
Typing delay in SSRS 2008 report designer.

When creating a report using VS 2008 there is a typing delay in all the textboxes on the report designer. When I type in a textbox, whether a lone textbox or a textbox within a tablix, the text will not appear until approximately three seconds after I stop typing. I've recently installed SQL Server 2008 and I did not have this problem ...

SSRS: Conditionally hiding columns based on parameter values - CSV export ignores

I have a simple table based report in SSRS 2008, There are 10 columns and each column has a corresponding parameter to determine whether the column should be shown. I achieve this by setting the Column Visibility option you get when right clicking on the column header in design mode. In my case I choose to 'Show or Hide based on an expre...

How To Speed Up Loading DataSets

When Using SQL Server Reporting Services (client Reports), whenever a Client (rdlc) report Opens Visual Studio Loads entire application datasets, how to speedup loading this all datasets or how to change the process to only load specific Dataset to use in Report ? ...

Doing conditional formatting on empty cells.

I'm currently building a matrix style report. After each rowgroup, i would like to add in a nice 2pt solid black border. Unfortunately not all fields in the matrix will have data in them, and therefore i don't seem to be able to use conditional formatting on the cell level. I've tried using IIF(RowNumber("group") = 1, "Black", "Light ...

Reporting Services: there's data but it is not displayed in ReportViewer

I'm pretty new to Reporting Services though I have a lot of experience with Crystal Reports and databases (and MS Access reports if that counts ;-). Anyway, I created simple reporting project in VS2008 using wizard, with simple stored procedure that has 2 options parameters - and since they're optional I do not assign their values. There...

Changing Row Height in Excel after Rendering by ASP.Net SSRS ReportViewer

I have an SSRS report that has a Comments field where there's enough text to span multiple rows per record. It renders fine in the ASP.Net ReportViewer control, but when it's exported the formatting can be different. Exporting to Word it looks fantastic. But exporting to Excel and PDF, the row height for each record is never increased...

Reporting Services - Get the results for a specific period through a longer period

Hello, I have a table that retrieves data over a 3 day period on an hourly basis, there are several different machines that work on a specific bottle for a period of time, during the three day period there could be several different bottles go on that machine. I want to show the results of the 1st bottle during the time that they were ...

Filtering a dataset WITHOUT hitting the database or re-rendering the report.

I have a reporting services 2005 report that filters a table based on what a user clicks on. I have a parameter named @regionId. When this param is null I don't filter any of my results, when it is not null, I filter based on the regionId. All this filtering is performed in a stored procedure. The parameter is set when the users clicks ...

Slow performance of Reporting Services, very fast in QueryAnalyser

We're using SQL Server 2005 with Reporting Services. We have a number of reports, each containing a relatively simple SQL query - by "relatively" I mean that we do have a few joins, but nothing worse than that. We do not call any stored procedures in our queries - this is not a case of parameter sniffing. When executing one of these re...

How can I allow users to switch data sources for an SSRS report?

I have two SQL Server databases with identical schemas, but different data. I also have SSRS generating reports, in native mode, for one of the databases. All reports the same shared data source. I would like to allow users to get reports for the other database. I created a second shared data source for the second database. Modifying th...

Creating nested queries in Query Designer of Report Services

Hello, I am using Query Designer to build my query for Report Services. The query required is quite complex and needs several sub queries results in it. I can probably type those queries manualy in the text editor but that will be quite ugly, is there a way to utilize the visual editor to create the nesting/new tables? Thanks ...

Reporting Services - Get the results for a specific period through a longer period

Original Question with Query attached as requested, thank you Hello, I have a table that retrieves data over a 3 day period on an hourly basis, there are several different machines that work on a specific bottle for a period of time, during the three day period there could be several different bottles go on that machine. I want to show...

How to reference in SSRS report (in client mode) objects from application

Hi, I have a report created in SSRS in client mode, which is run disconnected: I create the data source in code and pass to the report as a DataView. It works ok. But I need to be able to reference from the project to some objects (variables, whatever) from my application, as follows: I need some totals that are not calculated based ...

Checkbox on Sql Server Reporting Services Report

I'm working on a report in SSRS 2005 that is a questionnaire with yes/no answers. Trying to get a checkbox on the report. Have tried using windings for the font and an iif statement to set the character, but that doesn't come out correctly when exporting to PDF. I'm using local reports, not from a report server. ...

Howto: Display a parameter on a SQL Server Report?

I'm creating some reports in Visual Studio BIDS, out of our SQL Analysis Server 2008. The report works fine, and uses an MDX query with parameters. So far, so good. The problem is that I would like to display the parameter on the report. For example, I would like to display the 'Month' of the Date parameter, but it shows up on the repor...

SSRS How to add a tablix footer group

SSRS Newbie and feeling a bit silly. Im working on my first report(in VS 2008) and cant seem to work out the group footer for my tablix. This must sound really simple but how do I add it and configure it to show on every page of my report? I have the group header working fine but I want the overall totals to display at the bottom of eac...

How can I get the data from Plain Old Java Objects to Oracle BI Publisher?

I have a customer who uses Oracle BI Publisher. Today we have to write stored procedures and execute those from BI Publisher to get the data out. Similar to that we have to use DAOs to execute stored procs and get the data out. I wonder if it would be possible to integrate BI Publisher with DAOs that would get the data DIRECTLY from da...

Recommended Overview Book specifically on SQL Server 2005

I need a good overview book on SQL server 2005. I'm trying to move from SQL server 2000/DTS to SQL server 2005/SSIS. I've searched around on safari and most books seem to be about a specific part of SQL Server 2005 or a particular principle. I'm wondering if anyone can specifically recommend a solid book that covers the following areas ...

SSRS 2008 Excel Currency Cell Format

I'm using SSRS 2008 and I have a financial report. I would like the dollar amounts in my table to be in currency or number format when exported to Excel. Currently they end up being text. I have trying a few things to see if its even possible. I removed the table header, didn't use the $ sign, and converted the field to decimal, but no...

SSRS: How to show a percentage of overall total in a group header

I have a report that shows customer appointments, by sales rep for the past 3 months grouped by customer sector. In the Customer Sector group header, I want to show the percentage of the overall total of customers in this sector that the appointments represent. For example, my report shows that 6 appointments were made by John Smith fo...