
SSRS: Master-detail report with two datasources

I have two local data sources that I can push into the report. Works no problem. But how do I set up the report? One data source contains a list of employees, and info about them. The other contains a bunch of working hours for each employee. I would like to use a table for the list of employees, and then have another table for the work...

Print Preview in Pdf for SSRS reports

Hi, How can we show the SSRS 2005 report in the pdf format when clicked on the link for print preview? ...

SSRS Dundas Custom Code Not Executing

I have a Dundas chart being used in a SSRS Report with some custom code in the PostInitilize Event that looks something like this: foreach(CustomLabel curLabel in chartObj.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.CustomLabels) { curLabel.GridTick = GridTick.None; curLabel.Text = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(curLabel.Text) - 10); } Its takes ea...

Add a pdf to a Reporting Services report after rendering report as pdf

We are using Reporting Services to generate a purchase order, which is rendered as pdf before displaying on the screen. The report works well, as is, except that now we have to add a Terms & Conditions page to every PO. I've tried placing it in the footer, setting it to display only on the last page--this didn't work. I've also tried a...

SQL Server Reporting Services Mobile Views

I'm about to create a report that will be scheduled to send email updates each night. We're sending emails because we want these reports to be available outside the company firewall on BlackBerrys. This means we're limiting the functionality a fair bit (no drill down, sorting, advanced filtering and only one table worth of data). Is ther...

Replicate a view where the table doesn't exist ...

I am replicating from MS SQL Server 2005 to a MS SQL Server 2008 (Microsoft CRM Dynamics database). There are a number of views in the source db which no longer have their underlying tables. I have no idea why this is or how it occured. The issue is that the subscriber can't create these views so the subscription keeps failing part wa...

SSRS Report will not display in Landscape

I have a report in SQL 2005 reporting services. It is a server side report and the width is set to 11 inches and the height is set to 8 inches. When I run in in the VS designer, it works fine. However, when I display it in the report viewer control of my Windows application, it appears in portrait mode, not landscape mode like it shou...

SSRS get meta data of remote report

How can I retrieve the meta data such as Description, Modified/Create Dates etc from a Remote SSRS report. The report itself displays no problems in the ReportViewer control on the aspx page so I can access the report... there doesn't seem to be any properties for those values in the .ServerReport object... thanks heaps! ...

SSRS2005-Generating Stacked Bar Chart

Hello, I have a hotel registration application and need to generate a report showing room availabilities for 24 hour on a particular date. The booking times are divided into 3 sections - buffertime, starttime and Endtime. I need to show the data as a stacked bar chart, with one of the axes showing the 24-hour time line on which I would ...

ReportViewer 2008 switch to different page sizes

My deployed application uses ReportViewer (CLR 3.5) to print locally reports. Recently users noticed problem with printing. I've investigated that and turned out that in some PC reportViewer set page format to Letter (instead A4) that's why printouts are cut. Note all user use same network-deployed version with same ReportViewer dlls. ...

Issue accessing SharePoint list data using SSRS 2008

I'm trying to access list data using SSRS 2008. I have created an XML data source with the following connection string: "http://[Your_Site_Name]/_vti_bin/lists.asmx". I then created a dataset with the following query: <Query> <SoapAction>;/SoapAction&amp;gt; <Method Name...

ReportViewer Error in ASPX for Remote SSRS

I get the following error: In remote mode, the Report Viewer control requires session state be enabled or Report Server connection information specified in the config file. Windows 2008 server, IIS 7, Dot Net 3.5 sessionState=InProc After rebooting, I still get the error. ...

Overriding SQL Server Reporting Service Hourly Subscription

Users want to set up SSRS reports to be emailed to them. After a little googling i found this link that shows the subscription interface of Report Manager. This has almost every feature they need except, the hourly report subscription does not give them enough control. By default, they are able to set up hourly reports, and provide the d...

SQL Server Reporting Services Datasource keeps losing database login credentials

In my development environment, every time I reboot windows (which must be done at least daily for me), all of my Shared SSRS Datasources lose their credentials. Currently I have them set up to log into the database using a fixed credential, but on reboot all the datasources pop over to using no credentials. Granted, it's only in the de...

Adding and Naming TABS to excel reports in Microsoft Reporting Services

In Microsoft Reporting Services, I want to be able to name the tabs for the resulting document when a excel report is generated. Does anyone know how I can do this? ...

Excel with Reporting Services via WCF

Hi there, What is the best way of using Excel as the client for reporting services via WCF? I would like to do something along the lines of Excel calling a WCF service which sends back the URL of where the report is on the reporting server and then displays it. How would I go about this? What excel add-on, if any, do I need and how ca...

SSRS: How to make a sum that only includes the last item in a group

I have an rdlc report file, and I am trying to make a sum which can only include the last item in each group. I have a table kind of like this: Place = ? (Group header 1) User = ? (Group header 2) Date =Last(Fields!Number.Value) ...

Report Builder 1.0 and MandatoryFilter

Hi, We're using ReportBuilder 1.0 (2005) for now. I'm not understanding the way that the MandatoryFilter setting is working. It doesn't consistently prompt for a filter, only when certain fields are included in the report and only when selected in a certain way. For example, if I double click on an entity it will add all of the non ...

Reporting Services 2005 Subtract 2 Values in a Table

I have a list of fees being displayed in a table object. I would like to display the difference between 2 of the fees in a text box (not sure if this goes in the table footer or in a group footer). I am able to sum values easy but I don't see how I can subtract values. In this example let's say I would like to show the difference of the ...

Control size of report Using Report Viewer for SSRS in WSS

Is there a way using ReportBuilder to set the size of a report such that there will be no scrollbars displayed in the Report Viewer Web Part for a smallish report? ...