
How to remap keys when in Emacs

I am looking for a way to have my control key and caps-lock key switched when I am in the emacs window, but when I go to any other program such as Firefox I want to be able to use the normal control button for new windows, tabs and such. Additional Information: I am using Ubuntu, but answers for all systems are good since someone else m...

Vim: remap key to toggle line numbering

I've added: set number nnoremap <F2>:set nonumber! to my vimrc file. Basically what it's supposed to do is let me press to toggle line numbering but it's not working. What have I done wrong? Thanks in advance :) ...

What is the best way to remap a Hash in Ruby?

Is there a simple way of remapping a hash in ruby the following way: from: {:name => "foo", :value => "bar"} to: {"foo" => "bar"} Preferably in a way that makes it simple to do this operation while iterating over an array of this type of hashes: from: [{:name => "foo", :value => "bar"}, {:name => "foo2", :value => "bar2"}] to:...

How to remap "Context Menu" key in Mac OS X?

I have a Logitech keyboard (Ultra-Flat Keyboard Dark Shine to be exact), which has the context menu key in the middle of the windows and alt key, which is quite annoying. Here's a screenshot of where the key is: I can remap the windows and alt keys under t...

Override Caps Lock with Ctrl using C#

I'm writing (yet another, I know) keyboard remapper using C# and Visual Studio 2008. I followed this guide to learn how to snap up low-level key presses. This works just fine for overriding e.g. normal alphabetical characters on my keyboard, but I seem to need a bit more to make Caps Lock act like Ctrl. My understanding (which may be i...

How to disable a built-in command in vim

In vim, when I hit :wq it is almost always an accident that occurred when attempting to input :w. I would like to disable :wq. The closest I found is cmap, but it has some odd behavior. If I do something like :cmap wq w I can no longer even input :wq; it just remaps the keystroke sequence wq to w in command mode. Now I cannot, for...

What programmer-specific function can the old Esc do?

I've recently re-remapped my tilde/backtick to Escape (that's how at least I originally learned) and put the tilde/backtick in the left-Windows key (again how I originally learned). That floating Esc key way up in the NorthWest now, I've thought about mapping it a copy of F9 (for a generic SQL execution key). Is there a suggested use f...

Is there a good workaround to the Oracle IMPDP REMAP_SCHEMA issue with triggers (ORA-39083, ORA-00942)?

One can use the Oracle data pump import tool (IMPDP.EXE) to import one schema into another using the REMAP_SCHEMA option. However there is an issue in that triggers are not properly remapped. This leads to the trigger not being created at all with an error as follows: ORA-39083: Object type TRIGGER failed to create with error: ORA...

Why is so complicated to remap Esc to CAP LOCK in Vim?

I saw the vim wiki tips and it says that in order to remap Esc to CAP LOCK you have to edit the following windows code: REGEDIT4 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Keyboard Layout] "Scancode Map"=hex:00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,02,00,00,00,01,00,3a,00,00,00,00,00 Is it possible to remap Esc to CAP LOCK by only adding or modifying lines in the _vimrc? ...

What is meant by Remapping MySQL?

I would like to know what is meant by the term "remapping" in MySQL, sorry If this is a noob question, It's just the first time ive heard of it. ...

Favorite Visual Studio keyboard remappings?

Stack Overflow has covered favorite short-cuts and add-ins, optimizations and preferences -- great topics all. If this one has been covered, I can't find it -- so thanks in advance for the link. What are your favorite Visual Studio keyboard remappings? Mine are motivated by the fact that I'm a touch-typist. Mouse, function keys, arrow...

When using emacs do you rebind caps-lock to CTRL?

This question is, as indicated, for those who use Emacs. When you do, do you rebind the caps-lock key to CTRL, or do you use the "normal" ctrl key? I've recently learned some Emacs commands and was using the Visual Studio 2008 emacs commands for a while, and of course I used a caps-rebind tool, but I'm curious how many other people do...

Color Remapping - Matching target palette using a 3D grid?

Let's say I have color 'FOO', and it is stored in RGB format. I need to recolor 'FOO' so it matches the closest color in a list of colors. Doing this on the fly, couldn't I view the RGB values from each color as points on a 3D grid (r=x, g=y, b=z) and compute the distance between point 'FOO' vs the points from each color in the list? ...

Visual Studio 2010: How Can I remap F2 to Rename File rather than Open Object Browser

In Visual Studio 2010 Solution Explorer tree view, how can I remap the F2 key to Rename the Selected File rather than open Object Browser? ...

Amazon, AWS - What is a remap and how to calculate the costs

hi everyone, i got the first report for my account activity. the costs for remapping the elastic ip are quite expensive in relation to the cpu hours. my instance is running from 8 to 21 from monday to friday and from 8 to 9 on saturday and sunday. the start script at 8 associates an elastic ip. could anyone please explain me how to ...

emacs: remapping C-[ (currently ESC)

I'm using emacs 23 on ubuntu 10.04. I would like to remap the "C-[" binding. Currently, when I press it, it gives me "ESC". Is there a way to remap it? ...

How do I design my software for remappable short-cut keys?

I've just started on a GUI application which will feature several distinct modes and a large number of keyboard shortcuts. Ideally I'd like to support letting the user remap these, like in eclipse. What is - if any - the standard solution to this situation? I can imagine the main window captures all key-presses and translate them to key-...

vim key mapping reference

I've just installed the command-t plugin and what to map it to cmd-t instead of leader-t. I'm fairly new to vim and I don't know what the symbols are for the key mappings. Where can I find a reference for the symbols you use when mapping key combos in vim? ...