
Clojure emacs slime + swank directory question

I'm using emacs with clojure-swank and slime and trying to set my development environment. And I ran into a problem. When I start a repl I'm stuck in an unknown directory preventing me to load my namespace. Because the clojure repl can't find the right file. Does anyone know how to change the current directory? PS: I've just started us...

octave: load many functions from single file

How can I put multiple functions in one file and later get access to all of them in the octave interpreter ? I don't want to have a thousand files and want to group functions together. I'd like something like 'import' in python. ...

How to play with Specs matchers in Scala REPL?

While debugging or exploring spec features it would be more advantageous to type them in REPL (Scala interpreter) rather then in file with spec and run it with something like maven. What is the optimal way to create in REPL the same "environment" as in Specification object? Update: It looks like the simplest way to experiment with specs...

C# REPL tools; quick console-like compiling tool.

Often times, I start a new instance of Visual Studio, just to create a console application that has some output and/or input. It's a temporary sandbox I use to test a method or something else and close a few minutes later. Can you think of any tools to replace this? I use to have an application that had two text fields: one on top to t...

What's the recommended way of running a stand-alone clojure REPL?

I'm using rlwrap, but I don't have tab-completion, and characters with accents get mangled. This is on OSX 10.6 in ...

How to embed a graphical interactive IronPython shell in an application?

I've tried the obvious path in my pet open source project RevitPythonShell (a plugin for the building modeling software Autodesk Revit Architecture 2010): code.interact() with the IronPython engine set up to use .NET streams for STDIN and STDOUT. These I then redirect to a TextBox control. It kinda works, but really is only an ugly hack....

Launch Scala REPL programatically?

I would like to launch a Scala Swing application from the command line, then after the application is started, drop into the Scala REPL to use as a control interface. Ideally I would also like to pre-bind some variable names. Even better would be using a Java2D terminal emulator for the REPL, but I couldn't find anything appropriate. D...

Is there assembler REPL under linux?

Recently I've started plaing with assembler under linux, there's good debuger, but comming from Ruby I'm missing simple REPL that would let me enter a line of assembler code and see the result on registers flags and stack. Can anyone point me in good direction? ...

Is there an easy way to get the Scala REPL to reload a class or package?

I almost always have a Scala REPL session or two open, which makes it very easy to give Java or Scala classes a quick test. But if I change a class and recompile it, the REPL continues with the old one loaded. Is there a way to get it to reload the class, rather than having to restart the REPL? Just to give a concrete example, suppose...

Is there a colored REPL for Clojure?

I'd like to get a colored REPL for clojure code, similar to what you can do with IRB for Ruby. Are there any libraries or settings for user.clj that provide automatic coloring of the REPL? Example IRB: ...

Java REPL shell

Hi, I'm looking for a REPL shell that I can use to test out snippets of Java code. Either a desktop app, or a web app (like the Groovy web console). Ideally, commonly used Java packages like:* java.util.* should be automatically imported, so that I can copy and paste code from a class without having to add a bunch of imports...

IronRuby REPL with required .NET assemblies

What is the best way to put together a "shortcut" to launch a IronRuby REPL with some .NET assemblies preloaded? I think there is a way to do this in Powershell (via Snapin or Module) and I'm looking for something similar in IronRuby. ...

Why scala 2.8 REPL does not auto-complete some method (i.e. forall, exists)?

I started the scala REPL an write the following code: scala> val a = Array(1,2,3,4) a: Array[Int] = Array(1, 2, 3, 4) scala> a.`<TAB>` asInstanceOf getClass isInstanceOf toString scala> a.exists(_ == 1) res1: Boolean = true Why I don't have "exists" listed when I press <TAB>? ...

How can I stop a running operation in the SLIME REPL?

Is there a way to stop a running operation in the SLIME REPL? The Clojure SLIME folks apparently have some way to do this, so how about in ordinary Common Lisp? Thanks /Erik ...

scala REPL is slow on vista

I installed scala-2.8.0.RC3 by extracting the tgz file into my cygwin (vista) home directory. I made sure to set $PATH to scala-2.8.0.RC3/bin. I start the REPL by typing: $ scala Welcome to Scala version 2.8.0.RC3 (Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM, Java 1.6.0_20). Type in expressions to have them evaluated. Type :help for more information. ...

Which languages have no repls

It seems these days most languages have some sort of read-eval-print loops, cint is one for c and c++, it makes me wonder what launguages don't (Java doesn't yet right)? ...

CLISP overflow after multiplication

i'm trying to get a first lisp program to work using the CLISP implementation, by typing (print (mod (+ (* 28433 (expt 2 7830457) 1)) (expt 10 10)))) in the REPL. but it gives me *** - overflow during multiplication of large numbers. i thought lisp features arbitrary size/precision. how could that ever happen then? ...

Compiled interpreted language

Is there a programming language, having usable interactive interpreter, even as it can be compiled to machine code? ...

In Clojure: Error executing a Java call with let inside a function but not in REPL

I have the following code: (defn post [title content timestamp] (let [[innholdet tajm] [(str "<html> <head> <title>" title " :: " blog_title "</title></head> <body><h1>" title "</h1> <br/>" content "<br/><i>posted " (Date. timestamp) "</i> <br/><a href=\"...

repl is not working(clojure box)

Hello all I want to use syntax highlighting for clojure in emacs + slime + clojure. So I did following step. run clojure box M-x clojure-mode in slime-repl clojure syntax highlighting is success. But repl is not working. I expect a result of 3. But cursor blinks. repl no response. ; SLIME user> (+ 1 2) -K\**_ *slime-repl cloju...