
Why am I getting an error with Reporting Services Add-in for Sharepoint products?

Background: I deployed reporting services in a sharepoint integrated mode, installed add in and configured reporting services in MOSS, everything is done fine, I am using NTLM authentication, so I replaced the RSWindowsNegotiate with RSWindowsNTLM in the rsreportserver.config file and stepped out from the problem in authorization in Man...

Enable SSRS My Reports using Express edition

Is there a way to enable the “My Reports” feature in SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 when I am using SQL Server 2008 Express edition with Advanced Services? As I am using Express edition, I cannot connect SQL Server Management Studio to Reporting Services: - "SQL Server Management Studio Express cannot be used to administer a ...

What is the correct expression to use in order to format a date from "yyyyMMdd" to "M/d/yyyy" in SQL Server Reporting Services?

I get dates in my dataset in the form "yyyyMMdd" (ie 20080228 means Feb 28, 2008) I need to convert these to "M/d/yyyy" Examples: 20080228 = 2/28/2008 20080101 = 1/1/2008 20081001 = 10/1/2008 20081212 = 12/12/2008 what is the correct expression to handle this? EDIT The expression that I used (ORDDTE is in the "yyyyMMdd" format and...

What is an easy way to Localize a SQL Server Reporting Services report (.rdl)?

I am trying to provide a Spanish and English version of the reports that I am currently building in SQL Server Reporting Services. Is there an easy way to localize the report (similar to using Resource files for labels in a .NET web application)? ...

Dynamic merging of cells in SSRS

In an SSRS Report ,I have a table which has 14 columns, 1st column is 7am and the last column is 7pm. I have 100 records with conference names and the timings, ex: 1) interenational conference 9am to 5pm 2) national conference 8 am to 11 am so the problem is these column cells must merge based on the timings and siplay as one textb...

Using SSRS Webservice inside another Thread

I am calling the SQL Server Reporting Services Webservice from inside an application. I need to fire off all the subscriptions for a given report. But I don't want the user to have to wait around for it to all happen, so I want to have all the webservice calls inside a separate thread, and return to the user straight away. I am ...

Thread safety in RDL with multiple datasets

I have an RDL with multiple datasets, and the stored stored procedures which populate the datasets create and drop temp tables having the same name. This report has been run 1000 times without any problem, but I wonder if there is a race condition waiting to happen. Its possible in principle for both stored procedures to be executed in ...

Dual Axis Graphs - Reporting Services 2005

I have a need to output a graph in reporting services 2005 with 2 Y axises. It does not appear that this is possible in RS2005 and I have no idea what options may be available to me. It sounds like RS2008 may solve this issue, but I do not believe that is in the cards for me. What other options might I have? ...

Subtotal error on calculated field in a Reporting Services Matrix

I've got a Reporting Services report that has two row groups: Category and SubCategory. For columns it has LastYearDataA, ThisYearDataA, LastYearDataB, ThisYearDataB. I added two columns (one for A and one for B) to handle an expression calculation (to show a percentage different from LastYear to ThisYear for each). That's working. Th...

Using SSRS line charts to graph time periods on the y-axis

I am looking to to use an SSRS line chart to graph ending run times of jobs. I am using runtim on the y-axis and date on the x-axis. The graph looks like a flat line and the times do not show up on the y-axis, but integers show. I also want to put a target line at a specific time to show our SLA time. Here is example of data I am try...

Report Data Disappears on Postback

I currently have a reporting services project that is displayed as part of an ASP.NET application. I have one report that has 2 datetime parameters. When I type in the textbox some sort of date, nothing appears to happen, but if I click on the little calendar icon and select a date, the page will then post back, and the data that used ...

Can SQL Express Reporting Services generate Word documents from RDL

I know I can generate PDF reports with SQL Reporting Service (even SQL Express can do this) and I can do Word documents with SQL Developer edition. Since my dev box is SQL Developer and my website uses SQL Express (I know, it's far from ideal) I would like to know if the reporting service that is included with SQL Express can generate Wo...

How to determine SQL Server version on a reporting server

All of our production instances of reporting services are split into the web server components and the reports database components. I know that you can detect the instance of SQL Server on a database server by the following TSQL: SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('productversion'), SERVERPROPERTY ('productlevel'), SERVERPROPERTY ('edition') How...

SQL Reporting Services 2005 local time zone

Hello, We store our date/time information in UTC format on our SQL Server. When using SQL Reporting Services, we'd like to display this data in the time zone of the client workstation, but it appears that using an expression like; System.TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime(Fields!DateStarted.Value) ... converts into the time zone...

How do you "parameterize" DB2/iSeries file in Reporting Services dataset?

This is a sample query for a dataset in my Microsoft Reporting Services Report (.rdl) SELECT ORDNO FROM INTERFACET.DOPPRMAH This is connecting to the iSeries via the OLE DB driver from IBM. How do I "parameterize" the 'INTERFACET' part. ...

Hide a tablerow in a .NET rdlc report if the field represented in the row is empty?

I see the tablerow.Visibility property and another property called 'ToggleItem' but am not sure how to make this work. I want to hide the tablerow dynamically if it's only text field (in this case a user comment field) is empty. 'CanShrink' doesn't seem to do the job. The tablerow is .25 inches high and it takes up this much space eve...

Object needed error in Report manager

hi , i have a SSRS report. When i execute this from report manager it run fine for the first time. but if i change my option and try again report doesnt executes, and i an getting the webpage error saying 'Object required/needed'. Please let me know the reason for it. Thanks, San ...

SSRS - Last page does not show on print preview

We're using SQL Server Reporting Services embedded using the Report Viewer control on a Win32 page. Currently targeting .net 2.0, we can possibly move to 3.5 if it'll fix the issue. When you view the report you can see the entire thing, however, when pressing print preview the last page of the report fails to be shown. The page...

object required error

Hi, can any one say me the reason for this error message in report manager. my report works fine in tool. My second parameter is cascaded (derived from ) to the first paramenter. when i run the report for first time it works but when immediately change any other parameter and try to excecute it gives me no data in the result and the we...

SQL Reporting Services 2005 - How to get current date as a ReportParameter

Hi all, I have some working reports that must be deployed on SSRS. One more customization that I want to be added is to automatically select the FromDate as today - 1 month, and ToDate as today. Specifically, I want to replace the fragment bellow with a piece that accomplish the requirements above: <ReportParameter Name="FromDate"> ...