



I've a report whith an odd performance issue. When running it under the following conditions, SSRS Server (UAT_SSRS) & SQL Server (SERVER_SQL) I'm getting a TimeDataRetrieval value of 23726. When I run it under a different SSRS server (PROD_SSRS) and still use the same SQL server (SERVER_SQL) the value for is 325952 (well over TEN TIMES MORE ) for the exact same parameters. My understanding is that the TimeDataRetrieval covers both the connection handling & data set retrival of the data. Why would there be such a huge difference between these 2 reports. Thanks, Dave


The value comes from the ReportServer database associated with the SSRS installation. It's nothing to do the SQL Server instance that hosts the RS DBs.

So, this simply says that your prod SSRS is around 14 times busier than your UAT SSRS. And they have different backend metadata databases, even if they are on the same SQL Server instance.
