
Using objects as a data source for a remote SQL Server Reporting Services report

Is it possible to use objects as a datasource for a remote SSRS report? I know it is possible to use objects locally from within an application. I would like to like to use business objects as a data source for reports that are run on the SSRS server. In the past I have created stored procedures that returned the same information a...

SSRS mysterious extra pages

I have two reports that are setup with the same page dimensions- A4 portrait, with page margins of 1cm. When I run the reports seperately and print them they both come out as expected: fitting into the width constraint of the page. However, when I include one report as a subreport in the other and then run and print the "master" report...

How to use Multiple result sets in Reporting Services

I have a stored procedure which returns multiple result sets similiar to the following: ALTER PROCEDURE sp_XXXX ( XXXXXX ) AS SET NOCOUNT ON SELECT XXXXXXX IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0 SELECT XXXXXXX RETURN I want my report to use the first result set if it has data or use the second one in case the first one is empty. Any help?...

Can you have cascading report parameters from a dropdown to a textbox?

I have a SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services report with three parameters I'd like to implement some kind of dependency relationship between. The first parameter is DateRange which is a drop down with various numbers of days back to make a date range from the present day. It will have a "Custom" value which will be used to flag when th...

Upgrading Reporting Services RLD 2005 --> 2008

I ran the solution conversion for a bunch of reports I maintain, but a handful (about half a dozen) failed to convert. I managed to convert some by hand, but some are different enough that changing the RDL by hand is difficult. Is there a better way to fix these reports? ...

Storing and retrieving session variables in Reporting Services 2008

Is there a way to set session variables during login that are then available to reports? We have a reporting services server where we move and denormalize data from our transaction system for reporting purposes. In order to allow our users to login with the same user name and password from the transactional system we have set up custom ...

JavaScript - SQL Reporting Services

Can We insert javascript in a report rendered by sql reporting services? eg:- when mouse over happens over a cell i would like to open a div as in case of ajax modal popup control usage. ...

Pass dataset to subreport with SQL Server Reporting Services

I'm using SQL Server Reporting Services and the report designer that comes with Visual Studio. I've got a really big report. It's actually so large that Visual Studio hangs (sometimes for hours at a time) or just crashes when I make changes. There is preciously little I can do to solve the problem, so I've decided to just move the bott...

ora-00939 error in reporting services, SSRS

Hi, I have an SSRS report , Oracle is my backend and am using this following query for dataset of my second parameter. select distinct X from v_stf_sec_user_staffing_center usc where usc.center_group_id in ( select distinct center_group_id from V_T_STAFFING_CENTER_GROUP scg where INSTR(','||REPLACE(:PI_REGION_LIST,' ')||',', ','|...

In SQL Reporting services, is there a way to dynamically hide some parameters (but not all) from users?

Is there a way to have a SQL Reporting Services (2005) dynamically show or hide parameters? For example, if the user is a "power user," show parameters A, B, C, D, but if you're a novice, show only A & B? This isn't a security or "limiting" concern, just an attempt to not overwhelm some users or overly restrict others. Thanks! ...

Canceling report run via Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms ReportViewer

Is it programmatically possible to cancel a long-running report that has been started using the web forms ReportViewer control? Documentation of .Reset() method says "Call the Reset method to cancel any current rendering and reset the ReportViewer control to its default state." However if I (for example) put a button on the web form to...

How do I place a hyperlink on every page of a SSRS 2005 report?

I am building a SSRS 2005 report that has potentially multiple pages. I would like to put in a hyperlink so that it appears on the top of every page. The hyperlink links back to the same report - basically I have a "summary" and "detail" mode and want to have hyperlinks to switch between. So far I tried two approaches: Put a textbox ...

SSRS Email Subscription Configuration

I was trying to configure Sql Server Reporting Services 2008 to send out email when subscriptions were created. I was running SSRS in Native Mode. Whenever I tried to create a new email subscription this error message would appear in the log files: library!ReportServer_0-3!14e4!01/30/2009-12:58:52:: Call to GetSystemPermissionsAction(...

Disable hyperlinks when exporting SSRS report to excel

I am using the ReportViewer control to render some local reports. These reports have some elements that are links to supreports. Some of these elements contain a lot of data ( to be passed as arguments to subreport). The problem is when i export the report to excel, it wont open in excel because of the cell max character limit. I am wond...

Default value to a data parameter , SSRS

In my SSRS report I wanted to default the date parameter with the execution date. I default the date patameter with =DateValue(Globals!ExecutionTime) or =today. I do have 5 other parameters in my report. In reporting manager, it makes the page refresh each time when I select another parameter value. Why is that? How do I solve this? ...

Building a SSRS 2008 off an EDM

Can someone please outline the process of building a SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 report based on a ADO.Net Entity Framework Entity Data Model? If you know of any example, please point me to it. Thank you! ...

How to display a Reporting Services report as an inline PDF, in a ASP.Net and C# web page?

I need to display a preview of a report, in an ASP.Net web page (using C# server side scripts). The preview needs to be a PDF rather than HTML and displayed inline (possibly in an iframe?). Is it possible to specify the headers of a report rendered as a PDF, so its 'Content-Disposition' is inline rather than attachment? Or is there an...

extra lines in excel version of the report, SSRS

Hi I have a Reporting service report. I am using grouping on the report. My report looks great in HTML rendering, but in excel version the first and the last columns are having extra lines, where that lines are not in html version. Could anyone please give me a hint , why its so. Thanks, Suni ...

how to highlight the rdl projects xml view in VS2003?

i never worked with Reporting Services in the past and i notice that the XML view of the Rdl projects does not offer a syntax highlighting in VS2003 its all plain text does someone knows how to enable this? Thanks, Oscar ...

Is it possible to install SSRS Report Manager by itself?

I've been asked to look into writing an installer that will just set up Reporting Service's Report Manager by itself on a machine. Is this possible? My web searching has not given me a good answer. ...