
How do i represent an unknown number of columns in SSRS?

Hey all, I'm working on a rather complex report in Sql Server Reporting Services. My SP returns a dynamic number of columns each of which are dynamically named. Basically think of a time keeping application. Each column that is dynamic represents a time bucket that time was charged to for that team. If no time was charged to that buc...

Dynamically changing parameter based on another in an SSRS report

We have a report that in 2005 version of SSRS, we could dynamically update one parameter (which is a text box) from another report parameter (which is a drop down). Each time the drop down changes, the text box would update. No problem. Now in 2008, it only happens when we first preview the report (in other words, the text box is upda...

ReportViewer Web Control and Dynamic Connection Strings

So I have a report in Reporting Services 2005. In it is one parameter (ConnectionString) which determines which data source the report will use. It also has several other parameters which are dropdown lists derived from the data source chosen in the ConnectionString parameter. In Report Manager, this works great. All of the dropdowns ar...

Keep Group on One Page using Reporting Services

I created a report as part of a C# application using Reporting Services and I cant find some functionality I am used to seeing in other environments. I believe both MS Access and Crystal reports have an option called "Keep Together" so that you can keep a specific grouping of data on one page instead of the information being split over ...

Dynamic subreport in SSRS 2008

Hi, I would like to set up a dashboard report in SSRS that contains a bunch of sub reports, but have the reports that are displayed be configurable at run time. I.E. there could be 4 parameters which represent the names of 4 reports. The report contains 4 reports, and the name of each sub report should be taken from one of the paramete...

Creating a Report Model Project with a ODBC Data Provider, can this be done?

Hi I can create a normal SSRS Project and use a ODBC connection. But i cant create one with i want to create a Report Model Project??? Any idea why and how i can work around it? Thanks in advanced!! ...

Having issues with the SSRS Reports site

So I'm working with SSRS (SQL Server 2005), which some of our applications use to generate downloads. The problem with it, though, is that the Reports website that is used to manage it seems to crash randomly. I haven't yet figured out a rhyme or reason to it - only that it will suddenly bust out with a 'Specified cast is not valid' exce...

SSRS 2008 Query Parameters

I have a report that needs to display accounting data from different locations or all locations. Table_sales: PartId Rev LocId 1 $10 1 2 $2 1 3 $5 2 Lets say the query is something basic like this to get all revenue: SELECT SUM(rev) FROM Table_sales If I want to be able to limit the rep...

Reporting Services Aggregate not working for parent-child relationships

I have a parent-child attribute relationship in an Analysis services dimension, say [Dim].[Child] is a child of [Dim].[Parent] and I have a query, that returns the set UNION( [Dim].[Parent].Members * [Dim].[Child].Members, [Dim].[Parent].[ALL] * [Dim].[Child].Members ) on axis 1 and some output on axis 0. The query works fine whe...

Problem in ReportingService.render

Hi, I am trying to create a custom render. I implemented the IrenderingExtension class and implemented all the methods. Inside the render method i used the webservice to create a custom format. But the result array has only the table name. Please suggest a solution. ...

How do I reference group data in a textbox on Reporting Services?

I'm creating a report with a table that is grouped by a department code. There's a page break at the end, so each page only has data for that department code. Outside of the table, I want to have a textbox that contains the department code for that page/group. I've tried using a hidden column with the data, but the textbox only ends up ...

Why is a report, in SSRS, when viewed in preview mode looks different when viewed in print layout mode?

I have a report that was originally built in report builder and then imported into Visual Studio to add some other formating to it. The report has a header and a body section. In the body section there is a column that shows commission and the commission is subtotaled for each sales person. There is a page break for each sales person as ...

ssrs 2008 TimeDataRetrieval timings

I've a report whith an odd performance issue. When running it under the following conditions, SSRS Server (UAT_SSRS) & SQL Server (SERVER_SQL) I'm getting a TimeDataRetrieval value of 23726. When I run it under a different SSRS server (PROD_SSRS) and still use the same SQL server (SERVER_SQL) the value for is 325952 (well over TEN TIME...

Eliminate html tags from values

I'm trying to eliminate HTML tags from a value displayed in an ssrs report. My solution came to: =(new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("<[^>]*>")).Replace((new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("< STYLE >. *< /STYLE >")).Replace(Fields!activitypointer1_description.Value,""),"") The problem is that the second expression ("< STYL...

Report Server - unable to display correct input parameter via Iif() or Switch()

I have a nullable boolean input parameter with the following expression in my textbox: =iif(Parameters!Sorted.Value="","All",iif(Parameters!Sorted.Value="True","Sorted","Unsorted")) and I am trying to display this based on the value of Sorted input parameter Null = "All" True = "Sorted" False = "Unsorted" I have also tried the fol...

SSRS - Producing a report that is not dynamic in size

I want to build a report that is completely static in size and shape. I'm attempting to mimic a hand-entered report that someone in my organization has been building from a word doc for years. The critical piece appears to be fixing the number of rows that are produced in the various Table grids that fill the page. I would like them t...

Where does a published RDL file sit?

Hi, When publishing a reporting services report. Where does the actual .RDL file sit on the server? I can redownload the .RDL file via browsing through the report manager? But where is this file situated on the reporting services server? Thanks ...

Sql Server Reporting Services 2005 report import from PDF

Is there a tool or programming method available to take the layout defined in a PDF and import it into Sql Server Reporting Services 2005? Quite a few layouts are created as PDFs by third parties. It would make development a lot easier if I could use some of the layout already defined. ...

SSRS Templates

I'm trying to figure out if you can create template files or skins for SSRS reports. We are trying to standardize all of our reports to look similar. If there are no known ways to create templates or skins how do you work around this issue? ...

Permission in Report Builder 2.0

How do you set up permissions for ReportBuilder 2.0 if you arent using Windows Authentication? ...