
using Html.RenderPartial for the files in other Views/folders

How to use Html.RenderPartial for the PartialViews in other Folders? I have tried as: <% Html.RenderPartial("~/Views/User/Users.ascx", Model); %> It thrown an error: System.InvalidOperationException: The partial view '~/Views/User/Users.ascx' was not found. The following locations were searched: ~/Views/Main/~/Views/User/Users....

Render partial in Ruby on rails a collection is multiplying items

I want to display a list of items in a page in Ruby-on-Rails. I use partials in my index.html.erb file I have: <%= @lista = News.find(:all, :order => Document::COL_DATE + ' DESC, id DESC') render :partial => "newsitem", :layout => "list_news", :spacer_template => "spacer", :collection => @lista %> ...

Rerendering partial view at a JavaScript event in Ruby on Rails

I would like to rerender some partial views in Ruby on Rails at a specific JavaScript event. Do you guys know how I could do that? More specifically, i have some custom in-place-editor fields (from my own helper based on scriptaculous), and I would like to update some partials whenever new values are submitted on the fields. I do have a...

ASP.NET MVC ViewPage rendered in a ViewPage

I'm wondering if it is possible to render a ViewPage inside of a ViewPage. Normally, you'd have this: <%@ Page Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<my_object>"%> and then in the page you can render a user control: <%Html.RenderPartial("~/Views/Shared/mycontrol.ascx", this.ViewData);%> However I'd like to render a ViewPa...

When Is It Appropriate to Use Html.RenderAction()?

Hi Guys I'm a little bit unsure about when it's appropriate to use Html.RenderAction() to render my Views and when not to. My understanding is that because it's not an 'official' component of ASP.NET MVC it's bad practice to use it, and its original intention was for reusable widgets that don't exist in any specific Controller context. ...

ASP.NET MVC 2.0 Stck Overflow when loding sproc in partial view

Hi! Please forgive any newbie mistakes. I'm writing a receipt detail lookup tool in MVC 2.0 to pull up receipt details from our POS database. I have the stored procedures written that return the data that I need. I have my sprocs loaded in a repository. When I try and load these sprocs in a partial view I get a stack overflow error. If ...

How to cache result of Html.RenderPartialView

Hi all, I'm on project using mvc2. In master page I have some lines of code line this <% Html.RenderPartialView("Header", Model.HeaderData) %> ... <% Html.RenderPartialView("LeftMenu", Model.MenuData) %> ... <% Html.RenderPartialView("Footer") %> How could I apply caching to RenderPartialView Thanks ...

jQuery partial page refresh after form submit

When using jQuery to submit a form is it possible to place the resulting page (after the submit) inside another HTML element? I'll try to make this clearer. Up to now I've been using Callback methods that among others do a document.forms['form'].submit(); whenever a form has been updated with new information and needs to be refreshe...

Rendering a derived partial view with Html.RenderPartial

Calling Html.RenderPartial("~/Views/Payments/MyControl.ascx"); from a view works if MyControl.ascx is a control that directly inherits System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl. However, if the control inherits a new class that derives from System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl, the call to Html.RenderPartial("~/Views/Payments/MyDerivedControl.ascx"); f...

Page doesn't un-cache itself in ASP.NET C#

Hi, I sometimes find that I need to press CTRL+REFRESH BUTTON (or simply REFRESH BUTTON) in order for pages to be updated. I thought this may have been a problem with using AJAX Update Panel and things, but it also happens on pages where there is no AJAX partial rendering. I have also removed if(!isPostBack), and yet still I need to ref...

RenderPartial from master page failing

I have a call to RenderPartial() from a master page that's returning empty on a remote server. Works fine on the local dev server. Any thoughts? ... RenderPartial onclick

Greetings, I have an mvc application. I have some links that corresponds to clients names. When user clicks on this link I would like to show an information of clicked client and additionally a textarea where user shall be able to write some text (comment) about selected client. How can I achieve it? EDIT I've made something li...

Renderpartial or renderaction

have an action that generates active vacancies. The code is below; public ViewResult OpenVacancies() { var openvacancies = db.GetActiveVacancies(); return View(openvacancies); } I want to use this list on several pages so i guess the best thing to use is html.renderaction (please correct me if i ...

.Net MVC UserControl - RenderPartial or EditorFor

Hi I have a View that contains a usercontrol. The usercontrol is rendered using: <% Html.RenderPartial("GeneralStuff", Model.General, ViewData); %> My problem is that the usercontrol renders nicely with values from the model but when I post values edited in the usercontrol they are not mapped back to Model.General. I know I can find ...

AJAX Partial Rendering issues for the default page in IIS 7 when using custom http module

The problem When I try to make a AJAX partial update request (using the UpdatePanel control) from the default page of an IIS7 web site, it fails- instead of returning the html to be updated, it returns the entire page, which then causes the MS AJAX Javascript to throw a parsing shit-fit. The suspected cause I have narrowed the cause d...

RenderPartial a view from another controller (and in another folder)

Hey MVC experts. I two database entities that i need to represent and i need to output them in a single page. I have something like this Views Def ViewA ViewB Test ViewC I want to ViewC to display ViewA, which displays ViewB. Right now i'm using something like this: // View C <!-- bla --> <% Html.RenderPartial(Url.C...

Partial template submit_tag

Hello, I would like to create a login field everywhere on the top of my page, so I've add a : in application.html.erb : <%= render :partial => 'sessions/new' %> in .../views/sessions/_new.html.erb <%= form_tag do %> <div> <label for="name">Email :</label> <%= text_field_tag :name, params[:name] %> <label for="password...

Design pattern to integrate Rails with a Comet server

I have a Ruby on Rails (2.3.5) application and an APE (Ajax Push Engine) server. When records are created within the Rails application, i need to push the new record out on applicable channels to the APE server. Records can be created in the rails app by the traditional path through the controller's create action, or it can be created by...

Rails: Rendering a partial to the right div?

I have a loop in my view that renders many partials: each partial is a simple toggle to perform a save/unsave operation on a record. Each partial toggles the boolean field using javascript then updates itself, and the controller finishes by saying: $ controller render :partial => "save_unsave_buttons", :locals => {:matching => @matching...

Reusable pageable list in ASP.NET MVC2

For example, this list contains an overview of documents and needs to allow paging. The list is used throughout the website. Depending on the context where it is used, it needs the data from a different source. For example, it can be used on a 'group' page, where it needs to load the documents for the group. And it can be used on an 'ev...