
Reporting Services Remove Time from DateTime in Expression

I'm trying to populate an expression (default value of a parameter) with an explicit time. How do I remove the time from the the "now" function? ...

Microsoft Chart control and Reporting Services reports (SSRS)

Hi, I'm wondering whether anyone has been able to use the Microsoft Chart control in SQL Server Reporting Service reports? Specifically the 2005 version... Further to that, are the SSRS 2008 charts the same control (as the Chart control)? (i'm thinking that they are...) Thanks heaps! ...

Microsoft Reporting with Collection as DataSource

Hi ! I'm working with MS Reporting Services. The underlying datasource is IEnumerable<MyObject>, I'm not using DataSets. Every MyObject has properties and some other IEnumerable collections. In the report I want to display all the properties from MyObject and the collections lists too. I didn't know how to display this inner collect...

Expression window font size problem - Reporting Services 2008

Does anyone know how to fix the issue which is displayed in the image. This is the expression designer window in Reporting Services 2008. It appears that the font size has been significantly reduced, but as of yet we haven't been able to find an option to enlarge the font to its default size. Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks ...

Use dataset name in tooltip on SSRS report

I'm using SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services (SSRS), and developing my reports using Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS) Is there a way of specifying an expression in the tooltip field for a chart/table/text box that would give the dataset name, or even better, the stored procedure name (assuming the data set is set as store...

How do you reference a field in the Embedded Code of an SSRS report.

Hello, Is there a proper way to reference the fields of a ssrs report from the embedded code of an ssrs report? When I try to use Fields!Program.Value I get the following error -- There is an error on line 3 of custom code: [BC30469] Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference. Upon googling I found you could re...

Can you reference the textboxes on an ssrs report from embedded code

Hello, Is it possible to reference a textbox from the embedded code of a ssrs report. I would like to show or hide the textbox based on a condition. Thanks. Seth ...

Restricting SSRS subscriptions to shared schedules only

Hi all I'm reasonably new to SQL Server Reporting Services and Report Manager, and completely new to SSRS's Subscriptions. We're running SSRS 2008. Out of the box it seems that a user with the Browser role can create a Subscription to a report and schedule it to run at any time they choose. As an admin I have setup a schedule called "...

Displaying report parameters in textboxes

I am getting an error when attempting to display report parameters in a textbox. I have constructed an expression like: ="My Report for " & Parameters!ReportMonth.Value & " " & Parameters!ReportYear.Value ReportMonth and ReportYear are string values The error I am getting is: "The Value expression for the textrun ‘Title.Paragraphs[0]...

Selecting total results on a report

I have a matrix with several columns and rows. Example the rows are made up of names for a company and along the top are total sales, total calls, etc. So each row will have a number under each column, and at the bottom of each column is a total for each column. Currently i have the report set up that if you click on any of the numbers...

Displaying images in SSRS 2008

We are trying to display the images on to the reports without embedding them in to the reports. One of the ways is to use images from databases. But, we are having issues with that. Here is the issue we are having: Since SQL Server 2008 has File Stream option for storing images. We have created a table (XX) to store the images using fil...

SSRS Header not formatted

Sorry for bad english. We use Sql Server Reporting service (SSRS) and there is a problem with the header (see It seems that this web section is unable to fetch the required CSS. ...

Reporting Services Xhtml Engine

The html output of reporting services is horrendous. My understanding is that all reports are written in a common xml format so that they can be transformed into whatever medium is required (html, pdf etc). Hence, in theroy I could write my own engine to take the raw XML and output nice standards compliant, cross browser Xhtml. But I ...

Problem in SSRS with Matrix headings for non-data fields.

Hi I have been working on a large matrix which displays the results of a stored procuedre with date fields for the dynamic columns. Prior to the dynamic columns i have several other columns of identifiers for the data. The problem i have is when i try and add column headings (in the tableheading textbox) for the identifiers i need to use...

Reporting Services 2005 Timout When Exporting via Web Service

We're running into the same problem as reported here: PDF Export Huge Report We're exporting a report from SSRS using the .asmx Web Services. Exporting via the Report Manager works fine, calling from code times out. We get: Exception Message: The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a receive. We've t...

SSRS 2008 - caching data used by multiple reports

I am using SQL Server Reporting Services 2008. I have one dataset which is shared among several reports--each report groups or formats data differently. Is it possible to configure things so that the data is pulled from SQL Server when one of these reports is built and then cached within SSRS for a configurable period of time? Assume tha...

C# How to display Dataset's Byte column as an Enum in MS Reporting Services?

Hi. How to display an Enumeration Value in Microsoft reporting based on the byte column from a DataTable? I want to cast =Fields!Status.Value to something like (MyEnum)Fields!Status.Value and then call .ToString() on it. Status is a Byte type. ...

Graph Viewer option available in WPF UI??

Hi, In a WPF UI app, is there any control to display graph? I mean, i have 2 combo boxes, on selecting the values in it, it generates a graph.( I have done this using crystal report viewer in a normal windows app... ). How to achevie this in WPF?? As a is available for documents, do WPF has any graph or reports viewer in it. I am no...

SSRS with Custom Web UI

Is it possible to create a custom Web front-end to run SSRS reports from? We have an existing cross-browser web front-end for gathering reporting inputs (for a non-SSRS platform) that we would like to see continue with SSRS instead. It includes domain-specific UI controls that have been developed in-house already, and nothing comes clo...

Passing Windows User Credentials to Web Service

I have a ASP 3.5 web forms app using windows authentication that needs to call a soap based web service (the SSRS 2005 report service) which uses integrated windows authentication. However the call to the web service from the asp backend keeps throwing a 401 error. If I turn on anonymous authenticatoin on the web service it works ok usi...