
SSRS css messing up?

So the last couple of days my dev webpage for ssrs has been looking really weird, as if it's not getting styled by css at all. I'm not the only person that is seeing it like this. We just rebooted the server and it didn't have any effect. If you know what it causing this, please help. another symptom is that i can't modify security s...

SQL Server 2008 Reporting Service 2008 the page margins not set while exporting to Excel

Hi, While using new SQL Server 2008 Reporting Service 2008 the page margins that I specify in Report Properties > Page Setup do not seem to flow through to Excel when exported? They always seem to be set to Top & Bottom: 2.5cm, Left & Right: 1.9cm, no matter what I set them to in the report. This was working perfect in 2005 version. An...

How do I get non-Table data into SQL Server Reporting Services?

Given: A C# calculation engine that loads an object model, crunches huge amounts of numbers, and saves the results to a couple of gigantic mega-indexed database tables in SQL Server. Those tables provide data to web interfaces, other software modules, and SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 reports. I managed to make the engine a lot fa...

SSRS SUM inside a Tablix column

Hi, I have a dataset that returns the following columns, CategoryID, CategoryName, CategoryParentID, MonthIndex, Amount I am adding this to a Matrix in SSRS 2008 and configuring for a recursive hierarchy which works fine. However, when I change the column from a SUM(Fields!Amount.Value) to a SUM(Fields!Amount.Value, "GroupName"...

How can I install a shared data source with no credentials in SSRS

I'm using SQL Server 2005 with Reporting Services. I have many reports installed, some using shared data sources and some not; some go to web services, some to sql server databases, and now I'm trying to connect to a DB2 database. I have successfully created a shared data source and report in Visual Studio 2005. I can pull data just fin...

unable to connect to remote server - SSRS 2008 - webservice

I have an page that is trying to access a SSRS 2008 ReportServer through the ReportViewer control. The reports are accessed using a proxy account that is setup with 'Browser' role on the server. With a regular report access scenario this setup works fine. but whenever we try to load test this page using 100 virtual users, we star...

SQL 2005 Reporting Services if check for null

In SSRS 2005 I have a table with a dataset linked to it. I want to check if the value of a field is null and if it is not null then format the data to make sure it has one decimal place and add a % sign etc. This is my expression on the field/column: =iif(IsNothing(Fields!COL01.Value), "" ,Format(CDbl(Trim(Replace(Fields!COL01.Value, ...

Exporting PDF in Reporting Services

Does anyone know if it is possible to alter the page size/scale of a report when it is displayed in PDF after an export? The problem we have is one of our users has created a report with a large number of coloumns in the table, the table then runs on to the next page of the report. We have altered the page setup to landscape within the ...

Using Report Server Data Set for feature reports

I am using SQL report Server 2008 and I have huge amount of data in one report after that I call sub report or linked report with same data just with another view or I need that data to write back to DataBase in other place. Now I wondering Can I access on dataset which using data to show current report and after that I want to use that ...

Order the list of snapshots in the history tab of a SQL Reporting Services report

How can I change the sorting order of the history tab? By default the oldest snapshots are always on top, so users have to manually sort the list by clicking on the header, which is a bit annoying because they're always interested in the latest reports. ...

can sql server reporting services be used as a report writer?

Hi, we are trying to create reports programmatically in using microsoft reporting services. We are not sure if it is possible though. We have several queries for our reports. Instead of creating a separate .rdlc report for each of those queries, we are looking for a way so that we can feed the query / stored procedure to the rep...

Reporting Services Report Timeout

We have a 2005 report that can be 2 to around 250 pages with the average being in the ballpark of 10. When the report was developed, our developer was told that 10 pages or so was the right number, and without knowing the business domain very well he decided reporting services was the correct approach. Now that the report has been depl...

SQL Server 2005 Report Builder How to dynamically change Data Source?

We have a need to be able to dynamically change the Data source for a report built/managed in Report Builder. Basically its the same DB structure but each client has their own DB so depending on the parameter for the ClientID it needs to dynamically go to the appropriate DB. Anybody have any good solutions for this? Thanks in advance,...

Large Report Implementation Reccomendations 250 - 300 pages

My group has a report that was recently developed utilizing Reporting Services 2005 with the NeoDynamics Bar Code component. The report is for return authorizations and consists of 2 main reports. The first set of data on the report is the authorization form, listing all of the line item products and some header information (t...

Reporting Services Borderstyle Property Problem

I am using the matrix control in RS2008. I want to use an expression to set the Value cell (col 2, row 2) of the matrix to have either no border or a double border on the bottom. I have a boolen field that sets this condition for each row of the report. The expression for the bottom borderstyle is... =Iif(Fields!DoubleBottom.Value=True, ...

How to display a SQL Reporting Service report in Excel

Hi everyone, At the moment i am using VSTO to take a SQL Reporting Services report and display it in Excel 2003 using the ReportViewer control. So bascially on a winform hosted inside Excel. But i also need to be able to display it without the ReportViewer control i.e. just straight into the cells of my Excel sheet. I'm wonder how I s...

dynamic web reference for use in SSRS

To use the web service that is part of an SSRS installation, it seems that you need to add a web reference to your project so that you can call it etc (see one of my previous questions). But if I needed to call the web service for different SSRS installations then i need to keep adding extra web references. My application curren...

How to filter one dataset value with another dataset Table value in SSRS.

How to filter one dataset table with another dataset Table value in SSRS. ...

SSAS/SSRS remove parameter from cube report destroys report

Group, We built a data cube using SSAS and are now building SSRS reports off of that cube. Not sure if anyone has come across this, but when you build the report using the wizard and include parameters all looks fine. However if you are in the report after the wizard is compete, and you decide you want to remove one of the parameters y...

Double Underline not appearing on last row of report

I am using SQL Server 2008 with Reporting Services. I have a Matrix report that uses an expression to control the Value cell's bottom border. The cell will have no border, a solid (single) border or a double border. This works fine for every row in the report except when a double border is requested on the last line of the report. The la...