
How to configure the limit of concurrent requests to a remoting server with TcpChannel

I have a standard Remoting server with an underlying TcpChannel: IDictionary props = new Hashtable(); props["port"] = portnumber; TcpChannel channel = new TcpChannel(props, null, provider); ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(channel, false); string url = string.Format("AgentHost", portnumber); RemotingConfiguration...

Remoting server forcibly closing client connections in the middle of remote calls

Hello everyone. I have a system consisting of a server accepting remoting calls from clients with TCP as the underlying transportlayer. It normally works like a charm, but if I increase the no. of clients, the server starts at random to close the TCP connections in the middle of the calls. Not all calls are interrupted this way. That is...

How to check if a remote connection is open to the server?

I'm setting up my remoting connection like this: port = new Random().Next(REMOTING_PORT_MIN, REMOTING_PORT_MAX); TcpChannel chan = new TcpChannel(port); ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(chan, false); RemotingConfiguration.RegisterWellKnownServiceType(typeof(NotificationService), "CallOnMe.rem", WellKnownObjectMode.Singleton); notServic...

Convert? Domain objects to DTOs - Cannot create an instance of an interface

Hi I need to pass some objects to and from .Net and a Flex presentation layer. I need to pass and recieve the following object. public class Room: BasicRoom { private int _seatingCap; private RoomType _roomType; private IList<Equipment> _equipment; public virtual RoomType roomType { get { return _roomType; }...

In .NET remoting what is the difference between RemotingConfiguration.RegisterWellKnownServiceType and RemotingServices.Marshal?

In .NET remoting what is the difference between RemotingConfiguration.RegisterWellKnownServiceType and RemotingServices.Marshal? What I want to do is create an object in a Windows Service, then put it in as a remoting object and have the Windows Service and the Client both act on the remoting object. I thought the below code would acco...

NHibernate IList to List

Hi I am trying to return a collection of building domain. private long _id; private string _buildingName; private IList<BasicRoom> _rooms; I am using NHibernate and this mapping for the rooms <bag name="rooms" table="tb_rooms" lazy="false"> <key column="buildingID"/> <one-to-many class="Room"/> </bag> And I am calling the db like t...

.NET Remoting - How can the Server update the client?

Right now, I am in prototyping phase. So I am just getting started. Situation: Server - Will be run tests and publish progress to Client, must be low impact, no webserver, possibly running xp embedded or xp home. Client - Initiate tests and receive progress report. running xp pro. The two machines are connected via ethernet. I wou...

Java serialization and instance sharing using remote services

I'm currently thinking about some design details of remoting / serialization between a Java Swing WebStart Application (Fat Client) and some remote services running on Tomcat. I want to use a http compatible transport to communicate with the server and since I'm already using Spring, I assume Spring's HTTP Remoting is a good choice. But ...

Is there a way of using WCF and .NET Remoting at the same time?

Due to deployment restrictions, we can't deploy WCF on the client-side (yet) but would like to use it on the server-side. I am interested to know if it is possible to use WCF on the server but consume it with .NET remoting on the client side. I don't have any problems with using specific bindings, transfers or protocols on the server si...

.NET Remoting vs. Web Services vs. Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)

Anyone willing to help me out with pros/cons on .NET Remoting, Web Services, and WCF? I have worked a bit with .NET Remoting and Web Services and I am architecting a new ASP.NET 3.5 web app where I will be using a SQL 2008 DB. Primarily I am wondering if it would be worthwhile to really look into WCF for this app. In this particular i...

Tutorials for .NET Remoting

I've been looking around for some decent tutorials on .NET remoting (old style MarshallByRef), and have come across a couple, but nothing that I'm happy with. Does anyone know of any decent tutorials around? ...

Declarative thread safety in .NET

Hi, I need to make an existing app thread safe. Due circumstances (see below), I decided to use one single ReaderWriterLock for the entire graph of business objects. All methods/properties must look like these: public int MyReadOperation(string inputParam) { rwLock.AcquireReaderLock(10000); try { // do all read operation...

c# windows service causes entire machine to hang indefinitely/crash

I have a C# 2.0 windows service (100% managed code) and occasionally when it is started/restarted it causes the entire machine (Windows Server 2003) to hang indefinitely. When I click “Start the service” the service control progress bar gets halfway then the machine becomes completely unresponsive at the local terminal and remote deskto...

.NET remoting threading model

Hi, I would like to know how threads are handled on the server side using MarshalByRef objects. Given my remoted MarshalByRef class: public class MyRemotedClass : MarshalByRef { public int MyInt; public string MyString; } Client code (single threaded): MyRemotedClass m = GetSomehowMyRemotedClass(); m.MyInt = 5; // Write operat...

Identifying the client during a .NET remoting invocation

Hi, Given this MarshalByRef class: public class MyRemotedClass : MarshalByRef { public void DoThis() { ... } public void DoThat() { ... } } Client side code: MyRemotedClass m = GetSomehowMyRemotedClass(); m.DoThis(); m.DoThat(); I can have several clients doing the same thing at a the same time. I would like ...

Will adding automatic properties affect remoting?

We have a huge client/server WinForms app that uses .NET remoting to pass DAOs between the layers, which has a few problems. All of the DAOs were defined to use fields instead of properties long before I got here, and you can't bind fields to controls. Adding fields or properties to a DAO changes the serialization format, requiring a d...

Unregistering RemotingConfiguration unregister well known type

How to Unregister RemotingConfiguration unregister well known type ...

What does it mean that powershell 2.0 will be "firewall friendly"?

I'm interested in executing powershell scripts on a computer behind a firewall. What ports will I need to have open? Will any special configuration be needed or I'll be just be able to connect to a fresh install of Windows Server 2008 r2 and start executing my scripts? ...

Windows Service notifying user with WPF outlook style control not becoming visible....

Update: We are still using XP at work and I got my solution working, but now knowing that Vista and beyond have the isolated session I am going to implement a WCF IPC... I have a windows service that needs to notify the user of an event of some type occurring. I decided that something similar to email notification messages would make s...

.NET remoting, versioning and interfaces

I have a large .NET remoting project using the 2.0 framework. The server's API is exposed via interfaces and shared types are contained in an assembly shared with the client application. I have some methods that accept arrays of a base class that has many different classes inheriting from it. For example I have base class "Vehicle" tha...