
How can I get another report to be the last page in reporting services?

I have 2 reports that need to be printed together. The first report has a header and footer that will repeat (if necessary) on data overflow. The last page, which is a form to be sent back. I basically need a way to print the last page without the repeated header/footers from the first report, and send in parameters to be used in the...

Send SQL Report in E mail attachment using C# and ASP.NET

I am trying to send report from sql reportserver 2008 as e mail attachment using ASP.NET and C#, Till now I learned how to Get report as PDF in my code , Now I wanna combine line of codes like byte[] bytes = rview.ServerReport.Render(format, deviceInfo, out mimeType, out encoding, out extension, out streamids, out warnings); Response.O...

Does Reporting Services 2008 support multiple datasources for a single object?

i.e. Can you have more than one data source in a table, or do you still need to use subreports if you want that functionality? ...

Show Total In SSRS Chart

I am creating a line chart from an Analysis Services cube, with a date category, a count data field, and a status series. Here's a screenshot to explain: I want to add the blue total line, which sums all the statuses together. I don't want to add a "T...

What are the valid Style Format Strings for a Reporting Services [SSRS] Expression?

I am trying to figure out the style string for the Format(Expression as Object, Style as String) function in a Reporting Services expression. I can't find where these style format strings are documented! Specifically I am trying to format a Price field to be always 2 decimal places. ie 1.5 formats to $1.50 ...

How can I get an average for a row in a matrix

Have a matrix report now that has Position, Hours and Wages for a location for a month. There may be any number of locations...that's why I'm starting with a Matrix report...the user may chose up to 50 locations to view. Location 1 Location 2 Total Hrs Amount Total Hrs Amount Posi...

What happened to the ReportingService.Render Method()

Our company started using SQL Server reporting services integrated with sharepoint from the old reporting services with SQL 2000. The web service that is available is called ReportingService2006 and it has lost the .Render method that used to be available in the old ReportingService. My question is what happened? How do I render a rep...

Reporting Services 2005 Report with Disclaimers page after each section

Details: I am using Reporting Services 2005 in a C# Application with Visual Studio 2008 to generate reports based on a SQL Server 2005 database. The application views the report locally using the .net report viewer and no report server is used. There is a page break in the report after each person. I am currently using just one rep...

How do I disable SQL Reporting Services and remove the Reports directory form IIS?

I'm trying to get rid of the /reports directory which seems to be integrated with SQL reporting services 2008. I'm unable to uninstall that one element of SQL server and I've had no luck when trying to reconfigure the ReportBuilderLaunchURL. Does anyone out there know how I can get rid of this stupid feature? I'd understand if it was ...

Reporting Services auto scroll to an anchor when expanding

Reporting Services appears to believe it is being "helpful" by auto-scrolling the web page whenever a user expands a row group by clicking the plus sign. Short of hacking a Microsoft DLL, does anyone know a way to stop this behavior? Searching around the net, I've found this years-old thread discussing the same issue, but no answer. I...

Administrator cannot administer sql server reporting services

I am running SQL Server Reporting Services on SQL Server 2008 Standard and trying to get the web pages to work. What do I have to do to get RS (Report Manager, Reporting Services Connection), to see me as an admin in the first place so that I can make then change my role and look at the Web Service URL properly? I have Windows auth...

Generating a Word Document with C#

Given a list of mailing addresses, I need to open an existing Word document, which is formatted for printing labels, and then insert each address into a different cell of the table. The current solution opens the Word application and moves the cursor to insert the text. However, after reading about the security issues and problems associ...

Reporting Services / Supporting robust filtering

I'm looking for sort of a 'best practice' way to tackle this common scenario. I think the question is best asked with an example. Let's assume the following: The goal is to write an 'order summary' report which displays a listing of orders based on various filtering criteria. Example: The user wants to report on all orders created ...

SSRS Interactive Viewer formatting problem

I have an SSRS report with 2 sub-reports that had been working fine. Recently I added some additional table sections to the report and I started seeing and issue when the report was displayed in the interactive viewer. The data is fine but the formatting on the last 2 table sections does not appear in the veiwer. The formatting actual...

Using a Word document as a template for an SSRS report?

Greetings. I've got a few Word documents that I need to send as notifications when something happens. I've got to fill 10 parameters or so from our SQL Server database. Note that I don't need to send them as word documents, PDF will be fine - I was just given them in .docx form. Now, I immediately thought SSRS was the way to go here....

How can you omit the logon to MS Reporting Services?

Hi Folks, at work we have a web-based PHP-application which acts as the single UI that grants access to certain modules to users based on their access rights (neighter windows-logon nor ldap). For one of the modules we now want to show reports using the MS Reporting Services embedded in our UI. We don't want the user to have another lo...

How can I use an expression for the page header height in SQL Reporting Services ?

In SQL Reporting Services I would like to show the report parameters in the page header on the first page, but not the remaining pages. I was able to do this by setting the visibility of the box containing the parameters in the page header using an expression, however, there is a white space in the header where the box was. I would lik...

Using the Reporting Services Web Service, how do you get the permissions of a particular user?

Using the SQL Server Reporting Services Web Service, how can I determine the permissions of a particular domain user for a particular report? The user in question is not the user that is accessing the Web Service. I am accessing the Web Service using a domain service account (lets say MYDOMAIN\SSRSAdmin) that has full permissions in SS...

SSRS 2005 Report Functions

In SSRS 2005 (and 2008 I would imagine) you can provide functions to the reports, and if I'm not mistaken, whole assemblies as well, which allow you to perform some type of work before the report is rendered. Does anyone know at what point in the ASP.NET page life-cycle is this function compiled and / or executed? I would tend to thin...

Reporting Services Report against ObjectDataSource in a separate application library

Rather than generate my RS reports by directly accessing a SQL database, I'd like to take advantage of Domain Objects I've already written in another application, where complex business rules and calculations already exist so that I don't have to duplicate that logic in stored procedures and other code. I want to keep it DRY. It would b...