
Returning data from SQL Server reporting web service call

Hi, I am generating a report that contains the version number. The version number is stored in the DB and retrieved/incremented as part of the report generation. The only problem is, I am calling SSRS via a web service call, which returns the generated report as a byte array. Is there any way to get the version number out of this gen...

RSKeyMgmt -r unable to remove installtion ID

I have backed up databases on one 2005 SQL Server and have restored those databases on a second 2005 SQL Server. I am currently trying to remove the new server's OLD key instance ID using the Reporting Services Key Manager (RSKeyMgmt -r). Prior to running the removal command the list of the current instances shows the new server's OLD in...

SSRS 2005 Saving Report Parameters

I've been working with SSRS 2005 reports for a little while now, and I've had a few requests come across asking for individual users to be able to save the parameters they use for the next time they run the report. Is this feasible? Is it a part of the "My Reports" role? Any thoughts? ...

Reporting Services rename the pdf file export

I have a bunch of user created reports that are deployed using a GUID as the rdl file name. When running the reports and saving to PDF, the file name is the GUID. Is it possible to intercept the export call and change what the PDF file name will be? ...

Visual Studio 2005 SSRS Report Preview Problem

I have a report developer that is having some trouble with their Visual Studio 2005 SSRS IDE. The reports in question have mulit-select report parameters. When they click on "Preview" for the report all the options are selected in the drop-down, but they don't have a "Select All" option to check or un-check. Have any of you seen this b...

Microsoft reporting server

i want to learn everything from scratch about reporting server,,can you tell me the practical steps needed for that,,,Is there any video tutorial for studying about that ...

SSRS 2008 Installation Guidelines/Best Practices?

I know I have seen recommendations for installing SSRS 2005 and it stated that you should separate SSRS from the DB Engine that hosts the data sources for your reports, that you should not install them on the same server. Is there any documentation for SSRS 2008 that provides guidelines/best practices for installation? I am assuming th...

SSRS display DataSource/Initial Catalog name from SSAS DataSource

Hi All, I am building SSRS reports based on SSAS cube. For that I have created a datasource pointing to my SSAS Server. I want to display on the report header, the datasource and/or initial catalog name. If SQL Server than DB_NAME() and @@ServerName would solve my problem but in my case it is SSAS. I would appreciate for your replys. ...

Microsoft Report Viewer Control not displaying report

I have built a simple report and run it successfully in test winform apps but when I try to run the same report in my production winforms application, the report just doesn't show up in the viewer. I look at the ReportViewer control after InitializeComponent and everything looks fine. Are there debugging techniques or gotcha's that mig...

Passing Credentials to Sql Report Server 2008

I am pretty new in C# and my English is not so good - sorry in advance if I miss a point. I tried to build an ASP.NET web site with a ReportService control. As you might already know, SSRS 2008 does not allow anonymous login. So, I tried to pass Credentials to SSRS which will be stored inside my web page so that users will be able to se...

How to avoid thicker border width in excel , SSRRS Report ?

Hi, In my SSRS report when i give the border as 'Solid', it gives a thicker border in its excel version than the excels normal border width. Did any one come across a situation like this. What is the possible solution to avoid this. Please, I would appreciate all your help on this. Thanks in advance. Suni ...

Group and subtotal columns in Reporting Services 2005

I have a report (RS2005, against a MSSS2005 instance) which I have inherited. It shows a basic table of data: a handful of key fields which are used to group rows together, a few basic numeric fields, then a number of dated ('bucketed') fields (e.g. 1 month away, 2 months, 6 months, a year, 2 years, etc.) The user would like to group t...

How do you Migrate SQL Server 2000 Reports to SQL Server 2005 or 2008?

Hi, can anyone explain how to import or migrate SQL Server 2000 Reports to SQL Server 2005 or 2008? ...

SSRS Data driven subscription

How to call the ssrs data driven subscription from a stored procedure or a job? ...

Reporting Services - Report Model (SDML) reference to Data Source View (DSV)

Hello, We have a ad-hoc reporting projecto where we created several data source views (DSV) and several Report Models (SDML). Frequently we need to change the DSV associated to a particular SDML, but we only found it's reference in one place: the "Data Source View Name" property (availabe through the VS properties pane) of the sdml file...

Exporting SSRS reports to PDF when they contain Wingdings with char value above 127

Hey folks, In Report Builder 2008 I use code such as =Chr(224) in textbox expressions to get Wingdings chars such as the up, down, straight arrows, etc. I run the report and it looks fab on screen, as well as exported to Excel. But if I export to PDF, I've noticed any Wingdings with character values above 127 do not display inside...

DataSet panel in SSRS designer is gone

In the "Layout" screen of an SSRS designer (Visual Studio 2005), the DataSets panel no longer displays. Previously it was in the same area as the general Toolbox panel. Anybody know how to get it back? ...

Report Matrix filler

I have a matix in my report (VS2005) i would like the matrix to display a default of 12 rows even if no data is available. i have not figured out how to do this so i create a group of rectangles below the grid and each row of these rectangles has is visibility changed based on the row count in the matrix. the problem with this is that t...

Installing Report Manager on a separate server with SSRS 2008

Hi, Is it possible to install the IIS part of SSRS 2008 on a separate server. We have one database server and one web server. Is it possible to install the database part of SSRS2008 on the database server and the web part (Report Manager,..) on the web server? Are there any guidelines for this scenario? Thanks! ...

Printing ServerReport without Preview

I have a SQLServer 2005 Reporting Services ServerReport deployed and frequently used by my Winforms app (Framework 2.0) via the ReportViewer control. What I need is to provide a one-click print button from one of the forms of the app that triggers only the print dialog, without bringing up the ReportViewer. I've been experimenting wit...