
configure SSRS report with a java/j2ee based application

i want to configure SSRS report with a java/j2ee based application..can i get any help on the same? ...

SQL Reporting: Null Parameter

I have discovered that in SQL Reporting there might be a problem. I have a ReportViewer on my page and I am sending in parameters using the following method: List<ReportParameter> myParams = new List<ReportParameter>(); myParams.Add(new ReportParameter("Start_Date", StartDate)); myParams.Add(new ReportParameter("End_Date", EndDate)); ...

How to put a table in the report header?

Hi I'm trying to generate a report that has a solid legend table on top. I've tried to put it in the header section, so it wouldn't scroll down with the page but I can't put any table inside the header ...

Chart reporting in SSRS

Hello, I am using SQL Server Reporting to display data using a chart. How do I create my dataset so that the graph displays one line for males & one line for females. Thanks Beth ...

SSRS giving a blank page at the end of report

I am getting a blank page, at the end of my report in SSRS 2005. I have a header logo and footer date values, and I have set the both to PrintOnLastPage = False, but I am still getting a blank last page. Any ideas how to eliminate it? FC ...

Conditional Page Breaks in Grouping

I have a problem with conditional page breaks in Grouping, actually now I'm using SSRS2005. My requirement was to give page break as per the parameter selection. I have three groups in by table, if the user selects page break at first group is True, then I need to give page break while the first group change... likewise I have to give...

Reporting Services - hide table column based upon report parameter

I have a report in Reporting Services 2005, and I want to hide or show a single table column based upon a report parameter. Does anyone have any idea how to do that? Thanks! ...

Using constants in SSRS's Error Bar Chart

I have a SSRS 2008 report with a Error Bar chart. It plots dates (x-axis) versus score (y-axis), with +10/-10 for the upper/lower error range. But in the dataset, I also have two sets averages (the US and the company's). I would like to display these averages as a constant. It should be a horizontal line that runs through the chart. ...

Reporting Services: Overriding a default parameter with an expression in a linked report

So I've got a "daily dashboard" report in SSRS 2005. It has a parameter, @pDate, which defaults to "=Now". I'd like to use this same report in a linked report to show yesterday's final dashboard (which would then be mailed out via subscription), and override the parameter default with another expression, "=dateadd(d,-1,Now)." But when I...

How Can I Do Logical Page Breaks?

I´m having trouble getting logical page breaks to work properly. I have lists with groups and I want have pagebreaks between each instance of some the groups. But it does not seem to matter much whatever option I use for the page break property on groups. I don´t always get a page break seems a bit magical. Am I missing something her...

How to create an ssrs report using a wcf datasource?

I am trying to create a report using a wcf service as a datasource. The only somewhat definitive source of information is a blog entry which I am finding does not seem to work as advertised, possibly because I am using MSSQL 2008 instead of 2005. Is it possible, and if so, how are people doing it? ...

How to print a ReportViewer's report without showing a form

While I realize that I could just show the form off-screen and hide it, along with many other forms of WinForms hackish wizardry, I'd rather stick with the zen path and get this done right. I have a SSRS local report (so no server) that I want to give the user the option of either viewing or printing (in other words, I don't want to forc...

How would I create this report in reporting services for the report viewer control?

I have this dataset created in Visual Studio 2008 in my project. I have already filled each table with the data that I need. There will be multiple tickets and each child table will have either 0 or more items relating to the ticket table. There are no relationships established as part of the dataset (yet). I also have this report create...

How to exclude one value from a grouping sum, based on a value of another field?

How do I exclude one value from a grouping sum, based on a value of another field? ie I open Report=> Report Properties=>Code and insert my Custom Code, but how would I change the below code to exclude a numeric value of another field for the below case? Public Function ChangeWord(ByVal s As String) As String Dim strBuilder As New ...

How to get named excel sheets while exporting from SSRS

Whenever a single page report is exported to excel, sheet in excel is named by the report name. If a report has multiple pages, the sheets are named as sheet1, sheet2,.... Is there any way to specify sheet names in SSRS 2005 ? solution: Found this after some googleing: Changing the Sheet names in SQL Server RS Excel: QnD XSLT Will try...

Is there an easy way to give an option to open Excel on export form SSRS reportviewer control?

If we export to Excel from the ReportingServices reports web site, the user gets an option to Open/Save/Cancel. However, the reportviewer control for winforms does not give the Open option. The user has to save the file and then open it manually. I'm wondering if someone else has already crossed this bridge and might be able to save me...

Dataset Field in Header/Footer disappears in PDF Export

I've been asked to make a small change to one of our RDLs. Essentially, I have some fields in my header/footer which pull information out of the resulting dataset (this is done by creating hidden textbox in the report body, then creating a textbox in the footer with its value set to ReportItems!txtHiddenMsg.Value). Unfortunately, the me...

How to automate tests for reports in SSRS

My current project uses SSRS as the reporting engine. I have the report executing a text command with about 10 variables passed to it. I have been looking for a solution on how to unit test (acceptance or integration, whatever, just some automation) to an SSRS report project. I thought about using this method: Move the SQL text comm...

Dynamic selection of dataset in SSRS

Hi, Please clarify me with this. I am going to design a report using SSRS 2005. Is it possible to have the selection of dataset done dynamically. Lets say i am going to have two tables, first one is the summary and second one is the detail data. One of my parameter (with values 'Summary' and 'Detail')is deciding which version of the r...

Can I render HTML from SQL Database in SSRS 2005?

I have html in an MS SQL DB. I would like to render the html on a SSRS page, is this possible? ...