
SSRS SubReport in Separate Folder

SSRS is in SharePoint integrated mode. A simple Report with a sub report in it loads fine. When the sub report is moved to it's own folder, the main report fails to save/load. The folder exists at the same level as the main report. The error reads like System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: The ReportName for the subreport ‘Su...

SSRS: Asp.NET ReportViewer parameters reset to default when clicking View Report

Hi, I have a SQL Reporting Services Report (SQL 2008 built using Report Builder v2.0) which has a multi select integer parameter (in this case a list of stores). The default value is 0 ('All Stores'). The Parameter is passed to a Stored Procedure as varchar(1024). This all works fine in Report Builder or from the Reporting Services Web...

Neodynamic Barcode Prfessional for SSRS

Our application needs to be able to render barcodes to PDF documents that will be accessible over the internet. Our technology stack includes Sql Server Reporting Services so we would like to leverage it and it's ability to render to PDF; however, we are not able to get it to embedded the FREE3OF9.ttf font in any consistent manner. I h...

Reporting Services RangeBar Chart X-Axis labels time portion only of a datetime value

I have a Business Intelligence project in Visual Studio 2008. I have added a report and placed a RangeBar chart in it. The dataset is as follows: dbName dbStartTime dbEndTime -------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- Unit2-Room2 2009-02-01 09:00:00.000 2009-02-01 13:30:00.000 ...

Non-Unicode CSV Export from SQL Server Report Server

I am using the SQL Server Report Server from Microsoft SQL Server 2005. In the report server report viewer control, there is a CSV download option. The CSV download option is currently downloading a Unicode CSV file, which does not load into Microsoft Excel with the correct column formatting. If I save the Unicode CSV file and convert...

is the text on Chart legend can be changed?

I have a requirement to show the statistic data such as sales, visitors of previous two months on a chart, of course the legend should show the name of the two months. And I decide to design the store table as: 1) Product Jan Feb and Jan Feb can be changed for March, Apr with time goes. So, for this design, every month, the column name ...

New to SSRS

Hi, I am trying to install and configure SSRS on SQL 2005. When I click "Reporting Services Configuration", I get a message saying "No report servers were found on the specified machine" - Details Invalid namespace. How can I resolve this? Thanks ...

Include an unknown amount of external images in a report?

I am building a report that needs to include photographs, I have no way of knowing how many photos will be taken but they are stored on a file server under folder named after the ID of the report being generated. How would I go about including these in an RDLC? ...

Formatting an SSRS report to not look terrible in Firefox

Hi all. I've got an SSRS report that I'm dynamically writing to an HTML page. The report looks great in IE, but it keeps none of its formatting in Firefox. I've done a bit of research on this, and found that I can insert rectangles inside of all of my matrix data fields, which will keep the formatting. This seems to me like a lot o...

multiple query reports with SSRS

Hi, I want my report to display results from two select statements. Basicly, one select statement is active users, and the other is non-active users. How do I structure the data tab of the report (I am using SSRS-2005)? Thanks Frank ...

How to keep legend on top while scrolling table in Reporting Services

hi I have a report that contains: table 1: a legend of colors for table 2 table 2: my report The report is shown on an HTML page, and because it is so long a scroll bar pops on the div that contains that report. if I scroll down the legend dissapears Is there a simple solution? ...

Getting an image from a header

Hi, I have a SSRS 2005 rdl file, which contains a header section. The header section has a logo image. I need to know where in the rdl file is the logo image stored? The logo is to be used for other reports. Thanks FC ...

How can I schedule a report in SharePoint to run on the last day of the month?

I have several reports in SharePoint that are served by SQL Server Reporting Services in SharePoint Integrated mode. Some of these reports need to be automatically generated on the last day of the month. While SSRS itself has a "last day of month" option, SharePoint doesn't have this capability in its scheduling options. What is the bes...

ReportViewer "Missing URL parameter: Name"

In a web application I'm working on the ReportViewer keeps giving me a error "Missing URL parameter: Name". I have found the cause but not a solution. The url that is causing the exception from the report viewer Reserved.ReportViewerWebControl.axd?ReportSession=3bkunv2wte3wmnabkquyr1y0&ControlID=1e2b5870e07b46abac7fd32a9e0e4b9d&Culture...

SQL Reporting: Matrix Columns Merge

Hi I have data being returned and I put it in a matrix. I have my rows set and my columns set. I only have one column entitled "GTA" and a few rows. My data is coming out like this for some reason. GTA GTA GTA Answer ======================== 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 ...

Lost ability to be admin on SQL Server Reporting Services 2005

I used to be able to go to http://myserver/reports and after I supplied my local account information (which was a member of "Administrators"), I would get the "Home" page of SQL Server Reporting Services along with the "Site Settings" link at the top right. Now, when I login, that's gone and it seems I'm just a "regular user" because th...

SQL Server Reporting Services(Chart Filters)

Hi!! I would like to pose a question regarding the Chart Filter properties in SSRS. I would like to know why the filter property doesnot work when I try to filter the Last 3 years of data. The condition is that I can't tamper with the database nor can I modify the Columns at tha database level. I need to implement this Filter at SSRS le...

SSRS custom code gives "#error" when report is run

Hi, For one of the reports with SSRS we have some custom code attached to one of the group footers. The report works fine in preview mode but gives an "#error" at every custom code location when the report is run. The 'Problem related post' I referred points that this is because : "Reporting Services is using the Code Access Security fe...

SSRS using chart to display data

Hi, Has anyone here used chart object in SSRS to display data graphically? I would like to know what are "Drop data fields here", "Drop serues fields here" & "Drop category fields here" ? What are data fields, series fields and category fields? FWC ...

TSQL Passing MultiValued Reporting Services Parameter into Dynamic SQL

Duplicate of: I'm building a dynamic SQL statement out of parameters from a reporting services report. Reporting services passes MutiValue Parameters in a basic CSV format. For example a list of states may be represented as follows: AL,CA...