
problem in linking reports in ssrs

hi in report 1 i have three filter From date to date Number (multiple value) when i entered from date --25 august,to date 26 august number say 1,2 its shows record Number Feiled2 Image 10 213 image 20 214 image. And ...

Cleaning Up Temporary SSRS Reports

Our application uses SQL Server Reporting Services and allows users to add custom filters to reports. We do this by modifying the RDL and then uploading the modified RDL to the server to create a new report. The problem is that after the report has run once, it's no longer needed; it's really just a temporary report. Obviously, this woul...

Accessing SQL Report Web Services

Hi, I am testing an app locally that is built in coldfusion. I have sql report services running and i would like to access reports using cold fusion. I can only access web services through IE. How can i enable anonymous access to the server so that i could do a simple http request from within coldfusion to grab the report. Secondly, i...

Can you reorder columns in Report designer (bids 2005)

I have a reporting service report and I can't seem to figure out how to reorder the columns in the table control. Is this possible with editing the rdl file directly? ...

How do I handle null nested objects in RDLC report that is bound to custom assembly object datasource?

I have an RDLC report that I am rendering directly to the Response Stream as PDF (rather than using the ReportViewer). In the code that renders the report, it's DataSource is bound to a List(Of ClassA) objects defined in a custom assembly. This seems to work for the most part. My problem is that I can't seem to handle the situation wh...

SSRS 2008 - Report viewer - application - JS Error (tNode is null or not an object)

I have an web application using the ReportViewer2008-SP1 controls to display some reports from the SSRS ReportServer. On some of the reports, i am seeing a JS error - "tNode is null or not an object". I am not sure if this has anything to do with the problem, but these reports have the tablix control being used in them. the erro...

Reload and Refresh Report Viewer based on New RDLC File

I have written a C# program using VS 2008 that uses the built in Report Viewer and processes reports locally. When the report is being viewed I want to replace the current rdlc file with a new one and refresh the report without closing the report form that contains the report viewer. I have already checked to make sure the file is bein...

How to keep List contents on the first page? (SSRS 2005 - PDF Export)

I've got the following report setup: 1. Letterhead (not in the header, since i only want it on the first page) 2. List control with some data when i export the report to PDF, and the contents of the List are less that one full page - my letterhead is displayed on the first page (the rest of the page is empty) and the List content gets...

How do I open a report in SSRS 2008 without the user having to provide authentication details?

Summary: Does anyone know what the minimum we have to do is to get the user to be able to press a button in our app and have the report pop up in an HTML control (Delphi App) with no further input from the user? Detail: Authentication is no longer anything to do with IIS in 2008, and a lot of authentication discussion on the web is abou...

How to bind a dataset to a sub-report

Hi, I have a report that takes one parameter, and works fine. So I've put the report on another report as a subreport. I have a dataset that returns several rows of names. So I'm passing into the subreport as a parameter: Fields!Forename.Value and I want the subreport to repeat for every row the dataset returns. When I run it the st...

Programmatically Add User to Report Server (SSRS 2005)

I would like to be able to programatically add a user to the report server by creating some stored procedure that accepts user_id and does inserts into ReportServer..Users and other associated tables. I am having trouble doing this (especially the column ReportServer..Users.Sid). Has anyone been able to accomplish this in the past? Th...

How do I force the browser to get an updated PDF file generated from an SSRS report?

I have a web page that downloads a pdf version of an ssrs report through a link. However when I make changes to the data, the browser pulls up the same pdf file as before without the updated information (the pdf file stored in the temp folder). If I then go to another browser and download the PDF I get the new version, but the other brow...

SSRS 2005 report page orientation with subreports

I have a report which is composed of several subreports. I need to render some of the reports as landscape and others as portrait. SSRS 2005 doesnt appear to support this behavior. Does anyone know if it is possible to get this behavior without having to hand roll a "report packager"? To be clear, the client wants to print one report wh...

Launch Reporting Services Reports from .Net Code

What is the best way to launch reporting services reports from .Net code? One method would be to dynamically build a URL and launch a browser. Something like this: http://server/ReportServer/Pages/ReportViewer.aspx?%2fReport+Directory%2fReport%20Name&FirstParameter=1,2,3&SecondParameter=8/30/2009&rs%3aCommand=Render I don...

How to force a textbox to split, rather than move to a second page in SSRS 2005 (PDF Export)?

This question is a follow up to my original question, I've done a bit more reseach, i narrowed a problem down quite a bit. I've also uploaded a sample .rdl to illustrate the problem I've got the following report setup: a header (image in the body), two textboxes, and a footer. First textbox has a little bit of text, and second textb...

SQL Server Express : Reporting Services.. limitations on charts?

Hi, If you look the edition comparison... It says for Express Edition that this option is not enabled for SQL Server Express.. Enhanced Gauges and Charting Anyone know what the limitations are on this item? I can't seem to find any more information.. Many thanks, ...

SQL Server Reports Aggregate Functions

G'day, I'm a total n00b when it comes to SQL Server reports and my Vb.Net knowledge is ageing now. I have a detailed report of rows in a database, with one of the columns that is nullable. What I want to do is show a simple pie chart over the data in the result which shows how many rows have a value and how many do not. I can't work ... web reference for reporting services

Hi there, I'm trying to access a reporting services site using the provided web services, from a basic website. I've added the reference to reportservice2005.asmx on the reporting server, but I'm having problems getting intellisense working and for anything to run/compile. From examples, I've seen people create an instance of ...

Passing many parameters into SQL and SSRS

hi, i am trying to create a report from a row of data with about 60 columns. The workflow is as follows. 1] user selects the fields they want to view in the report from within c# 2] c# calls a sp in sql and passes the fields (expecting between 1 and 5 fields per report) 3] ssrs displays these fields on a pie chart in reporting services....

SSRS data tab and preview tabs

Can you please suggest on as why Data Tab and Preview tabs are not in synch for a SSRS when i am trying to change the number of parameters in SSRS Datatab i am unable to reflect the same in the previw tab.... Thanks in advance.. ...