
Layered Images in Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services

I need to layer two images (transparent gifs) in a report in SSRS 2008. Has anyone ever done this? Thanks for your replies! ...

Manage timeouts in the Reporting Services 2005

Hi. There're some problem. I have a report which is executed long time. When the one hour passes "The page cannot be displayed" error is appear. I think it's smth. with timeout settings. This settings had been increased: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.2\ReportingServices\ReportManager\Web.config C:\Program Files\Microsoft...

SQL speed SSRS optional fields

I'm returning results from the following query which is taking too long when running. I'm not sure how to eliminate the where parameters when they are not used in SSRS. All the @variables are strings select S.SBSB_ID, LTRIM(RTRIM(M.MEME_FIRST_NAME)) + ' ' + LTRIM(RTRIM(M.MEME_LAST_NAME)) AS Names, (CASE M.MEME_REL WHEN 'M' THEN 'Subscr...

Report Error. Deserialization failed: The element 'TableCells' in namespace

I'm trying to create a new report in my application. I'm using the report wizard to try to create my .rdlc file. I am using a stored procedure defined in my linq to sql class. After I complete the wizard steps I get the following error. Can't seem to find much to trouble shoot this error. Deserialization failed: The element ...

Horizontal repeating list in SSRS

How can I make a list of values repeating horizontally in SSRS 2008? I tried to use the steps outlined at but these steps are not congruent with SSRS 2008 and seem to be limited to SSRS 2000/2005. ...

Excel file with multiple sheets from SSRS Reports

Hi, Let's say i have 3 byte arrays, each representin a .xls file. How can i combine them into a single xls file with 3 sheets. The SSRS reports are very rich and include charts sp oledb is not an option. Performance is not important so i could save them to disk if needed, as a last resort i could even use an excel macro (if i knew how ...

Converting RDL report to RDLC for use in MVC

Hi, I have an existing RDL report that I want to convert to an RDLC report for use in an MVC application. According the the MSDN Site the way to convert it is to rename the .rdl file to .rdlc, include it in the project and then use a ReportViewer control to select the datasource. Being MVC I don't have a ReportViewer control on my pa...

(rsErrorOpeningConnection) Could not obtain information about Windows NT group/user

I am trying to deploy a report to the Reporting Services Server but keep running up against this error: An error occurred during client rendering. An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted) Cannot create a connection to data source 'dataSource1'. (rsErrorOpeningConnection) Could not obtain inf...

Best-Practice for SSRS Data Source in ASP.Net MVC Project

I have an existing ASP.Net MVC project that is using entities / repositories in a separate project. I need to add reporting functionality to this project via SSRS and I'm wondering what the best way is to handle data access for it. As I have and a repository data layer implemented I feel that using the database directly and...

SQL SSRS very large extract

Hi I support some very large databases (approaching a terabyte). We currently have an in-house reporting solution, but are investigating the use of SSRS (SQL Reporting Services). However our users sometimes need to extract large volumes of data (many millions of records), which may take a few hours to retrieve. What is an advisable app...

iif statement in Reporting Services only including values in a group

In Reporting Services 2005 I have created a table that has a few groups in it. I would like to perform a rudimentary iif() on one of the columns in the group and though the Intellisense says I am formatting my iif() correctly, when I go to preview the report I am told I am missing my false part. In addition, the ',' after Value is underl...

SQL Server Reporting Services - Set default value for multi-value report parameter

I have a report in SSRS and one of the parameters I use is Cities. The user can select from a list of cities to pull the report for that location, or multiple locations. My datset is simply a select * from tblCities. When I run the report, I do see that one of the options is "Select All." But, I'm wondering - is there a way I can get...

Know of a good migration plan for SSRS 2005 reports?

Traditionally, our plucky team of developers have always migrated our own reports into production. This task is now being taken up by our support staff, who'll need detailed instructions to do so. We have always deployed straight from VS2005, which can be made available to the new migrators. Is there a better way to migrate these repo...

Backing up Subscriptions in Reporting Services 2005

Is there a way to back up the subscriptions i have created on my reporting services server? I store the reports in a source control and it would be nice to back up the subscription aswell incase something happens to the server and they are lost. ...

Newbie Building Reports with Microsoft Reporting Services

I have an Access db file, and I need to slice and dice the data for various reports that my boss wants. Is Microsoft Reporting Services a tool that is appropriate for this kind of activity? If so, would I import the Access data in SQL Server, then the reporting services is a tool that works on SQL Server, allowing the report builder to ...

An error occurs when rendering to PDF from Reporting Services.

I have a report in M$ reporting services that renders just fine to the screen (when viewing the report through the reporting services web interface), but when I go to export that to a PDF it errors. The following YSOD is shown when trying to access the report via web services, but the report errors when rendering to PDF from the reporti...

Have sub report overflow to seperate page

I have a Report with a sub report with details. There is a complex footer area with variables on the page. I want any overflow on the sub report to be created on a second page. What is the easiest approach? ...

SSRS 2008 Reports Deployment

What is the recommended best practice for reports deployment in SSRS 2008. We have a solution where the reports are accessed from the application using webservices exposed from SSRS and also we allow end users to schedule reports (schedules created using webservices in SSRS). Whenever we change reports, we have to redeploy the reports wh...

Parameter layout

I have four parameters in my report. Now I want to configure the report to show only one parameter in every line. In this case I want to have 4 parameter rows. Is this possible? ...

SSRS 2005 How to Print 4" X 3" label as Portrait.. SSRS assumes Landscape

I have a SSRS 2005 report form that is printing to a Zebra ZDesigner TLP 2844-Z label printer. The Interactive and Page sizes are set to 4" wide by 3" high. Since there is no paper orientation in SSRS, it is assuming this to be a landscape report when it should be a portrait thereby printing the labels sideways. The users are able t...