
Reporing Services 2005 Filter Question

Is there a way to do "and" "or" filters in SSRS 2005? I have a table pointing to a dataset (stored procedure) that looks like this: name type amount License Plate Credit fees ($150.00) Lieu Tax fees $1,012.12 Finance Tax City ...

How to develop in Visual Studio 2008 and embed Report Viewer Object for .Net 2?

Application is being developed in VS 2008. Report viewer is used and calls a report from SSRS on a SQL Server 2005 server. Error: Server Error in '/AppName' Application. Configuration Error Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error d...

Reporting Engine Interface

Two interfaces of Reporting Engine are possible: sql based for sql based user non-sql Based interface for normal non-sql friendly users Database is very large so how do I go about thinking about 2) option that is Non-sql based interface How would it be ? ...

Reporting Services

I have report Which default runs for current month, on the report itself i have created two labels called Prev and Next. if i click on Prev label then it should create a Report for March month and if i click on Next it should give the report for the Month May. How can i achieve this in Reporting services .Kindly help me with this one? ...

Slow Startup of SQL Reporting Services 2008 in Native Mode

We are experiencing a slow start up time on the first report request of the day, or when there have been no report requests for an unknown period of time. In SQL Reporting Server 2005 installations we would set up the App Pool to avoid recycling the Reporting Services applications. However, my client installed SQL Reporting Server 20...

SQL Reporting

I have a chart report that displaying monthly data and i want to display previous and next month data by clicking previous and next month. How to display data in chart by clicking previous and next month. ...

Can Reporting Services 2008 be used with SQL Server 2005 as the catalog database?

Can you set up a Reporting Services 2008 reports server to use SQL Server 2005 for the report catalog database? ...

How do I dynamically change text color using VB.NET in SSRS?

I am using the below code to dynamically change the text, but I also need to change the color from black to red of the entire row in SSRS, using VB.NET. However, row.Cells.Style.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red does not work. Any ideas on how to dynamically change text color in a particular row? Public Shared Function ChangeWord(B...

Language difference in reports rendering

Hi, My SSRS report's lanuage property is set to 'English'. the currency field in report is formatted so that the value will display something like this 393,7865. One of my user is in Germany and his computer is in german, when he exports the report to excel the currency field takes the value in german format and display as 393.786...

Using more data sets in Report Server from one stored procedure

I am deploying a lot of report lately. And so to I kept code and version clear and understanding, Ill like to have one stored procedure per report. Mostly time I need more data sets for one reports. Is there possibility to I have more then one data set in report SSRS for calling only one stored procedure for that report. (I am using re...

Mouseover actions in Reporting Services

How can we implement mouseover actions in Reporting Services? E.g.: in a graph, if I take my mouse pointer to the X,Y intersection, then it should display the value. How can I do this? ...

Exclude hidden table row from total

I've created a table with a group filter so some values stay hidden. However, the row that shows the sum() of the above values, still counts the filtered values. Usually I would apply the filter to the query, but I'm also using this same dataset in other tables on the same report so that's not an option. Am I missing something here, or...

Emulate ".contains()" in Reporting Services

I have a dataset in Reporting Services that looks something like this: ID | Type | Name -----+--------+-------- 1 | A | Mary 2 | A | Joe 3 | D | Steve 12 | F | Irving I want to show a textbox IF AND ONLY IF there exists a row where type = A. Basically, I want to do "Fields!Type.Contains("A...

SSRS 2005: Change column display from item column value/one row to something else?

I have a table/dataset like: 1/1/2009 | Training 1 | Mike 1/1/2009 | Training 1 | Bill 1/1/2009 | Training 1 | Steve I would like to display as 1/1/2009 | Training 1 Mike, Bill, Steve The idea is that the resulting printed page space is not wasted by printing one column on most of the page down but shortening the space to either a...

After a report / document template tool to generate documents from SQL Server

I'm after a tool to generate decent-looking documents from templates, that needs to: be invoked through code (not interactively) run on Windows, ideally invoked from code within a web-server process standalone* report files that contain their own internal data definitions, query options, etc (i.e. ideally so that we can push simple rep...

total pages in a report using report viewer

i want to get total number of pages in form,which is placed report viewer..(int t=int T = objReportViewer.LocalReport.GetTotalPages();)i used this code,actually report have 5 pages but got only one page ...

SQL Reporting Services - Disaplying Left to right, up and down

Is there a way in SQL Reporting 2005 to display data in a column that prints left to right then up and down? Example: Column 1 Column 2 Adam Bob Carl Dick Eric Fred Instead of the current way which is: Column 1 Column 2 Adam Dick Bob Erick Carl ...

How do I get around the Sum(First(...)) not allowed limitation is SSRS2005

The problem that I have is SQL Server Reporting Services does not like Sum(First()) notation. It will only allow either Sum() or First(). The Context I am creating a reconciliation report. ie. what sock we had a the start of a period, what was ordered and what stock we had at the end. Dataset returns something like Type,Product,Cust...

Reporting Services Connection to SharePoint

I need to create reports on SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 (SSRS) on data coming from SharePoint Lists, i was searching for ways to do that and i found, connecting to SharePoint web service out put XML, the problem here is it sometimes work and sometimes don't, and also i couldn't do inner join between different lists may be it is...

How do I exclude multiple values in a sum, depending on values in 2 columns in SSRS 2005?

I have simple columns and their respective sums. However, I exclude 1 particular value from each sum, like so `=Sum(Code.ExcludeOthers(Fields!CATEGORY.Value,Fields!ACTION_PLAN_NEW.Value))` based on a value in 1 column as per the following code in my SSRS 2005 app: Public Shared Function ChangeWord(ByVal s As String) As String ...