
Is It Possible to Add SQL Reporting Service to SQL Server 2008 Express?

I joined a windows host who runs SQL Server 2008 Express (Negative Surprise)! I think this is wrong since a host should expect some medium companies join them so they should put at least standard version. I don't know much about dba, but this is my suggestion. Am i right? OK! Here is my question, the host has SQL Reporting Service as an...

Why input[type=text] is not working in IE

Hello, I have some style like this: <style type="text/css"> input[type=text]{ width:300px; } </style> the above code works in chrome and firefox. Why not in IE? I am using this code in Reporting services at the end of Reports.aspx file. ...

Sql Server Reporting Services vs Reporting Via .NET Application

My boss wants me to create a few reports in the near future and I think he wants to use SQL Server Reporting Services to deploy the reports. I'm not so sure this would be such a great idea considering that we are a pretty small organization and I cannot see us making good use of or needing the features that this solution offers such as s...

How do I change the query execution order in SSRS?

How do I control which stored proc runs first in SSRS. My second stored proc needs to use the temp table data from the first stored proc. Thanks so much. ...

SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services language setting

Ok, i need to write a report in Arabic (ar-AS), the information for this report is in a database in English, with varchar columns (not nvarchar) with collation SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS The Language Settings for Reports and Report Designer only changes dates, currency, and numbers to the given language. I also need static text (colum...

How to include a work item custom field in a TFS 2010 Report

Hello! I want to use a custom field I have created in the Task work item in the "MSF for Agile Software Development v5.0" template in the built in reports for this template. I know how to open and edit a report from the template, but I don't know how to find the field I have created. ...

Microsoft Report Viewer Control & Crystal Reports

Can the Microsoft Report Viewer control render and display Crystal reports or is it just intended to render SSRS reports? Thanks. ...

SQL why wont this let me select a blank value and a value?

I have the following UDF. CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[udf_GenerateVarcharTableFromStringList] (@list varchar(MAX), @delimiter char(1) = N',') RETURNS @tbl TABLE ([Value] varchar(200)) WITH SCHEMABINDING AS BEGIN DECLARE @chrind INT DECLARE @Piece nvarchar(4000) SELECT @chrind...

SSRS return blank value and regular value to function

In SSRS I have a parameter that is populated from a multi-value list which allows a blank value. When I select just the blank value it returns unit 123 When I select just "New" it returns unit 987 When I select both owner "New" and the blank value it only returns 987. Any ideas? Does SSRS not allow you to pass the blank value and a n...

Showing Parameters passed to a SP in Reporting Services 2000

Hello, Is there a way to put a report into a debugging mode? My situation is this. I'm changing the SP of a report to speed it up in a transition to 2005, in fact this is the same one where the funky from was from, and for some reason when I call the SP from SQL it takes 4 seconds. When the report runs, well its been 20 mins and its ...

Comparision of Java Reporting tools

I was trying to prepare a comparision sheet covering available Reporting toos available in Java and their pros and cons. There are lot of Open Source tools available: JCCKit, JasperReports, BIRT, jCharts, DataVision, OpenReports etc.. though I could not find comparative study for these tools. Would like to know, if you could throw som...

restore deleted y-axis

Is there a way to add the y-axis back to a bar chart if it has been deleted? Right now, all I have found to do is create a new chart and set it up again like my other chart, just not deleting the y-axis. :/ I'm using Report Builder 2.0. ...

SSRS reports render incorrectly when directly to pdf

I have a report that is generated directly as a pdf report using the System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol. When the report renders as a pdf document soem of the cells that have TextAlign set to Right are actually showing with the TextAlign as Left. Is there something in the rdl file that is causing this or is this a bug...

SSRS - Include report in email body

How do I include the report in the email body? Can this be done in SSRS 2005? ...

SSRS 2005 conditional count in chart: how-to?

I have a column chart in which I want to display the % of Invoiced Sales in 24 hours and % of Not Invoiced Sales in 24 hours. The data should be categorized by date, so for each date I can see the % of invoiced and not invoiced sales within 24 hours. My dataset contains: sales id, sales status (only invoiced are permitted and I took...

Column and Row grouping in SQL Server Reporting Services 2008

this is the desired result in need to populate as a report. where xx is no of people. i have a table which has fields like : ---------- table1 ---------- id state year(as Quarter) gender so i need to determine the count from id and populate as a report. the year is like 20081,20082..20084(in quarter). i have created a dataset usin...

SSRS: Can I know if user selected "ALL" in multivalued param?

Customer wants me to repeat the parameter values in the page header of the report. But if they just choose "Select All" on a multi-valued parameter, they want the text "Any" listed. For example, one parameter has a fixed set of 9 values. I hard-coded the expression for a text box to: ="Room Size: " & iif(Parameters!pRoomCap.Count=9, ...

SharePoint 2010 Reporting Services Integrated-mode Error

I am running SharePoint 2010 and Reporting Services 2008 R2 SharePoint integrated-mode. I am able to browse to the reportserver site : http://DBserver/reportserver which lists my site collections and I am able to get to the document library which holds my reports. However, when I try opening a report I get the following error: Report Se...

ReportViewer control connecting to sql server 2008 gives connection error.

Hi, I am trying to display a report that is deployed on a reporting server using the reportviewer control. I am using visual studio 2010, the reportviewer control from the assembly Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms, Version The SQL server is a 2008 version on a remote machine. This gives me the following error. The atte...

Reporting services + sort expression

Greetings, In my reporting services I would like to add sorting. Is there any way I can add sorting by two fields inside one column's sort expression? something like: =Fields!SomeValue1.Value =Fields!Somevalue2.Value when I use this sort expression, values are not sorted correctly. Values I would like to sort are something like Som...