
Sql 2005 SSRS- users other than me cannot access report

I created a report in SQL BI studio, and in the sql server 2005 Configuration tools made all the setup. In IIS the directory security is Anonymous Access ticked. I can access the website, but no one else can. I changed the setting to Integrate Windows Authentication and then the people could connect but they had the username and password...

Installing the SSRS Data Connector for CRM4

Hi, I'm trying to install the SSRS data connector for my CRM4 implementation. I'm using the method described here: (Method 2) but keep getting the same error message: Unable to validate SQL Server Reporting Services Report Server installation. Please check that it is correctly installed on the loc...

Can I export Word document(*.doc) from Reporting Service by using free component?

I'm looking for some tool that can generate many document formats like Microsoft Excel, PDF, Microsoft Word, HTML. So, I decide to use Reporting Service of SQL Server 2008 Express. But I found that Reporting Service can't export to Microsoft Word by itself. It need to use some component. Moreover, I can't find any free component to doing...

How do I automate a report on variance in the same SQL table fields on monthly basis?

I have a T-SQL view with integer fields. I need a report on a monthly basis regarding the difference from one month to the next, i.e. so many people were engaged in a particular activity on 8am of the 1st of this month, so many the previous month, here is the difference. The numbers fluctuate all the time. I need a variance between 2 sna...

Reporting Services - Export Data to Excel In Only One Sheet

Hello everyone, I'm using SSRS 2005. In my report, I'm getting data to a table with paging(use with grouping). It's ok. But when I export data to Excel file, RS divide data within multiple sheet. How can I get data in only one sheet while exporting to Excel? ...

How can I use images for columns in SSRS graph reports?

Is it possible to tell SSRS to render a column in a graph as a big arrow, for example to highlight improvements? If the value is >0 it would be an upwards arrow, if it is <0 it would be a downwards arrow, rather than a column. Any suggestions? ...

SSRS Can't unload domain, trying again

I was running subscriptions in SSRS and this occurred on my Report manager. a few minutes alater it cambeack allright- as if nothing happened. SQL Server Reporting Services Error The Report Server Windows service 'ReportServer' is not running. The service must be running to use Report Server. (rsReportServerServiceUnavailable) Ge...

MS Reporting Services report viewer in MS Access Database

Hi there, I have a report deployed on a MS Reporting Services server, working fine. I can access it from a ASPX page with no problems, set the report parameters, etc, using the Report Viewer component from Microsoft. Works great. The question is: is there any way to view this report WITHIN a form in an Access database? Is there a vers...

Report Migration: Crystal Reports (Rpt) to Sql Reports (Rdl)

Is there free software that converts Crystal Reports .rpt files to SQL Reporting 2008 .rdl files? ...

Reporting Services: Hidden field

Hello, I have a question regarding an RDL file that I generaterd. I have several rectangles, which I gave a hidden property with a function. When rendering the report, the following occures: Rectangle 1 : hidden = false Rectangle 2 : hidden = true Rectangle 3 : hidden = true Rectangle 4 : hidden = false Now rectangle 1 and 4 are show...

SSRS - rsMultiReportItemsInPageSectionExpression Error

The Particulars: I have a report that displays information about invoices. There is a page break between multiple invoices (each invoice gets its own page). What I want in the report header is the result of this expression (ex. "June, 2009"): =MonthName(Month(ReportItems!textbox1.Value)) & ", " & cstr(Year(ReportItems!textbox1.Value)...

How do I export a reporting services report to excel with embedded calculations in the excel columns?

I'm looking to allow the user to export an reporting service report to Excel. The question I have is how do I specify a formula within Reporting Service which is then present as an Excel column calcualtion on the exported file? Currently all I can seem to export is end results of the Reporting Services report but I have a need for the u...

Reporting Services extract single values from dataset

Writing a Reporting Service (2005) report My DataSet returns something like this: DESCRIPTION COUNT Total Properties 12345 Demolished 1243 Non-Demolished 11102 : : I have this displayed as a table and this is fine. Now I also want to display the data like this: [ 12345 ] Total Properties ...

SQL Reporting Service Report Image Error

For a quick temporary solution I made an image of a form that the users wanted to have programatically filled out. I then embedded that image in a report and filled the page with the image. I then put the fields on top of the image to fill out the areas in the form that needs filling. I realize this may not be the best solution, but it w...

ASP.NET 2.0 application won't compile when adding a Microsoft Report to the solution

I have a ASP.NET 2.0 web application. To that solution I add a Report (Reporting Services). I make no further changes to that report. When I try build the application the build fails with the following error originating from that report file : A namespace does not directly contain members such as fields or methods ...

A very simple SSRS 2008 question

How can I get custom bullets on my report. Also the default bullet for level 1 is round. How do I change the default to a square or to a different shape. The following is the RDL snippet: <ListStyle>Bulleted</ListStyle> <ListLevel>1</ListLevel> Thanks in advance ...

String aggregation in SSRS 2005

Using BIDS 2005 to create rdl reports. I want to have the report aggregate all the strings in a data group. I was looking for something along the lines of Concatenate(Fields!CompanyName.Value, ","), or Join, or equivalent. But it would have to iterate over all the records in the scope given. I am creating a report of a user's activit...

SQL Report Server Display When Property

In MS Access exist "Display When Property" witch can for one objects on report define where it is going to be displayed (Print Only,Screen Only,Always). Is there analog function in SSRS2008. I usually use IIF() in visible properties for conditional showing or hiding data, But i do not know how I can something hide when it is going to pri...

SQl RS 2005 - Automate export to pdf after user parameter entered

Hey, I have a report that requires the user to enter their ticket number, then they click view, and it generates. Pretty standard. What I would like to do is have the report automatically export to a pdf when they click view. Does anyone know if this is possible and how I would approach the matter? Thanks for any input. ...

Local reporting options in a Disconnected environment?

What are my options to allow local reporting in my environment? I have an existing central reporting services already working that they access through the web. I now need to offer those same reports on there local machine. What are the local reporting options? Each local machine has SQL Express 2005 running on it. Would I have to ...