
Execution 'iwy2vpzo52pmp555ftfn4455' cannot be found (rsExecutionNotFound)

Some users get the following error when running reports. • Execution 'iwy2vpzo52pmp555ftfn4455' cannot be found (rsExecutionNotFound) They run fine in the morning. Any suggestions? Thank you ...

Repeating Chart in SSRS?

Hi, I'm working on some reports in SSRS 2005. I have a bit of experience of SSRS, but I can't figure out for the life of me how to do this. The report pulls in a data set from a stored procedure. Then I basically want to generate a Pie Chart for each row in the dataset. How on earth can I make the chart control repeat n times? is i...

The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.

I read this blog post. We have a similar solution that we have been using for a year now. We are using IReportServerConnection2 interface implementation to provide the credentials to the report server d...

In Reporting Services, how do you force a report to execute when any parameter is changed?

I have 2 drop down parameters on my report (not linked). How do I make it so that when I change any one of those parameters the report refreshes? I see the following options which sounds exactly like what I want, but it doesn't work... ...

"The remote host closed the connection. The error code is 0x80072746." On cancelling a big report export.

Hi, I get the following exception when i try to cancel the download of SSRS report export. It is generated by Reserved.ReportViewerWebControl.axd file. Is there anything i can do to prevent this exception? I did google before posting here but really didn't find anything useful. System.Web.HttpException: The remote host closed the con...

Multi Column RDLC report, with the data flowing from Left to Right instead of Top to Bottom

Does anyone know how to create an RDLC subreport with multiple columns that flow from left to right instead of Top to bottom. The report will show a list of words, say for examples colors. I need the colors to be displayed like this : Red Yellow Blue Black Orange Purple So far I've used a subr...

Microsoft Reporting Server Chart x-axis question

I have a simple chart, and on the x-axis I have numbers ranging from 10000 to 10031. The numbers are from a SQL call, and these values have values, which are plotted on the y-axis, just a simple chart. The chart is only showing six of the numbers between 10000 and 10031, and having the user figure out the other numbers, I suppose to avoi...

How to force word wrap in reporting services?

I have a report that renders out text, sometimes that text is a long string of characters and when I export to word the columns that are generated are stretched out. I need to force a word wrap of the text even if it breaks a word (long string of text). ...

Reporting services print to pdf (not export) fails?

When you hit the print icon in reporting services and choose a print to pdf service (such as Adobe) and error occurs and it never prints. What could be the cause of this issue? In our business use, we are not using the reporting services web front end to print these reports, we are using a windows app that does that from reporting serv...

Reporting System Architecture

We have built enterprise/LOB software that, for example, manages orders, customers, inventory, etc. in .NET 3.5 and SQL Server 2008. We do all kinds of reporting such as traditional reports (SQL queries) dashboards (with charts, lists, etc.) alerts (e.g. if an order is cancelled, email a supervisor) Right now, we are querying our op...

SSRS Expression Error, how to debug?

Hi, Is there any way to properly debug a VB cell expression within an SSRS report? I'm getting an #error coming up when I'm convinced the data is fine for the expression. The expression is: "Total Opportunities ("+SUM(IIF(Fields!OpportunityEstValue.Value > 0, 1, 0)).ToString()+")" Within the data being supplied the OpportunityuEstV...

Reporting Services - translating labels into different languages

I'm finishing up my reports in my SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services project, and as one of the last steps, I need to make things translateable. Since I have a bunch of reports, and they all share some identical labels, I decided to put all those labels I need to show into a SQL Server table, and I am surfacing that contents as a DataSe...

Image resize Reporting Services

Im struggeling to make Reporting Services to do as I want. I have a list of categories, which again have a list of products. Category 1 - Item 1.1 - Item 1.2 ... Category 2 - Item 2.1 - Item 2.2 ... Each category have their own image, and the image is shown correctly. I have set the Size->Display property on the image to Fit propotiona...

SSRS and Health Monitoring

Has anyone implemented ASP.NET Health Monitoring with SSRS? I need a better solution for error notification, then SSRS currently have. Any help would be great. Thank You, ...

What reporting tool do you suggest for an enterprise level ASP.Net MVC application?

In one of the enterprise-level projects, we are using ASP.Net MVC for the web application portion. The reporting system is a huge system with hundreds of reports plus adhoc reporting, printing and notifications, the whole nine yards. Although we are using MVC for the web portion, the reporting doesn't need to be in the same technology, ...

How do you include 2 report formats on a single reporting services email subscription?

I have a subscription set up in sql server reporting services to email me a report every morning in mthml format, which outlook will render out in an email. I also want this report to be emailed to me in pdf format so that I can save it. Is it possible to set up a single subscription that includes both a pdf and mthml report format? ...

SSRS multiple data regions in one report

I'm trying to use SSRS to print a "batch" of 1-page invoices. The invoice has a "header" that lays out well in a list data region linked to dataset1. The "detail" section lays out well in a table data region linked to adataset2. Dataset 2 have a FK reference field to dataset1. I've tried using parameters to pass the values of the "...

TFS Burn down charts

Hi I want to create a simple ssrs report showing rolling burndown chart for each team member in a particular iteration/sprint. So if 5 members are on the team then there should a burndown chart for each of the member depiciting the remaining effort (in hrs) against last 30 days. This will be a rolling time period from present date to la...

Problem facing to run ruport from other machine

I am using SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services and set mode remotely. All is going fine and reports running on my machine. I am not using report viewer control, but switch to browser. Problem is that when I access the report from any other system in browser by providing required url. I m getting the following premission error: Serve...

VB.Net Function Optimization (SSRS Report Code)

I came across the following code recently and would like to optimize it: Public Shared Function ComputeLabel(ByVal Action As Integer, ByVal Flag1 As Boolean, ByVal Flag2 As Boolean) As String Dim Prefix As String = "" If Flag2 Then Prefix = "Conditional " ElseIf Flag1 Then Prefix = "Held " End If Select Case...