
New window on ASP Menu click

I have a Intranet page that has a driven ASP Menu control that drives the entire site. For most of my pages pushing the user to a new content page within the current window is great. However for certain large reports there is simply not enough real estate to comfortably display the entire page. Is it possible when clicking ce...

SQL 2005 Reporting Services doesn't print properly

We have a 900+ page report that was created in RS. You can only print 1 page at a time from the report manager. We have tried exporting to pdf, etc but the dollar amounts don't line up properly when it is exported. Does anyone have any suggestions to get this to print correctly? ...

Help with filter reporting services

So I want to filter out all things when a field = 'service' but i keep getting an error when i edit group and go to filters expression column is = "=Fields!.Letter.Value" Operator = "=" Value = ="service" I keep getting Microsoft Report Designer the properties for the selected items are not valid. please correct all errors before conti...

Forcing a SQL Reporting Services 2005 table to show a certain number of rows

I've got a SQL Reporting Services 2005 report that includes a table on the first page. I have enough room on the first page to show the first 5 items from a list. If there are more than 5 items, I want the list to continue to another table on the second page of the report. I also want the tables to have a fixed number of rows. For examp...

Display Same values..

How we can display the same values in a group in SSRS 2008? For Example I have one report and i used the Matrix tools for displaying data. In the matrix it contains one main group, two child group under the main group. The 3rd child group data will be displayed a set of values which may contain same values. But it shows only single valu...

SSRS 2008 Render to XML - Where are my Chart Streams?

I'm using code like this: private byte[] RenderReport(ReportOptions reportOptions, string format, string deviceInfo, out string[] streamIds) { byte[] result; string empty; ReportExecutionService.ParameterValue[] parameters = reportOptions.Parameters; ReportExecutionService.Warning[] optionalWarnings; _reportExecutionService...

Custom Boolean values on a Report using Reporting Services

I have created a report that accepts a boolean value as a paramerter. However I wish to present the option as values differrnt than true or false. So I set up some default values and in my preview window I got a nice drop down containing my custom values. However when I deploy this to my server the nice drop down is replaced by the def...

Sql Reporting Services 2005 continue a long string from one textbox to another textbox

I've got a SQL Reporting Services 2005 report that includes a textbox on the first page. The string input for the textbox can be very large and include newlines. The textbox size is fixed and another textbox is included on the second page of the report to handle any spillover text that didn't fit in the first page's textbox. If the secon...

conditional sum not working on certain datatypes

I have a conditional sum in my grouping =sum(iif(Fields!Letter.Value="Service",0,Fields!Mailed.Value)) I keep getting the #error on half the fields. There all numbers. In my proc im calling the fields that are erroring outare doing a calculation. I tried putting those into a subquery and calling and it errored out. Im not sure whe...

Sql Server 2008 Reporting Services email on the fly solution

To all, I have noticed that other reporting tools allow you the option, at the time of running a report from the web interface, to either have it rendered to the browser or allow you to enter an email address have have the report sent to that address. This would be helpful for long running reports or reports that are fairly large. My ...

How to hide subreports in ms reports if no data?

hi i do have a report which has 3 subreports. if in case of no data i need to hide the report now its giving the error Error: Subreport could not be shown how can i hide the subreports. ...

Time line in SSRS 2008 like in management studio

HI, does anyone now if it's possible to create a time line like the one that appears in some of the default reports in management studio 2008, the Performance Data Collectors ones. I only manage to do something similar with a chart, but I'd like to implement something more like the time line in SSMS. This is the time line I'm referr...

What impact does the Z Index number have in an RDLC file?

I have been creating rdlc reports from scratch using C# to write xml files. To make sure I do this properly I look at the XML behind other reports I created using the VS 2008 report designer feature. When I look at the XML for the reports created using VS, I see the field called ZIndex which as a integer value associated with it. What...

Report only outputting first page

I'm trying to output a report as pdf and everything seems fine except I'm seeing only one page in the final output. The datasrouce is showing a count 2 but the final report shows only 1 page. This is what I have in code: if (reportType == ReportType.AllJobs) { dataSource = BRInfoGateway.GetAllJobs(); //This shows a count of 2 dur...

Reportins services Timeout expired

Hi, I'm developing a Report Service and while excecuting the query getting : An error has occurred during report processing. Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. I know that on the SQL server th...

ISemanticModelGenerator: How to correctly implement a custom report model generator

I have a custom RS Data Extension that has been working fine for a few months now. Recently I needed to add the ability to generate a report builder model to the data extension. So, I added a class that implements ISemanticModelGenerator and added the corresponding configuration elements to the report server config file. When I try to...

SSRS Local Mode Report zero displaying as blank

Hi, I have a SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services) RDLC local mode report that is populated by an object data source. However the data from the database is returned as 0 but the report is displaying blank. My datasource is a List<> of a type "ReportData" that is populated from a SQL Server query. public class ReportData { public o...

Localization of Reporting Services-Reports (.rdl / .rdlc-Files)

Hallo, i need to localize a Reporting Services-report (.rdlc) and i would like to do it using a ressource-file (.resx). I found pages like this and that and they use custom code to achieve their target. But pages like Setting the Report Language Parameter in a URL give me the impression that localization in reports is possible without c...

SSRS Dynamic Shared Data Source

I have an ASP.Net Web site that displays various SSRS reports using the Microsoft Report Viewer Control. I need to be able to specify a data source at runtime. It seems like I should be able to just specify the name of a "shared" data source when I render the report, but I sure can't find a way to do that. The only thing I've found so fa...

Reporting Services 2008 - Can you link 2 datasets together?

I need to be able to join 2 datasets together. I can't do it in a query because each dataset comes from very difference datasources (one is SQL Server 05 and the other is IBM iSeries). And I can't do it via a master/subreport set up for various reasons. If I can't join 2 datasets together I may resort to building and referencing a custo...