
[Rails] How to reload a div using render(:update) and replace_html?

How to reload only the div id on a page? I just need to reload a certain div. in my controller I have def mycontrolleraction ... render(:update) do |page| reload_only_the_div('adiv'), :controller => 'my_controller' end end Is this possible? ...

Trying to save output from RenderPartial to a Javascript variable and use it later.

In my Create View: <script type="text/javascript"> var tabContent = "<% Html.RenderPartial("ProductEdit", new Web.Model.Product()); %>"; </script> Unfortunately this seems to break. At least the quotes (") aren't escaped (\"). How could I "inject" the results of RenderPartial into JS? ...

How to load a partial inside of a partial?

I'm trying to fire an AJAX request when my page loads. I'm guessing this would be best from my controller. First I open a new page.. def text_tabs_nav end This page has the ability to load by AJAX two different partials. I want to load one of them on default. So I thought maybe this .. def text_tabs_nav respond_to do |format| ...

render a partial from jquery and haml

Hi guys, The functionality I plan on doing is to insert some form elements depending on a number chosen from a select tag. I have a select tag called for number_of_passengers, and i plan to dynamically append new passenger fields for the number chosen. Say I select 2 from number_of_passengers, then 2 forms should appear in a fieldset. ...

Hudson Jelly file is failing to render internal tag

This Code is from a Hudson plugin. The problem is that the line <aspen:featureTable support="${it.getLastBuild().getFeatureSupport()}" /> should render to a table inside the following script. does anyone know why it would be skipped over by the rendering engine? <j:jelly xmlns:j="jelly:core" xmlns:st="jelly:stapler" xmlns:d="jelly:d...

Reuse js.rjs files in Rails ?

Hi, i have an .js.rjs file, that must be used in many places. How can i reuse it ? For example, in my .js.rjs file i need something like this: page << ( render "widely_used_stuff" ) where "widely_used_stuff" is a widely_used_stuff.js.rjs file, that contains the code, used in many places. Also, i need to pass the variables to widel...

MVC RenderPartial jQuery problem with selector (ID).

I have this infoflyout.ascx <%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl<dynamic>" %> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { $("#flyoutdialog").dialog({ autoOpen: false }); $('#opener').click(function () { $("#flyoutdialog").dialog('open'); retur...

Ajax call to a method in flow handler - Spring web flow 2.1.1

Hi, I have a problem with performing Ajax call inside of flow (created by spring web flow) on a flow handler. Assuming that we are in step 2 of this flow and I would like to call a method on server which will add a new object to a list displayed on a page. This method call should be performed by flow handler and without refresh the whol...

Sending an unknown object to a RenderPartial in MVC

this is my renderparial <%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl<dynamic>" %> <a href='<%= Url.Action("Edit", new {id=Model.ID}) %>'> <img src="<%= Url.Content("~/img/pencil.png") %>" alt="Edit" width="16" /></a> I basically want to call it in this way: <% Html.RenderPartial("edit", new...

Using Html.RenderPartial() in ascx files

Hello, I try to use Html.RenderPartial in acsx file and and I've got error Compiler Error Message: CS1973: 'System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper' has no applicable method named 'RenderPartial' but appears to have an extension method by that name. Extension methods cannot be dynamically dispatched. Consider casting the dynamic arguments or calling...

ASP.NET MVC 2 : Having trouble with creating a Master-Detail View

Hi everyone ! I'm having trouble right now with the creation of a Master-Detail page in an ASP.NET MVC 2 project at the moment. This project uses Entity Framework OR/M for table mapping. I'm using a custom CategoryModel which is passing another list of objects. I've simplified the Model for presentation purposes : public class Cat...

clever universal form partials in rails

I have a widget for currencies which I use throughout my application. Ie. the user changes the currency from EUR -> USD, or about 13 other currencies. I have a few other use-cases such as dates but this one is the easiest to explain. Currency basically just updates a session variable by calling the currency controller and then uses so...

How to implement the partial page loading functionality

Hi All, I have a application which has very bulky page and i can not reduce the functionality any more. Because of this my every page is taking too much time to load completely. Is there any way to load the page in sequential manner. Link once i hit the URL few content get displayed immediately and other contents will get displayed on...

Are MVC2 display templates considered good practice?

I'm learning the ASP MVC2 framework, with no prior knowledge of MVC1. At the moment I'm constructing a toy website for learning purposes. So far I've been primarily using Html.RenderPartial as my main means of organizing view rendering. In theory I'd prefer something less imperative and more declarative. I've read several tutorials on ...

jQuery ajax partial update of page

Here is my simple jQuery function to partially update a page <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { $("#prevlinkh").click(function () { var pagenumber = $("#prevlinkh").attr("pn"); $("#filelist").load('/uploads/<%=FileCategoryName %>/' + pagenumber + " #filelist>*", ""); return false... mvc rendering html recursively

Hello everyone, i have recently run into a strange problem. i have a table in db named Task. A Task may have a parent task and more than one child tasks (self join). i have written a stored procedure that returns me all the tasks in the project their children and sub children upto n level using CTE (common table expression). my required...