
Reporting services only displaying the last row.

I have built a report pretty basic just a table wiht 45 rows of data. Problem is its only showing one row of data and its the last row. It displays just fine in the dataset and proc. any suggestiosn? The table is in the body of the report. ...

SoapExceptions error: The property 'Name' is read-only and cannot be modified or deleted. (SSRS)

Hi, I have created a Windows Application based UI using C# to enable users to manage the items of the Reporting Server. One of the functionalities I have implemented was to right-click on the name of the folder (in the UI TreeView hierarchy) and choose the 'Rename' option from the menu, which will then call the ReportingServices2005.Set...

dynamically create parameter at runtime for ssrs

I am using Visual Studie 2005 and SQL Server 2005. I trying to run some ssrs reports that I created on the server. Can I create paramters at run-time in my code even though I did not create the parameters in the report. Here is my sample code: ReportNum = Test.Left(cboReportList.Text, 9); reportViewer1.ServerReport.Re...

SSRS 2008 - Uniform Chart Legends for multi-chart report

Okay, I have a report with multiple charts in it. I have tried a few different ways to get these charts to format the legend the same way, but i have failed. My goal is to make the legends have the same color scheme and ordering across the different charts. Example, my chart show the count of projects in each of the following fundin...

Reporting Services custom assembly: accessing report parameters

I'm writting a custom assembly to be referenced in a report. I'd like to be able to access the Report object from that assembly, so that I could then access the report parameters and other stuff that I can access in custom RDL code by using Report.stuff. I obviously need to reference some reporting services assembly to do this, yet I ca...

An error has Occurred During Report proccesing

hi , When I'm running the report I'm getting that message above. The Report Works fine when I press the "Run Report" Button but I want also to avoid that annoying message that appears when the page loads. I've tried to set the report viewer control to Enable = false; and only after hitting the button to Enable = true; but it didn't wor...

Querying a view vs tables in SSRS Dataset

Is there a best practice when it comes to using Datasets in SSRS? Should I be writing a query for the dataset that pulls directly from tables, or should I be creating a view in the source database and then querying the view via the Dataset? I understand there are some scenarios where the view would be better (centralizing a view for use...

SSRS show value only on last page in body of report

I'm attempting to show a sum in a table footer on a report. It will be in the body of the report and can't be in the header or footer. The table footer repeats on each page but should show the sum only on the last page. It will show another piece of text on all other pages. Is this possible? Additional pieces of information: The d...

SSRS + e-accute (é) + Chart = Rendering issue

I've got an SSRS report that contains a table and a chart. In the table, the name Café shows up with no problem, but in the chart it gets escaped (rendered as Café). I'm not having any luck finding a solution to this, but I'm aware that its probably something easy I'm doing wrong/overlooking. Can anyone provide some insight? ...

How to trasform a microsoft sql server report service in web application

How can i trasform a microsoft sql server report service in web application or something that i can access on the net? thanks to all that would help me ...

Insert image to reporting project into iif

I would like to insert an image into this expession instead of True and False =IIf(Sum(Fields!cont.Value, "DataSet7")<>Sum(Fields!tot.Value, "DataSet7"), True,False) i would like to insert a red or green image to compare this two fields thanks to all who wants to help me ...

Visual Studio 2008 Report Server Project Design View not working.

When I create a new Reporting Services report or try to open an existing report (that has been working) in Visual Studio 2008. I cannot view the design. I get no error message and it only shows html code in the "Design View". I've tried reinstalling VS2008 and BIDS, but hasn't worked. This was all working when I last used it 2 weeks ago....

credential in reporting service

hi everyone... i have a problem about the credential in reporting service.. when i choose option 'windows authentication' for a report in SQL Server Reporting Services, just administartor that can view the report and the other users can't view the report. but when i set 'credential stored securely in the report server' and enter the user...

Reporting Services - get data into subreports

I'm tasked with reporting on survey data using Reporting Services 2008. My challenge is this: a survey has any number of questions a question is one of three types (a numerical eval, a yes/no question, or a free text) To handle this, I decided to use subreports on my main report, e.g. I defined one report for each of the three que...

Create reusable chart style in reporting services

I would like to be able to change the formatting of groups of reports separately from the content of the report itself. Then if we decide to change the way we present our reports this can be changed in one central style type sheet or something similar. Is this easy to do? Is reporting services capable of this or am I using the wrong tool...

How can I get the date format from an SSRS report from the web service interface?

I get report params in C# code from the webservice as follows: ReportingService2005 ReportingService = ConnectToSSRS(); ReportParameter[] ReportParams = ReportingService.GetReportParameters(reportSelector.SelectedValue, HistoryID, ForRendering, emptyParams, null); DateTime parameters currently seem to always come up as mm/dd/yyyy. W...

SSRS2005 timeout error

Hi I've been running around circles the last 2 days, trying to figure a problem in our customers live environment. I figured I might as well post it here, since google gave me very limited information on the error message (5 results to be exact). The error boils down to a timeout when requesting a certain report in SSRS2005, when a ce...

In VS2010 Beta 2, the Web Report Viewer does not display the content of the report

In VS2010 Beta 2, the Web Report Viewer does not display the content of the report, whether I use Local or Remote mode. It only display the following "disabled" bar [image] The report I created works fine in the Report Server. Here is the code for displaying the report: ReportViewer1.ProcessingMode = ProcessingMode.Remote; ...

Reporting Services Install/Uninstall Fails "Input String..."

I have done my best to install a copy of SQL Server 2008, but have discovered my "Reporting Services" installation has failed. Furthermore, when I attempt to "repair" both the installation (and the "Shared Components" only, per a work-around I found here, will update with link if I find it) I have no had any success, as the SQL Server 2...

SSRS Chart w/Series and Mean

Hi all, I have a chart I'm making in SSRS. My database is returning data like this: Period Name, Question, Answer, Count, Mean, Median Nov 09, Can Haz Chezbrgr, Yes, 5, 4, 3.1 Nov 09, Can Haz Chezbrgr, No, 3, 4, 3.1 Nov 09, Can Haz Chezbrgr, DK, 2, 4, 3.1 Period Name is the primary grouping, question is the same for all rows. Answe...