
Is it possible to supply an Object's data to Reporting Services via its' web service for it to use to generate reports.

I want to be able to supply the data for Reporting Services to use to generate a report (for example an XML Serialized object, but it doesn't have to be). Is this possible? If so, how would I do that? ...

Reporting Services Chart - Custom Axis Label

Hello, I have a SQL Server Reporting Services (2008) chart (error chart). The X-axis has date intervals 1/1/2009, 2/1/2009, etc. The Y-axis has numeric intervals of 50. Values on the Y-axis are 0, 50 and 100. However, instead of displaying 0, 50 and 100 i would like to display "Small","Medium" and "Large" respectively. Does anyone know ...

Unable to edit or delete schedule reports in SSRS

I'm currently getting the following error when editing and deleting scheduled reports in SSRS: "Only members of sysadmin role are allowed to update or delete jobs owned by a different login." I've tried changing the owner of the jobs to the Service account used by SSRS, I've added that users as a sysadmin and I've checked the user and p...

Internet Facing SSRS Report

I am designing a website using PHP 5.2.9 and MS Sql Server 2005. I have an SSRS report and I want to set it up so that people over the internet can access it (after they put in a username and password, but i can figure that part out). Our website is hosted locally on a web server and the database is on a seperate server. I haven't set...

Using Custom Labels for Y-axis in SSRS Chart

Does anyone know how to customize the y-axis labels in a SSRS chart? I'm using SQL Reporting 2008. Specifically, I have already plotted values over time from a dataset into an Error Bar Chart. I want the y-axis to have 3 labels: (Least, Medium, Most) in place of the numerical values. Where Least is at the bottom (y=0), Medium in the ...

Is it possible to apply a stylesheet and stylesheet classes in SQL Server Reporting Services 2005

I've got a batch of reports to which certain changes need to be applied in how the reports are presented. I know how to modify the Reporting Services stylesheet but is it also possible to apply custom CSS classes to items as they are rendered to the browser? Does Reporting Services support any type of Visual Inheritance that I could us...

Change the DataSource of a Microsoft.Reporting.Winforms.ServerReport

I've searched around and what I want to do doesn't seem possible, however I just want to clarify. Is it possible to change the DataSource of a ServerReport. So if I have a ReportViewer I want to be able to define the DataSource the report uses from an available list of shared DataSources defined on the server. I would like to do this s...

ssrs multi column table data gets spanned accross columns and/or pages incorrectly

In SSRS I built a report where a providers name, address, phone are listed in 3 columns on a page Grouped by State. Example Data: What I'm trying to do is prevent the data from spilling over into the next column or page. I want to just move the provider to the next column/page. Any suggestions? ...

Reporting Services Subscriptions won't allow modification of the To: Field

I have a little issue that is causing me a headache. Our Report Server is SQL Ent 2008 on a Win 2008 server. When users that have Report Browser permissions try to set up a report subscription the To: field is grayed out and pre-populated with their username. They cannot change this and it won't deliver to their email address which wo...

Required parameters in Reporting Services - returning errors from Oracle

I need to handle some somewhat compliclated parameter validation requirements. We are using SQL reporting 2005 against an Oracle 8.1 DB. The user must not select a date range longer than a year Either FooParm must be supplied or Codes must be supplied and the difference between CodeStart and CodeEnd must be less than 1001 In a pseudo...

Report viewer width problem in Mozila

Report viewer width/height is not display properly in Mozila Firefox, but perfectly displayed in IE. Dispaly size in Mozila is 450 width and 175 height and perfectly in IE shown in full page. I have set width in px instead of %age but getting same. Does anyone have solution of this issue? here is my .aspx page source <form id="form1" r...

Viewing reports on the web

I basicly want to view a report on the web. Im using Reporting Services 2008. Also good to know is that In the report I want to view you set Multiplevalued parameters. I want to have the report viewed so that the user themselves sets these Parameters, and not in the code-behind. Ive tried using URL access, works perfect, it renders the...

How do i link to a report(drill through) in another project?

Hi , I have two different reports created in two different projects. I would like to have a link back and forth between these two reports. Both the .RDL are uploaded in server and works fine. I know to link between the RDLs in the same project. But how do I handle this situation. Is that always good to have both the reports (rdl) in sin...

SQL Reporting Services - Print Button not shown in Mozilla

I am using SQL Reporting services, it's working perfectly and shows a print button in IE, but not shown in Mozilla Firefox. Does anyone have any idea? I have checked out this solution, but it's not working: ...

Prevent a large textbox from getting put on the second page in SSRS.

Greetings. I've got a large textbox in SSRS, with a few textboxes under it. When I view the report in Preview mode, or from the Report Manager it looks fine. But when I actually render it from code (into a PDF), it puts my large textbox on the second page (and leaves what's below on the first page). There's a Connect request here: ...

How to store many years worth of 100 x 25 Hz time-series - Sql Server or timeseries database

I am trying to identify possible methods for storing 100 channels of 25 Hz floating point data. This will result in 78,840,000,000 data-points per year. Ideally all this data would be efficiently available for Web-sites and tools such as Sql Server reporting services. We are aware that relational databases are poor at handling time-ser...

Specified or default maximum value for Y-axis in SSRS chart

Hi, I'm trying to create a report in SSRS with a chart whose Y-axis I want to be able to limit to a user-specified value. It is easy to use a report parameter to do this, but I want to allow a value of null to revert to the auto-calculated maximum. Is there any way to do this? ...

Reporting Services repeated header on new page overlaps footer row

Has anyone had this issue? Does anyone have a work around for this issue? When the table header is set to ReapetOnNewPage = true and then the page breaks right on the last detail row, so the only thing left to display is the footer with the Totals: row, the header overlaps the footer row so it can not be displayed. If the page breaks ...

How to send a Reporting Services multi-value parameter to a SQL Server function?

Hi, I have a report that use a multi-value parameter into a "in" statement in a query. For example (with @areas as the multi-value parameter): select * from regions where areas in (@areas) It works perfectly but now I need to send the same parameter to a function in the SQL Server 2005 database: select name, myFunction(@areas) from r...

Create view of Data Set in SSRS

I hope this isn't too simple, but I have a report retrieves rows using this layout: AccountType AccountHolder AccountBalance ----------- ------------- -------------- SVG A $ 100.00 LNS A $ 300.00 HEL A $ 150.00 SVG B ...