I've got a system i'm designing where we're using 4 specialized PC's we manufacture in house that have 16 serial ports (db-9 RS232) I need to communicate with 64 units near simultaneously (4x16) and manage the communications. Here's the model I came up with and i'm soliciting feedback
Runs on one system and coordinates client a...
On my remoting server I wish to display a toast when a message is posted from a client. When a message is received, I try:
public void Log( string message )
new Toast( message ).Show();
However, the toasts lock up during creation due to what I assume is a threading issue. I do not, however, know how to resolve ...
So I've got a project, running all on a private network. I've got a computer interfacing to some specific pieces of hardware and presenting a user interface via Winforms to control them all.
Now, I'd like the ability to split the app, such that all the interface and main business logic runs on one computer, but the GUI runs on anot...
Most bugs are fairly simple, easily reproducible, and easy to debug. What do you do when you run into ones that are hard or impossible to repro under debugger, i.e.one of these?
Our app is a multi-threaded app that is furthermore complicated by the fact that it communicates with multiple clients via remoting and sometimes there're bugs...
I'm using .NET remoting for some simple observer-based IPC. I've been having two problems:
If I don't make any calls from the client on a remote object for a few minutes, an error is thrown when I do try to call, specifying that the connection has been dropped. How can I keep this alive?
I can't seem to accept clients from other comput...
I've got a remoting server and client built. The server is set up as such:
BinaryServerFormatterSinkProvider serverProv =
new BinaryServerFormatterSinkProvider();
serverProv.TypeFilterLevel = TypeFilterLevel.Full;
BinaryClientFormatterSinkProvider clientProv =
new BinaryClientFormatterSinkProvider();
IDictionary props = new H...
It may be a beginner question but I want to know,
What is the basic difference between Remoting or WebServices?
Which one is better?
In trying to configure a .NET remoting setup over TCP, I've been having problems accepting outside connections (connections from any computer not on my LAN). I did some investigation and hit netstat -a as soon as my friend started to connect. Here's what I saw:
Does anyone have experience with message transports that are both decoupled(senders and receivers don't know/care about each other) and low-latency for distributed and possibly remote interaction events? Do they exist?
I'm researching/developing interaction technologies for tangible interaction devices(i.e physical buttons, knobs, slide...
Duplicate Answer
Shutdown a remote computer connected in LAN in any preferable language
I am wondering, Is it possible to Shut down a remote PC programatically through .net application?
If yes, how it can be?
I've got a piece of software i'm working on that spawns short lived processes on remote systems to run some code (mostly SerialPort IO) that may or may not interact with the spawning application (but it should be assumed it will), and will then terminate on command.
What is the best way to spawn a remote process like this (PSExec? WMI? ...
I'm having a bit of a problem with a singleton class I'm exposing via remoting. In my server I have:
TcpChannel channel = new TcpChannel( Settings.Default.RemotingPort );
ChannelServices.RegisterChannel( channel, false );
typeof( RemotableObject ), "RemotableObject",
How can this error be rectified?
Exception: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException
Message: The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found
Source: mscorlib
Server stack trace:
at System.Net.Dns.GetHostByName(String hostName)
at System.Net.Dns.Resolve(String hostName)
I need a way to trigger events on remote processes "over the wire" and pass parameters (xml serialization, whatever). I want to be able to do things like this.
foreach(childClient c in clientList)
MyEvent += c.EventHandler;
what technologies are good for this? WCF?
This is a small deployment in house softwa...
I've written a client/server model in C# using .Net remoting. If I have the client connected to the server, then kill the server and restart it without trying to call any server methods from the client whilst the server is down, I can reconnect happily.
If I close the server then try to ping the server from the client (which I do from a...
I've written a custom serialization routine that does not use ISerializable or the SerialzableAttribute to save my objects to a file.
I also remote these same objects and would like to use the same serialization technique. However, I don't want to implement ISerializable because my serialization method is completely decoupled from my o...
I have the following project:
server, client, remote object. client does something, then pass the proxy of remote object to the server. All the things work property until server and client are in different domains. Now, when I try to pass result to server I have an exception
"An unhandled exception of type 'System.Runtime.Remoti...
Hi. First of all, sorry for my english. It's not my native language.
Here is the problem: I'm writing client-server application based on .net remoting. The application is some kind of calculator.
Client application has some field(number A and number B, and label for result) and some possible actions, represented by the buttons: Add, Su...
I'm building an application that will distribute its processing over a farm. In my basic design I have two services:
A "controller" which watches for new work, queues it up, and manages the results.
A "worker" which binds to a particular controller. The worker will check out work from its controller, and push the results back.
In the...
Is it possible (and feasible) to use .NET Remoting interface with Delphi win32 application?
I need communication between .NET application and Delphi win32 application, so .NET remoting would be native for other end of the pipe.
Any other solutions, as close to native as possible, for both ends without 3rd party libraries? Applicat...