
SSRS - Still no local rendering of 2008 reports in the latest viewer?

I can't believe this - I just starting developing an SSRS report, using a SQL 2008 Report Server project in VS 2008. When I try to render the report in the VS 2008 ReportViewer control, I get this error The report definition is not valid. Details: The report definition has an invalid target namespace '

Does Visual Studio 2008 can produce/edit local reports(RDLC) for SQL Reporting Services 2008?

Is there way to edit local reports (RDLC) from Reporting Services 2008 with Visual Studio 2008? Now it says that Report element was not found (this is due different schemas). For me this question is actual, because I want provide my customer with ability to design or customize reports with Report Builder 2.0. ...

Splitting flat data row into groupings

I have a stored procedure that returns hierarchical data in a single long row, for example: ContractID | ContractName | AssetID | AssetName | UnitID -----------+--------------+---------+-----------+------- 2 | Test | 7 | My asset | 24 5 | Another one | 51 | Vehicle | 89 I need to create an SSR...

SQL SSRS Object has been disconnected or does not exist at the server

I have a couple stored procedures that run for about 2-3 minutes a piece (lots of data). When I run the stored procedures inside SQL Server Management Studio, the queries run fine and return the appropriate data, however, when I run my SSRS Report, it errors out with "Object has been disconnected or does not exist at the server." Any su...

Reporting Services & Web Application (with HTTPHandler)

We are trying to add SQL Reporting Services to a .Net 2.0 Web Application. SRS has been installed on the server successfully, but we get an error when we try to load a report or access the report manager: Server Error in '/Reports' Application. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Configurat...

SSRS - eliminate stray whitespace between textboxes on a report

I have 4 stacked textboxes in the body of an SSRS report and am getting a stray space / extra line between textboxes 3 & 4. This is for an address block - name / title / email / website. Can't put it in a single textbox with intervening vbcrlf tokens because the email and website are links. I've tried formatting it to remove vertica...

SSRS Report Table Border on Page Break

Hello, My SSRS 2005 report has a border around the table. Currently, if the report goes over two pages, then the following happens: PAGE 1: Border on top, left and right sides. PAGE 2: Border on bottom, left and right sides. I want to have a border at the bottom of page 1 and the top of page 2. FYI: Putting a border on the body doe...

SSRS Row Group + Column Group = RowNumber Issue

I'm back with another SSRS question :-) I'm dealing with survey data. I have a procedure that's returning an organization's response counts per question. So my report is defined as Group on Organization for row and Group on answer for columns. Both the number of organizations and answers are variable. That's working as expected. I'...

SSRS Tablix Sorting w/Row & Column Group

My matrix has a row group (QuestionText) and a Column Group (AnswerText). It looks like this: [AnswerText] [QuestionText] [AnswerCount] My Data looks like this: QuestionText AnswerText AnswerCount Question 1 Yes 2 Question 1 No 1 Question 2 Yes 3 Question 2 ...

Reporting Services formatting

Im currently developing av price list using SQL Reporting Services. In that report I have a list which represents a item category, the list is connected to a datasource and is inceremented for each category in the database. Inside the list I have a table which outputs all items within that category. Everything is working as expected...

Page Break to Report Viewer

I need to set page break for Report Viewer having 3 groups. Need to set page break for every 20 rows including group headers and footers... already i have completed following steps Right click on the table - and choose properties. Select Groups - Add Enter a name for the new group. Enter the expression, you already have: '=Ceiling(Ro...

What's the "cheapest" way to check if a report exists on my Reporting Server?

Given a SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services installation, what's the "cheapest" way to check whether a given report (given by its report name + report path, e.g. /MyReports/SomeOddballReport) exists (or not) ? I see lots of potential candidates on the ReportServer web service - which one is the quickest and the one using the least amount...

How to add an image to an SSRS report with a dynamic url?

I'm trying to add an image to a report. The image src url is an IHttpHandler that takes a few query string parameters. Here's an example: <img src="Image.ashx?item=1234567890&lot=asdf&width=50" alt=""/> I added an Image to a cell and then set Source to External and Value to the following expression: ="Image.ashx?item="+Fields!ItemID....

How to create a link in an iif condition in reporting services

I want to create a link in a condition in reporting services. i have something like iif(SomeField = "Canceled",SomeFiled,SomeField & link) So the output would be: Completed Download Report (with link to report) But if i put html code like: <a href="somelink">Somelink</a> It just spits out the html code, and no link is cr...

SQL Server Reporting Services: combine initial rendering level and interactive expansion

I have a report in SSRS 2008 that shows data aggregated from four levels of grouping. I'm using the ASP.NET ReportViewer control to show the report on my webform. If I show all four levels in detail, the report gets very very long (hundreds of pages). So therefore, I'd like to set a default level to show (1-4) when I render the report -...

I need an alternative to server based Reporting Services

The company that I work for will soon (2Q) no longer be supporting SRS. They want everyone to use Business Objects. I have over 100 SRS reports that I currently use. I need to find out if there is a way to run them locally on our webserver. Some of these reports need parameters to be selected and others get them passed in. I would pref...

Now that I have the report viewer working in Local mode, how do I set the default render method?

I have finally gotten the ReportViewer to work in Local mode. Now I would like a report to render as a PDF or Excel spreadsheet automatically. ...

method in Report Builder custom assembly not found

I'm trying to use a custom assembly in Report Builder 2.0. I have added the assembly to the report via Report Properties > References. When I try to call a public static method in the assembly, I get this message: 'ExtractTag' is not a member of 'ReportsClassLibrary.ReportsClassLibraryTools'. The expression I'm trying to use to c...

Programatically populating ValidValues property of ReportParameters in .NET for SSRS

I am trying to populate an SSRS parameter's ValidValues property at run-time without writing custom stored procedures. The issue is that the available values for a certain parameter change depending on a user's security level. I'd like to keep the logic for it in the code rather than in stored procedures. Is there a way to populated Vali...

Using XML in SQL Server Reporting service + Textbox

I am having data in xml as column in my table. I am retriveing the value select * from customer But my customer column value looks like this <customer exception ="Sam"/> <customer exception ="Jam"/> I need to specify the first two letters of this exception in my sql reports textbox as (S,J) How can I achieve this in SSRS reports...