
Dynamic Columns

Here's my problem. I am passing in a parameter let say it's called ShapesSelected. ShapeSelected = ",Square, Triangle, Circle,". The problem is ShapeSelected could be any of the the shapes so it is never static. Base on this parameter I want to add 3 column to the right of a table in the report. Is this possible? I've starting codin...

Is there a clean approach to justify text in Reporting Service?

I'm creating a Report using SQL Reporting Services and I need to justify the text inside a textbox. By justify a mean aligning the text to both margin, left AND right. Just like justifying text in MS Word. I've been browsing a lot and found only a few smelly solutions. Is there a clean way to do this? Thanks, Pedro ...

Reporting Services - Group Name in Page Header

I have a report with one group (Office Name) which page breaks between each group - so the data for only one Office can appear on a given page. How do I get that Office Name to appear in the page header? I tried creating a hidden textbox in the details section of the report which has the Office Name value and then referencing that i...

Locking SSRS fields in place

We are developing a complex structured report, this report has lots of fields and these fields get populated sometime. when these fields are not populated field placement changes for few fields around that empty field. Is there a way to lock in a field at a particular place. I extract report in PDF. ...

SQL Reporting Services: Grid View

Hi I have designed a query that returns a set of data such as: ============================================ | Name | Phone | Address | -------------------------------------------- Bob - 5 Street Mary - 3 Drive What I want to do in SQL Reporting Services is to display data in a grid fashio...

Subreports try and keep together leaving blank spots/pages

Reporting Services 2005 My layout is like this: I have the mainreport which contains a table This table has 3 groups it runs by, GrpLevel1, GrpLevel2, GrpLevel3 Sub-Reports are added to one of 3 groups and are executed passing that group key to the sub-report So, a particular sub-report will run at GrpLevel1 and for every level2 it...

Reporting Services 2005 Subscriptions

I am trying to send reports from Reporting Services 2005 by to an FTP location but this does not seem to be an option within the subscription settings. Is this possible to have done? ...

How can I configure SSRS 2005 to use ASP.NET 2.0 Forms Authentication?

I have an instance of SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services that is outward (internet) facing. I want to enable Forms Authentication using ASP.NET 2.0. Several web sites discuss how to configure this to work, but none of the instructions lead to a completed solution. Does someone have consise instructions that are easy to follow and will ...

Create Sum of calculated rows in Microsoft Reporting Services

This seems like it should be simple but I can't find anything yet. In Reporting Services I have a table with up to 6 rows that all have calculated values and dynamic visibility. I would like to sum these rows. Basically I have a number of invoice items and want to make a total. I can't change anything on the DB side since my stored proce...

Reporting Services Report Deployment / downgrading problem

I have a reporting services project with lots of reports developed in SQL server business intelligence development studio that comes with sql server 2008. I want to deploy these reports to a server that has reporting services 2005 only but the deployment is failing. I'm wondering if any one around here has been able to deploy reports dev...

Is it possible to perform a web service call inside a reporting services report?

Is it possible to perform a web service call inside a reporting services report? (i.e. use a WS call for a data source) ...

Can a server in any case request a client for any service?

Can a server in any case request a client for any service? ...

number field turned out as text in excel , SSRS

Hi, My SSRS reports one of the field is using this expression , where the field is a number field. I want to see blank field is the value is 0. =IIf(Fields!PERIOD02_VALUE.Value <> 0,Fields!PERIOD02_VALUE.Value ,"") the excel exported version is having this field considered as text not number. Is there any other way to do this from ...

RDLC Medium Trust

Does anyone know of a free (for a non-profit group) RDLC reporting tool that will work under medium trust in IIS 7? ...

Process rdl/rdlc report files without SSRS?

Is there any way to render and export an rdl file within a batch process without using SSRS? I don't want the overhead of SSRS (IIS + database) and instead want to handle this within my own batch/scheduling service. Thanks ...

Date Math in Reporting Services Expression

I'm trying to add days to a date and then compare to see if it's outside a range to color code a cell. It's not working--I think I may be making a simple syntax error. iif( (DateAdd("d", CInt(Fields!Days.Value), Fields!Date.Value) < Now), "Red", "White") ) ...

SSRS 2008: Passing Parameters to linked report

I have a report table with all the combinations of dimensions as generated by the parameters set by the user. Each row contains 1 combination and a link to another report with charts. How do I pass that combination of parameters/dimensions to that other report? In the row, I have a textbox Action which has a "Go to report" hyperlink. I...

How can I aggregate rows to reduce the resolution of data in a SQL query?

I'm working with an MSSQL 2000 database containing large amounts of Windows perfmon data collected for all servers in the environment. I'm using SSRS 2005 to build a custom report chart to visualize the metrics over time. If I wanted to view, say, the last month the extensive number of data points would create an ugly report with unrea...

SSRS 2005 Report Automatically Rendering

I have created a number of SSRS 2005 reports, and provided a number of parameters for each. Each of the parameters have default values, and therefore the report automatically renders when someone visits the report through the SSRS web site. What I'd like to do is have all the reports have their default values, but prevent the report fr...

What permissions are needed to deploy a report project in VS2005?

When I try to deploy reports to a newly installed SSRS 2005 server (remote server) I get the following error in VS2005: The permissions granted to user 'CEINTERNAL\IUSR_COMPELLENT01' are insufficient for performing this operation. What permissions are needed to deploy a report project in VS2005? ...