
Indentation in the textbox of SSRS 2005 PDF report

I would like to know if is there a way in SSRS 2005 to add indentation to a textbox and make it render correctly in PDF report. I'd like the paragraph in PDF to appear this way:     We don't run Stack Overflow. You do. Stack Overflow is collaboratively built and maintained by your fellow programmers. Once the system learns to trust ...

SSRS: removing javaScript from a report link when exported to PDF

I have a report (SSRS) that has links on the individual actions. The javaScript is there so that when used inside my web applciation, the new drill down report opens in a new popup window. ALAS, when exporting the report to PDF the links (drill down) no longer work because PDF doesn't handle the javaScript... How do I make the expor...

Identifying what the error is

What does this error mean in MS Reporting Service : Global!ExecutionTime returns erroneous date ...

Pass NULL to SSRS URL access parameter?

How does one specify a NULL value when passing a parameter to an SSRS report using URL access? i.e. when using the form http://server/ReportServer/Pages/ReportViewer.aspx?Report&Parameter=value ...

Splitting a Table over multiple pages in SSRS

I'm using SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 to produce an invoice. The layout of this invoice is fairly standard - a page header/footer, then some address details at the top, followed by a single table for the invoice lines, and a set of rectangles for the totals below the table. This report worked absolutely fine in SSRS 2005, but s...

SSRS Report Viewer + ASP.NET Credentials 401 Exception

I have a report saved on a SQL2005 reporting server, and I want to return a rendered PDF of this report. I've figured this out when working with a local *.rdlc file (and I've blogged about it), but not when the *.rdl resides on a reporting server. I am getting a 401 Not Authorized error at the line... reportViewer.ServerReport.SetParame...

displaying reporting services report in aspx page

Hi, I created a simple reporting services report. I would like to include this report in the web site. I read that we need to deploy the report to the report server in order to use it in the aspx page. Is it possible to include the report in the web site project and display the report? Crystal reports work like that. If it is possible, ...

Can I pre-process data before passing it off to SSRS 2005?

We are considering migrating to Sql Server 2005 Reporting Services. Many of our existing reports require pre-processing of the data before rendering it. For example, we have a query for a report that returns GPS coordinates (Latitude and Longitude) from a stored procedure, but before passing off the DataSet to our reporting engine (curr...

SSRS - Keep a table the same width when hiding columns dynamically?

Greetings. I have a SSRS 2005 report that shows prices of things. For some customers, I hide a column from the table (with an expression on the Visibility - hidden property). When I do this, my table shrinks. I've searched long and hard for a way to dynamically resize this table (or to do something at design time to make it stay the ...

SSRS 2005 Subscriptions

I am currently using SSRS 2005 subscriptions to send email on certain events. I have maxed out the allowed number of subscriptions though and it has brought the emails to a halt. Is there anyway for me to allow more subscriptions? ...

Handling report exceptions using the ASP.NET ReportViewer in Remote and Async mode

I have a report page that uses the Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportViewer component to render Report Server (SSRS) reports asynchronously. At the moment if an error occurs a message is displayed inside the ReportViewer control. I want to add custom error handling logic so that the user gets a friendly message. How can I achieve this ...

Passing Date as a parameter to a subreport/another report to use as a parameter

I have two reports. First reports selects a report type from a dropdownbox and accepts from/to dates and when click on the view report - lists customer names for this report type. When you click on the customername, the 2nd report is called ( action) passing 3 parameters - customername, datefrom and dateto as parameters to be used in th...

PDF Rendering Issue in SSRS 2008

Hello , I have updated my rdl from SSRS 2005 to SSRS 2008. While rendering into PDF fprmate the header is missing for some of the pages.. Same RDLworking fine with SSRS 2005..... PageBreak is set as START Keep Together property set to false Thanks Harshil ...

Why do I sometimes get an error in Reporting Services when I export a report containing .jpg images to MS Word

When you create a report using SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 (SP1), that uses .jpg images sometimes you get the following error when you export the report to word. Index was outside the bounds of the array. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace ...

Telerik Reporting over SSRS?

Broad question is: Is there anything Telerik Reporting can do that SSRS (2005) cannot? Specifics: We're looking to migrate our current Reporting infrastructure from in-house ASP.NET + Crystal (VS Edition) to something else. Ignoring the cost factor (we have a Telerik license), is there any pros or cons to going with Telerik over SSRS? ...

ssrs combining rows into result set

So I have a sql server 2005 query that returns results like so: Address | Doctor ----------------------- 1 Dr A 1 Dr B 1 Dr C 2 NULL 3 NULL 4 Dr D 4 Dr E 5 Dr F What I want is to get the output so that when I render the report I have them grouped together: Dr A Dr B Dr C...

Making Dynamic and Static columns play nicely in Matrix in SSRS 2005

I have a report that shows financial data by year along with a few other bits of static data: every time I try to put in a Column group, it does either above or below the static data: FiscalYear StaticData1 | StaticData2 | StaticData3 | StaticData4 Or: StaticData1 | StaticData2 | StaticData3 | StaticData4 FiscalYear What I want is tha...

Problems deploying .rdlc to server. (ie. ReportViewer with local report)

I would like to Publish my web application and view a report with the Microsoft ReportViewer. Everything works locally but when published I've encountered a troubling number of errors. Finally I seem to have come across one that I cannot fix. So far I have solved the first 3 problems by... Installing the Miscrosoft Report Viewer ...

How can I preserve leading white space in PDF export of reporting services

I have some leagacy reporting data which is accessed from SSRS via an xml web service data source. The service returns one big field containing formatted plain text. I've been able to preserve white space in the output by replacing space chars with a non-breaking space, however, when exporting to PDF leading white space is not preserved...

SSRS2005 User Reports

Anyone know how I can copy the user reports (and model) someone has created to point at another database (same schema). I don't really want to recreate the data model becuase (a) it's really complicated and (b) the previous developer added lots of friendlt column names. Thanks in advance, Jim ...