
Dynamically loading SubReport data in SSRS

This is in SSRS 2008. I've created a report with a tablix, embedded in the tablix there is a subreport. This subreport contains a lot of information (and I mean a lot – it takes more than 45 sec to load it). I don’t want to show it, or to be more precise – to process/load the data when the report initially runs. Note that I dont want...

Running 2005/2008 MS ReportViewer in ASP.NET 1.1 website.

Hi all and thanks in advance, I think I know the answer to this but just wanted to confirm with someone here. I'm supporting an old 1.1 web application which currently uses an old reporting services reportViewer control which loads the reports into an iFrame using URL to access the report on the report server. We've recently s...

What has .Render() on SSRS2000 WebService been replaced with on SSRS2008?

We've recently upgraded one of our SSRS2005 servers to SSRS2008 and have found that all of our applications that utilized the reporting services web service for producing reports no longer works. The first issue is that the web service itself was no longer available at ReportService.asmx, and had been replaced by: ReportService2005.asmx...

SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 - Accessibility Guidlelines

Does anyone know if the html output from SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 is accessible in terms of the WCAG 1.0 or 2.0 ...

SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 - Generated HTML - Standards Compliance

Looking for guidance as to the standards compliance of the generated html by reporting services e.g. XHTML, CSS, WCAG etc ...

SSRS: repeat tablix left-most row group value on each row

Hi folks, I have a tablix in an SSRS 2008 report. It has two-level row groupings, and I'd like the value for the left-most grouping to continue to be displayed on each row. Eg, I get this: group1 subgroup1 500.00 subgroup2 250.00 ... but I'd prefer... group1 subgroup1 500.00 group1 subgroup2 500.00 I can't seem to ...

In SQL Reporting Services, how to filter a dataset according to a parameter?

Hello, I've got an unfiltered dataset to deal with so as to generate a report (SQL Server 2005, btw). Let's say I've got a Name column, and I'd want to ad a parameter to my report, so as to select only the names containing some characters. Does one know how to deal with these filters? I tried with no luck this: =Fields!Name.Value ...

Reporting Services 2008: Using user!userid in Parameters

I have a report with a parameter that is populated by a list of sales representatives returned by a query. I want to filter that list based on security rights of the user running the report. In order to make the query work I need to pass the user!userID to the db. I tried something like this: ...where UserName = user!UserID... But it...

SQL Reporting Services: Finding the folder a report is in

Hi there, If I have the report name how can I programmatically get the name of the project/folder the report is in? So for example if I have a report like so http://server/Reports/Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath=/ReportProject1/ReportName Given "ReportName" how can I figure out that the report is in the folder "ReportProject1"? So I gues...

SSRS: How to count true rows

I have a report with a dataset that has a column with booleans. In the table footer I want to display x / y where x is how many rows that were true and y is how many rows there was total. Currently I have this: =Count(Fields!Transfered.Value).ToString() + " / " + CountRows().ToString() But the first becomes same as the last part. I t...

Reporting Services Problem Rendering RTF

Hi all, I'm using VS.NET 2005 and SQL Server 2005. My development computer is running Windows XP SP2. SQL Server 2005 database and reporting services are running on Windows 2003 Server. My business requirement is to develop and deploy a report which takes rich text (RTF) stored in the database (datatype = TEXT) and converts it to an ...

Crash reporting for java

Do you know any good crash reporting systems for Java or any open source projects which use a crash reporting system? ...

Creating a custom SSRS control

Is it possible to create a custom third party for Reporting Services? The Dundas chart controls are an example of this however I am unsure if support for these have been internally built into SSRS.. ...

RDLC report: more than one page? Custom page breaks?

I have a Microsoft Reporting Services report (local report, VS2005) and am trying to produce a rather tricky report... I have two tables returned from a SQL query. The first is a master table that has a list of set ID's corresponding to sets of records in the second, and has a record set like so: +----------------------+ | SetID ...

Reportviewer datasource in

How do I integrate reportviewer in mvc project? I want to add business objects of MVCProject.Model namespace. Reportviewer allows Business objects of DataSet. Is it possible to choose other data source? Like LINQ data source... or Direct object to LINQ-to-SQL class objects. What would be the best solution to add reports in MV...

Comments in SSRS Report Expressions

I'm using some complicated expressions in Reporting Services to control the value, format etc of data in a report (see MSDN). Is it possible to insert code comments into these expressions, and if so, what is the syntax? By code comments I mean something like: // single line comment /* or multi line comment */ ...

Value on Y Axis of a Bar chart is too large

Hi I have A BAR chart in SSRS which has following vaues.. for 5 points on X-axis values are 100,120,130,123,8000 So the last value is too lagre due to which scale is geeting larger causing chart to look bad...n unreadable for other points... So is there any way by wiz i can breal the LAST BAR in a bar chart showing it on ongoing mann...

Issue when trying to show/hide parameters in ASP.NET ReportViewer control

I have an SSRS report that is displayed to users in the ASP.NET ReportViewer control. The report has many parameters and we're using the parameter prompts that the ReportViewer control offers. Depending on a certain parameter of the report, we only need to have the user prompted for a subset of the rest of the report parameters. We coul...

Generate Report object in ssrs

I have a requirement of generating the rdl in runtime. so I converted the xsd to class and I need to create object for Report class with that it has lot of classes. I am struggling in the report generation using objects I dont know how to assign values [System....

SSRS Matrix row groups as actual rows

I'm not sure how to explain this, and i've tried a lot of different options, but what i want is this. I want a matrix row group to show up as actual rows, not as columns, in the lay-out. So, if i make a matrix with a column group of resources, and 2 row groups: project group and project name, those 2 should not be in seperate columns. ...