is fairly dependant on having Visio 2007 installed.. My other thought is ch...

Can you read registry values directly from a Windows command prompt and use these within standard Windows commands?

I want to FTP some files across networks using Windows FTP command prompt and I want to retrieve the FTP parameters from registry keys I have already setup for another related application. Is there a way to read these parameters in-line direct from the registry as passed values into the FTP command? ...

Is there a way to replace the "openwith" name for java apps in windows?

i have a java app in windows, put in the registy the entries for the file extension and for the app. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/.xxx -> (Default)=xxxApp, Content Type=..., PerceivedType=... HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/.xxx/OpenWithProgIDs -> (Default)=xxxApp HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/.xxx/ShellNew -> command=c:\java... -jar xxxApp.jar and ItemName=xxxApp HKE...

RegSaveKeyEx Requires Elevation?

I have code that uses Win API function RegSaveKeyEx to save registry entries to a file. However, RegSaveKeyEx returns ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD when run on Win Vista or Win 7. The code enables security privilege SE_BACKUP_NAME using code Microsoft provides in example function SetPrivilege. Everything works fine on Win XP (admin user) or ...

How do I read the windows registry (Default) value using QSettings?

I want to read the registry to find the current PowerPoint version. However this just returns Zero: QSettings settings("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\PowerPoint.Application\CurrVer", QSettings::NativeFormat); QString sReturnedValue = settings.value( "(Default)", "0" ).toString(); Any suggestions as to how I get the value ...

What are the performance implications of accessing a windows registry value?

If have I have multiple processes accessing a registry value thousands of times per second, will there be any significant performance implications of reading this registry value? The value of the registry value will never change, it will be read only. I guess another question is that is reading the registry value a blocking operation? ...