
How to get the data source information from a SSRS report, using .NET

I am currently making an ASP.Net and C# page, which is a front end for some reports. I also want to run some queries, from the same data source as the reports (each report uses just 1 data source). Is it possible to extract the data source connection information from a report, using either ReportingService2005 or ReportExecutionServi...

Get field from SQL Server Reporting Services Page

I'm trying to access a drop down box from a page created by SQL Server Reporting Services using JavaScript. I would normally just getElementById but the the id and name attributes for the drop down element are generated by the server so I don't want to use that to reference the element. i.e. If the design of the page changes in the futur...

Report Builder, prompt filter, how to ignore the filter?

Hi, I'm looking at the report builder from 2005. I know I can prompt a filter so the user can filter the data themselves. But what if they don't want that? how can I set the filter optional. so either they see everything or they use the filter. Now I only can have a filtered report. ...

SSRS: Summing TimeSpan values in a report

I have a report and a datasource where one of the columns are of type TimeSpan. The TimeSpan value appears to display correctly in the report when I use Fields!TheTime.Value, no problem there. 07:02:00 05:41:00 But I would like to do a Sum on those values to get the total time of a group. In C# and such I can of course do a TimeSpan ...

How do you get the records from single dataset to display onto 4 corners of landscape page? [SSRS]

I am using Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 I have a report that when printed I want to display a record in each of the 4 corners of a landscape page. I am using a single Dataset that returns 1 to many records. How do I accomplish this with a table or matrix? For example if I had 6 records in my dataset: Page 1 |-------...

SSRS Report Viewer Control Browser Compatibility

How compatible is the MS Report Viewer Control with browsers like Firefox and Safari? Please also post if you know any 3rd party report viewers for SSRS. ...

C# - Templated Printing from Object(s)

I'm in need of a solution to print or export (pdf/doc) from C#. I want to be able to design a template with place holders, bind an object (or xml) to this template, and get out a finished document. I'm not really sure if this is a reporting solution or not. I also don't want to have to roll my own printing / graphics code -- I'd like ...

Report Output Export File Name Issue in CRM 4.0

Hello All, We have recently upgraded our CRM system from 3.0 to 4.0. Since then we are having troubles with our reports. Whenever we export the report to excel format, the file which is created in CRM 4.0 has name as some "GUID".xls. Not just the name of the file, the sheet contianing the output also has GUID as the name. This ap...

Report Server aggregation over groups by line

Maybe this is a newbie question, but Imagine I have a report that shows the sales-order list pr sales-rep, itemized to sku level, and want to show how many percent of the total sale of 1 sku, the sales-rep has sold. I.e. Sales-person List of orders - List of items no sold: 5 out of this months total 942...

group devider in reporting service report

Hi, My SSRS report is using groups to devide the data in group. I would like to have a line seperator at the last row of the group. I did hide the group footer and header since it gives me an extra row when render the report to excel, So the bordering of group header or footer for this is not working. I wanted to avoid the extra rows in...

SQL set column names from another query

I'm am using MS Reporting Services to graph some data from an Oracle database. I want to name the columns in my select statement with values from another select statement. Is this possible? Like instead of "Select Column1 As 'Test' From Table1" could I do something like "Select Column1 As (Select column2 from Table2 where Value = 1) Fro...

Choosing a Platform C#/MsSql or Php/Mysql or JSP or what?

Hi all, It seems like there are an inordinate number of really intelligent people here, so I thought it was the best place to ask a couple involved questions (shameless flattery). Your feedback on any item would be so appreciated. I am about to develop a very large web based operations, inventory, sales management system. I had inten...

How do I change the Report Designer Ruler unit from Inches to centimetres?

A simple (I hope) question, I'm using Visual Studio, I create a new report in SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio. In layout view the ruler is in inches, I would like to change it to centimetres. Update 1 Changing the regional settings worked. Is it not possible to do this without changing the regional settings? I woul...

How to get SSRS Data Source credentials and open an SQL Connection in .NET

I am using an ASP.Net and C# front end to run some reports. I want to open an SQL Connection to the data source used by the report. When the report uses integrated security it is easy enough to create a connection, however I want to create a connection when the user name and password are stored by the reporting server. I can get SQL Se...

Has anyone used Data Dynamics Reports?

We currently use ActiveReports (by Data Dynamics, now Grape City) for canned reports, but are considering moving up to their Reports package. If you've used it, I'd love to hear your take on: Performance - do you feel it will scale well for a web based app (particularly compared with ActiveReports) Export to Excel - it appears to prov...

Reporting Services Parameter Constraint

I have a reporting services (SQL 2008) report with two Date/Time parameters - begindate and enddate. I need to constrain enddate to the same month and year as begindate. This seems like it should be an easy thing to do, but I cannot figure it out. Currently, I am checking the parameters passed to the stored procedure and raising an ...

Reporting Services Report Manager Generating Report Message

We are using reporting services for our reports and are currently using the Report Manager application to allow users to run reports. The report manager application can be accessed from outside our firewall, so we have configured reporting services so that the report manager web application is on a separate server than the report server ...

How do you peer review SRSS reports?

I'm a big fan of peer review of code but when it comes to reports there just doesn't seem like a good way reviewing them. Showing differences just gets you the XML which isn't very readable and opening the report doesn't get you that much more visibility. Are there any applications that make this easier or do most people just review repo...

Strange DataRowView errors when generating large RS reports

I have an ASP.NET application, built over DotNetNuke, used in my university for student management. Any now and then, when generating some long-running report, the application throws an error like this: "DataBinding: 'System.Data.DataRowView' does not contain a property with the name XXXX" where XXX may be different. I have to emphasiz...

SSRS: Execution cannot be found

I've got a Windows SBS 2008 64 bit Box with SQL 2005 64bit on it. SQL itself runs amazingly well - nice and fast. SSRS though is giving me headaches. I ran the install as normal, configured the windows service to run under its own account and the web service to run as NT Authority\Network Service. When I try to run the reports though...