
Number formatting in SSRS 2008

SSRS 2008 reports are being developed using T-SQL Queries. The requirement is to display the numbers in Indian format. E.g 1234568 should be shown as 12,34,568. SSRS is applying thousand seperator(i.e 1234568 is shown as 1,234,568) only, though number format is set to regional settings for all the report items and the regional settings i...

Getting started with SQL Server Reporting Services

I'd like to set up SQL Server Reporting Services but I don't know where to start. The books out there are okay but don't seem to fit what I need to do. That is, I want to set up my ASP.NET 3.5 application to be able to view reports I create, both in a web report viewer and downloadable as PDF/Excel. What are the basic steps to do this?...

ASP.NET SQL Server report writer that will work under medium trust

I am looking for recommendations on a reporting alternative that I can use in my ASP.NET applications, against a SQL Server 2008 database, that will run under a "Medium Trust" security option. I have all my clients hosted under my Rackspace/Mosso cloud solution, and have run into this stumbling block. I'd hate to have to go back to a d...

Why are SSRS (+Dundas) 2008 reports exported as PDF bigger than 2005?

We are creating large reports in SSRS 2008 (with Dundas) that when exported to PDF, are coming out with a file size of about 4.5MB. The same reports in 2005 came out at just under 1MB. Is there something configurable that can be changed? We've experimented with setting the global DPI configuration down to 96 in SSRS, but this doesn't ...

Complex graph in Reporting Services?

I'm trying to imitate this graph, or get as close as feasible: Features: Codes at the bottom (Need to have) Rate at the side (Need to have) Both this year's dataset and last year's dataset (Need to have) Up-bars and downbars to indicate improvement / deterioration (Nice to have) I know how to create it in Excel: Create a line gr...

SSRS 2005 - Printing report with matrix and a list gives blank pages every other page

Hi, I am using SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 (SSRS 2005) to build an A4 portrait report. This report contains some text data and a matrix placed on a list so a horizontal table effect is created (with the columns representing the various repeating fields). The problem I am encountering is that, when exporting the report to PDF (or ...

Error when calling Render method on reporting services 2008

Hi, I've moved my web application to a new server, when it calls the render method on the reporting services 2008 web service it brings back the error "Client found response content type of '', but expected 'text/xml'. The request failed with an empty response". It works fine on my development machine. Does anyone know what might be ca...

rsExecutionNotFound error in SQL Server Reporting Services

I have a SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 installation that has worked great for a few years now, but has been giving me occasional glitches recently. I'm using the default reporting services website instead of embedding reports into my application, which has proven a very efficient way to deploy the reports. The OS is Windows Server...

Execution cannot be found (rsExecutionNotFound)

Hi, I keep getting the errror "Execution 'APPLICATION ID' cannot be found (rsExecutionNotFound)" using SQL Server Reporting. It keeps happening for the same user, with the same application ID. While it happens for some other users it happens a lot for this one user. I have tried increasing the session timeout as menetioned here: http://...

Accessing binary data from SQL reporting services

Hi, ive had some experience working with SQL server and reporting services for standard data types however i am now trying to develop a report that contains binary data. Example - i have a table with approximately 5 fields and the last field is a binary data field that contains a pdf inside it. I want to have a report that shows the fi...

How can I use pixels in Visual Studio instead of inches?

I'm making reports in Business Intelligence Designer Studio (VS 2005). My reports will be viewed primarily on the screen, and I'd like to change my ruler to pixels instead of inches. Is this possible? ...

FastReport page orientation change in Delphi

Does anybody know how to design report in FastReport so that when user changes page orientation all column headers and data autofits new page width? I couldn't find any anchor mechanism there. Maybe I can do that during run-time? But then I need to catch page orientation change event somehow. Can anybody help? ...

Install reporting services 2005 on a web server

I have a SQL box and a web box; the SQL box is close to capacity. I'd like to install reporting services and thought about installing it on a SQL instance i would install on the web box, and only use that instance for reporting services. Is this a good option? What pitfalls will I have if I try to do this? ...

Simple SQL Reporting Services Question

I'm just writing up a feasibility study for a project and before I go in too deep, can I get a .net program to get a list of reports for a server in SQL Reporting Services? In other words, if someone adds a new report, we want it to show in the list. Also, can you get information in detail about the report via some sort of enumeration? ...

sql reporting services deployment

I am a beginner user of SQL Reporting Services. I wrote a few reports. They all use stored procedures on my development SQL server. Now I want to deploy them into production, and repoint the datasets and datasources to my production SQL db. How best to do this? Can I just do a global change from development_server_name to production_ser...

How to embed file attachments from TFS work item into SSRS 2008 report

Hi I have a few work items in TFS 2008 with file attachments. I have generated a custom report based on the TFS work item data using ssrs 2008. Now I wanted to embed file attachments (related to the work items) within the ssrs report. How to extract the attachments from tfs database and embed in the report? Thanks. ...

Setting datasource on a Reporting Service report

hi all i have a drop down list contains the name of reports and each report have a value (1,2,3...) and i have a popup window that appears when user click on view report button this popup is a web page that contains the report viewer ,,in cs of this popup page i have a swtich that takes int which is the value of the report eg.if i want...

Previous(sum(.......), Previous(avg(........)

I can work okay with Previous(sum(.......)) in Reporting Services (in expressions), but in the same expression I need to use Previous with an average i.e. Previous(avg(......)). It won't let me do the latter, is there any other way that this can be written? Thanks in advance. AW ...

SSRS 2008 export to MS Word issue

Hi I have a ssrs 2008 report which when exported to word gives all sorts of horizontal and verticals lines with data in between and also does not include the image. As an example please see the below snapshot of the original report: << THERE IS AN IMAGE HERE >> And now the word export snapshot: << THE IMAGE IS MISSING FROM EXPORT >...

How to hide SSRS ReportViewer URL following a form with POST method

I'm trying to use SSRS URL access ( ....) such that the URL with hidden report parameters is never visible in the browser. Many references suggest that simply encapsulating the Report/Server url within a form with method=post will do the trick. While the form posts without showing an param in t...