
Is my release script worth it?

I've got a lot small projects (at home as well as at work). I'm writing a script to automate releases. I'm doing it in my free time to learn Python. Actually it does a pretty easy job: For each given project: Export a svn repository folder Create an archive (tar.gz, zip, etc) with it Upload it on a public ftp server It can handle t...

Managing NSStoreType changes between debug and release builds

NSXMLTypeStore is used when starting Core Data backed application by default because it's good for debugging purposes. But practice dictates that developer should use either NSBinaryStoreType, NSInMemoryStoreType or NSSQLiteStoreType store types in release builds. How do you manage changes between debug and release builds? I believe tha...

How to ensure that a desktop program works correctly after a clean-slate installation?

Motivation — I had a new version of my Cocoa application ready that worked fine on all beta testers' machines. So I released it. Turns out that a crucial feature simply doesn't work on anybody else's computer. Yikes! Yes, read that again: I released software that didn't work. Cause — Users who had used previous versions my app (read: al...

Releasing Managed Objects in Objective-C

Okay, PLEASE bear with my description of my situation: I have a Core Data model that (in a simplified description) includes a GridManager object. The GridManager holds a set of Grid objects (via a to-many relationship). The Grid object contains a set of Cell objects (via a to-many relationship). In my app, I have a GridView that cont...

Overreleasing here?

I have been getting EXC_BAD_ACCESS on some devices in ad hoc beta for my app see here: I have managed to use atos -arch armv6 -o 0x000037a6 in terminal to track down the method that's causing this problem, and it's lead me to this piece of...

Visual Studio 2008 Release Installer packaging debug binaries

I've been maintaining a Windows forms application written in C# for some time now used in our company, and every now and again when I'm putting a new release out, the release build of the installer that I generate packages up a debug version of the class library that is part of the project. I've specified the release version of the prim...

C++ Xcode assert evaluated in release

Hi! I'm quite new to Xcode (and Mac in general). I started a little iPhone project - coding in C++ whatever possible - and just noted that my assert(); commands are executed also in release mode. Is this a known problem and how do I solve it properly? thanks! ...

How do you completely remove and release memory of an OpenAL sound file?

Hi, I have a small level based iPhone app. I need to load and release sound files for each level. Everything works fine with my openAL SoundManager except releasing sounds. At first, when I remove a sound, it seems to do what it is meant to do – it removes the sound and I can’t access it again unless I reload it. BUT, when I test my ap...

uiimage and uibutton release problem?

I've been coding for a while now in objective-c and am comfortable with it... but one thing eludes me. Memory management. I'm releasing as I think is correct, but this bit of code is throwing a "EXC_BAD_ACCESS" and crashes the app. When I comment out and DON'T release the button and image, it works fine. The function is called to read t...

Why have separate Debug and Release folders in Visual Studio?

By default, of course, Visual Studio creates separate bin folders for Debug and Release builds. We are having some minor issues dealing with those from the perspective of external dependencies, where sometimes we want release binaries and sometimes debug. It would make life slightly easier to just have a single bin folder on all projects...

Practices while releasing the python/ruby/script based web applications on production

I am purely a windows programmer and spend all my time hacking VC++. Recently I have been heading several web based applications and myself built applications with python (/pylons framework) and doing projects on rails. All the web projects are hosted on ubuntu linux. The RELEASE procedures and check list we followed for building and...

xCode Release configuration behaves different.

I'm making a iPhone app written in Objective-C using the Cocos2d game engine. I'm using xCode v3.2.1 with the 3.1.2 iPhone OS. At this point I have always ran my project under Debug Configuration. When I set it to release configuration certain elements of my game are no longer behaving correctly. My logic that worked in the debug configu...

releasing a javascript library for the first time

Hi, I'm almost finished working on a useful (at least, in my opinion) JavaScript plugin. Having seen and used many JavaScript packages, both freely licensed (JQuery, YUI, etc) and partly or fully commercially licensed I'm not sure what other factors dictate which license I should release my own under and how to support the plugin. Some ...

Using in the same time Boost in release and debug mode

Hello, The title is just for teasing. :-) I know it isn't possible, but here is my problem. My app (a DLL, actually) uses Boost. It also uses an external API, which also uses Boost. The external API is of course provided in a release binary, anlong the needed release Boost binaries. When I compile/link my DLL in release mode, I have n...

Release Excel Object In My Destructor

Hi all, I'm writing a Excel class using Microsoft.Interropt.Excel DLL. I finish all function but I have an error in my Destructor. I Want to save all changes to my file and I want to release all source. I want to all of them in my destructor. But In my destructor, Excel.ApplicationClass, Workbook and Worksheet objects are fill by an Exc...

How can release excel object with IDisposeable interface

I am writing an excel class and i want to release this unmanaged object automatically. I'm using IDisposable pattern and write Dispose methods. Example ; class MSExcel : IDisposable { ApplicationClass excel; bool disposed; public MSExcel() { disposed = false; excel = new ApplicationClass(); } ...

C# if/then directives for debug vs release

In Solution properties, I have Configuration set to "release" for my one and only project. At the beginning of the main routine, I have this code, and it is showing "Mode=Debug". I also have these two lines at the very top: #define DEBUG #define RELEASE Am I testing the right variable? #if (DEBUG) Console.WriteLine(...

iPhone memory management problems

I detach a thread to my method wich has a while-loop and even if I have an autoreleasePool, I release the objects manually since the while-loop can continue for a while... The problem is that after a while, the app crashes due to memory problems and if I look in Instruments I can see a huge pile of NSString allocated and a stairway to he...

Reusing NSMutableArray

I'm getting some leaks (obvserved by Instruments) when trying to reuse an existing NSMutableArray (in order to save memory). Basically I'm creating an NSMutableArray, filling it with objects (UIImages) and passing it onto another object which retains it. However, I now need to use an NSMutableArray again. I figured I would release all ...

When releasing a java spring web application, what are the steps to deploy/release?

If I make a spring mvc application, what are the things I have to do to deploy the application? (say its a commercial application) What options do I have? Do all applications compress the classes into a .war file? /WEB-INF/web.xml, appname-servlet.xml, etc. /WEB-INF/jsp/*.* /WEB-INF/appname.war ??? ...