
iPhone Push Notification Problem with Ad Hoc Provision

The iPhone i'm developing with (building the application to, not installed via ad-hoc) receives push notifications as it should. I've got an application that just sends dummy push notifications on command, and the dev iphone receives them consistently. However, I've distributed a beta build under the release configuration to several co...

How to dispose of a NET COM interop object on Release()

I have a COM object written in managed code (C++/CLI). I am using that object in standard C++. How do I force my COM object's destructor to be called immediately when the COM object is released? If that's not possible, call I have Release() call a MyDispose() method on my COM object? My code to declare the object (C++/CLI): [Gui...

How to prove my stakeholder and manager my software works?

What do software engineers encounter after another stressfull release? Well, the first thing we encounter in our group are the bugs we have released out in the open. The biggest problem that we as software engineers encounter after a stressfull release is spaghetti-code, also called the big ball of mud. The time and money to chase ...

PHP 6 release date?

What's the current release date for PHP 6. I recall once reading that it was to be released back in 2006. We're just a few weeks away from 2010. ...

MySQL 6 release date?

Anyone know when the MySQL 6 release date is? I've seen a ton of alpha/beta for it but have not seen an actual release date for 6.0 Looks like back in April, MySQL announced the release of ALPHA version 6.0.11. In that release back in April 2009 they stated that this would be the last ALPHA release and the next release in Sept 2009 wou...

How do other development teams approach version numbers?

Our application is quite mature, and thus we are up to version 16. However, this can give the impression that the software is old and out of touch (how many commercial applications are there with a version 20+??) Obviously, version numbers are quite arbitrary - what do other people use? I quite like the Ubuntu approach of, bu...

What is the difference between release and iteration?

The title says What is the difference between release and iteration? Can you explain what the difference is? ...

jQuery Highlight element on select option

I have a list of values in a drop down style select box e.g. <select id="places"> <option>Italy</option> <option>France</option> <option>Germany</option> <option>Spain</option> </select> I also have the same list of values in a div on my page e.g. <div> <span>Italy</span> <span>France</span> <span>Germany</span> <span>Spain</span> </...

Code leaks memory, seems to be coming from ID3DXBuffer, unsure why..

I load a shader with the following: ID3DXBuffer* errors = 0; ID3DXEffect *effect = 0; HR(D3DXCreateEffectFromFile( gd3dDevice, L"Shader.fx", 0, 0, D3DXSHADER_DEBUG|D3DXSHADER_SKIPOPTIMIZATION, 0, &effect, &errors) ); for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if(errors) { errors->Release(); if(effect) ef...

Enhancements to programming languages that had to be withdrawn after release?

Are there examples of significant enhancements to major programming languages that were fully released and then found to be sufficiently flawed that they had to be withdrawn? UPD @Jeff Foster has an example of a feature that is not consistently implemented and I'd take those as answers UPD There is a grey area between Deprecated and w...

Checklist for releasing an open source library

Hi all, I have been working on a web development library (for the CodeIgniter framework) that I soon hope to release. This would be my first contribution ever, and I have never released an open source library in the past. I wanted to appeal to the experience of some of you for any steps to follow before releasing. I know that testing...

"Points to Consider" before releasing a .NET Product Beta

I am planning to release a .NET product as Beta in the next couple of weeks. I want to know what points should be considered before releasing a product. I think the following needs to be taken care of: Professional Icons/Splash and About screens Obfuscation of assemblies Sign the assemblies - Strong Name Professional Security Certifica...

Perform a maven patch release

Is it possible to perform a patch release in maven? I would like to create a jar containing only one class which I have changed since the release. ...

Objective-C + release Objects

I am using the following function in my application: +(TeamTournamentLookUp *)getOpponentTeamTournamentLookUp:(int)tournamentId:(int)opponentTeamId { TeamTournamentLookUp *objOpponentTTL = nil; const char *sql = "SELECT TeamTournamentLookUpID, TournamentID, TeamID, NumberOfWins, NumberOfLosses, NumberOfDraws, Points, Rank, IsUs...

jQuery code behaves differently in Debug vs. Release mode

I am developing a website where I am using a tabs implementation with jQuery. In Debug mode, all runs fine, I spent the entire day developing it, and when I was about to deploy to the live site and I compiled in 'Release' mode, the tabs don't switch anymore. Why would this code behave differently? I am assuming it's the JavaScript code t...

NSThread object retained twice?

I have a class derived from NSThread: @interface FSEventMonitorThread : NSThread { FSEventStreamRef m_fseStreamRef; CFRunLoopRef m_runLoop; } - (id) initWithStream: (FSEventStreamRef)fseStreamRef; - (void) dealloc; - (void) main; @end @implementation FSEventMonitorThread - (id) initWithStream: (FSEventStreamRef)fse...

VisualStudio C++ how to make debuginfo reliable in releasemode

Hi! I've got a little problem. my application runs without problems in Debug mode, but crashes in release mode. I can't track down the problem, because in release mode all the Debuginfo appears to be nonsense. However - sometimes in other projects the Debug output is also valid in release mode. What projectsettings do I have to change s...

Binary Java 7 for Mac

Is there any binary release of Java 7 (using the Mac/BSD-port project) anywhere? Some blogs (e.g. Building Java 7 on Mac OS X) have a detailed instructions to build the jdk from source, but I was hoping that someone have a binary of it available for download. The problem with the instructions is that it's quite annoying to get all the ...

Reference library problem in Release configuration on another computer

I get this error when I open a program I created in Windows Vista in C# with WPF on a computer with Windows XP: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. This is ...

Is it a good idea to incorporate a Reference Count into every database table?

From Objective-C i'm used to Reference Counting / Retain Counting (same thing). I love this concept, and it's plain simple. So I thought, why not apply this to a database? The problem is: Imagine these tables: users, photos. A user can own a photo, a user can like a photo of himself or someone else, and a user can recommend a photo. In...