
Is nested DataSets possible in SSRS 2005 ?

Hi all, Is it possible to have an outer table mapped to a dataset and use another table inside the outer table which maps to a second dataset,where the second dataset should take the feild value from the first dataset(as parameter) to pull data? Please comment Thanks in advance, San ...

Automatic page break inside Reporting Services list item

Dear all, I have to make a SSRS rdlc report which displays a list of data in a free form. I'm using the list control for reporting services to achieve that. Tha final puspose of this report is to be exported to PDF. My list items have a variable height, based on the content. The problem is that when I export to PDF, the renderer tries...

SSRS Report Viewer in MVC app (but web form) gives me the following error

Hello, I'm getting the following error for a web form page in an MVC application. I'm trying to set the parameters programmatically (so the report has an ID/year parameters and I set both with valid values), and I get the error: The parameter '{0}' cannot be an empty string. Parameter name: cookie.Domain Any idea why I am getting thi...

SSRS Report in MVC APP (web form page) and ViewState

Hello, I am not able to use the SSRS report viewer in a web form page within a MVC application. It all works great, but when the control goes to render I always get the error within the control: ASP.NET ViewState has been disabled. The Report Viewer control requires that ViewState be enabled. I set EnableViewState to true on the con...

Calling custom C# code from SSRS 2008 report

Hi I want to call a function written in C# from within ssrs 2008 report. Following is a close representation of the actual C# function to be called public void GetAttachment(string serverName) { TeamFoundationServer tfsServer = new TeamFoundationServer(serverName); tfsServer.Authenticate(); WorkItemStore workItemStore = new Wo...

Code Access Security / Permission issue with executing custom assembly from SSRS 2008 report

Hi I have created a dll consisting of a class and a static function to fetch attachments from TFS database. Below is the static function public static List<string> GetAttachments(int workItemId) { string tfsReportServerUrl = "http://&lt;&lt;ServerName&gt;&gt;:8080/"; List<String> files = new List<strin...

Group totals having a problem

Hi i have a report that gives details about warehouse packages. i was asked to insert shipping address and id number on the top. so as per their requirement it should be on the page header. but as we know we cannot add fields to page header. so what i did was i created a group by ship to name and inserted all the values in it. that was ...

ASP.NET Printing using Reporting Services

Original question: How can I allow my users to select a printer tray when printing a Reporting Services report from my ASP.NET application? Follow up: Just to follow up, my question was rubbish. I should have phrased it as.. Is it possible, using reporting services, when printing the report to say "page X" goes to tray 1, "Page Y" go...

Strategies for populating a Reporting/Data Warehouse database

For our reporting application, we have a process that aggregates several databases into a single 'reporting' database on a nightly basis. The schema of the reporting database is quite different than that of the separate 'production' databases that we are aggregating so there is a good amount of business logic that goes into how the data ...

VS 2008 Reporting Services report definition generation

I'm using VS 2008 to generate a Reporting Services report definition. The problem is that whenever I try to load a report definition from a stream I get an error. I have the following code: var loaded = XDocument.Load(filePath); LocalReport ret = new LocalReport(); using (var stream = new MemoryStream()) { var writer = new StreamWr...

Does Microsoft SQL Report Builder require Reporting Services running at all?

I'm having trouble figuring this out. I stopped ALL of local SQL Services, e.g. SQL Server, SQL Agent, Reporting Services. Then using Report Builder 2.0 to create a report connecting to a remote SQL Server (No SSRS running) out in the farm. When I click on "Run" button, for some odd reasons, it still render the report. I thought you ...

How to pass Multivalued parameters through URL in SSRS 2005

Hi All, I have main matrix report and I want to navigate my sub report from main report by Jump To URL:(Using below JavaScript function) method. ="javascript:void('http://localhost/ReportServer/Pages/ReportViewer.aspx?%2fKonsolidata_Data_Exporting_Project%2fEXPORT_REPORT_TEST&amp;rs:Command=Render&amp;RP_cntry="+Fields!STD...

SQL Server Reporting Services Median question

I have a single table that houses student scores by their classes. For example, each class has 30 students, so there are 30 scores for each class. I'd like to do a simple report that averages, does a median, and a mode, for each data set per class. So, each class will have an average, a median, and a mode. I know that SQL Server does not...

Report viewer from SQL reporting services in VS 2008 report control

Report viewer from SQL reporting services in VS 2008 report control If I create a new report in VS 2008 they have a .rdlc extension and work correctly. I have some reports that I was using in SQL reporting services. Extensions are .rdl and want to get them to work with VS 2008. I copied the rdl files and the files over to VS ...

Page footer not appearing on Reporting Services 2005 exported-to-PDF report

I am trying to migrate a report from Excel to Reporting Services. The content is in place - each former spreadsheet is now a subreport in a report. The trouble is, my formatting is misbehaving. The footer I've set will appear everywhere except in the production export: It appears when I'm in BIDS' Preview mode If I click "Print" fro...

SSRS Forms Auth Yields "Membership credential verification failed"

We're running SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 (SSRS) with a custom security extension to integrate with our ASP.NET's Forms Authentication, and are seeing a peculiar problem on one environment only. The SSRS portal itself works fine - can see list of reports and execute them ok. The problem is when running the reports from our custo...

Getting windows account username of the client accessing the ssrs report.

Hi Is there a way to get windows account username of the client accessing the ssrs report. If user is accessing reports on server B from machine A how can we get the user's windows username in the SSRS report? I used User!UserID and it worked fine since I was running it from my local machine. As soon as it was deployed to a different ...

ReportViewer SSL error

Hello, I am using the ReportViewer control and periodically I get the following error: "Error encountered displaying report. The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel. Inner Exception: The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure." I've be...

SSRS Sub-Report Won't Load Until Refresh

I have an SSRS 2008 report with a sub-report that takes a selected value as a parameter. For example, I have a report that takes in @ProjectID and then selects ClientID. If I pass [ClientID] as a parameter to the sub report I get an error the first time I load the report. However, subsequent loads (clicking refresh) all work fine. I do n...

How to prevent autoresizing body in SSRS report

I have a report that has a header and footer that are both set up to fill the whole A4 length (minus margins of course) because I have some information on the far right and far left of each of them. Now in the body I have a List Element that allows me to have a tablix report and a chart next to each other. The body is also sized propery ...